coworker constantly sniffing

You have a meeting. Morning all. My sister had a theory that putting patchouli on the soles of her feet somehow cleansed the impurities out of her system. Someone who sits near me is forever grunting, snorting and wheezing. Dodging issues, acting oblivious or playing dumb, changing the subject to distract away from the issue, canceling meetings, and avoiding people. For me those are much worse than perfume. When my problem first started, I steadfastly blamed the people around me for being inconsiderate and expected them to fix it. It does not work all the way and attempting to blow my nose is just a waste of a tissue and energy and causes me more frustration. Never again! Oh gosh, nothing makes you paranoid like cat pee. The advice is spot on. Try using earplugs. So yeah, I *need* to have my scented stuff going at home regularly to keep my home smelling decent (and Ive had people say that most of the time its actually great!) Blech! Time. She still cant stand to smell it. I recommend using those products only with direction from your doctor., Nasal obstruction. McCoy is a journalism graduate of Ryerson University. Almost everyone I know who wears that kind of scent is white, and I really hope that OP is, too. Some apple scent, maybe. I'm 29, she's in her thirties. I get youI dont like the taste of turkey. My MIL uses a very nicely scented oil diffuser in her house (several, actually, its a big place) and whenever my husband visits I can always smell it on him and all his clothes, even after a plane flight. Unless you saw an allergist or ENT doctor, you might never know you have it., With such a long list of possible causes, how do you get to the bottom of your runny-nose problems? And that smell near OP could be interpreted that way by the co-worker. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. They might even do it when it's inconvenient for themselves. My friend actually did his dissertation on this topic. Scent memory is powerful. Im crying foul. And many, many people will never consider that they might unwittingly be the source of a problem. Me three. Um no. LPR causes post-nasal drip, a lump in the throat feeling, and can cause . I doubt shes likely to react well to someone suggesting this possibility. At this point, the issue is that she has a coworker whos being rude and snarky to her, not that she should just stop using bubble bath on weekends or so forth. I have found literally one laundry detergent that doesnt make me break out in hives. Psychiatry 22 years experience. Im not allowed to wear headphones at work, but occasionally when the boss is out I sneakily put some on anyway and I can hear her sniffling even with white noise, pink noise, and any kind of music at full blast. If your friends wear/are around patchouli I doubt they would be able to smell residual fragrance. Back to old man smell. LW didnt disclose her ethnicity (and she shouldnt feel pressured to) but I know from having friends with various backgrounds (some Indian, some black, etc) that, for example, sometimes someone of Indian heritage will be mocked for smelling like curry, even when they dont. BUT youve gone above and beyond. Because you sniffle 24/7 and you dont ever even try to blow your fucking nose.. Shampoo? Same goes for Sambuca (or anything licorice-smelling) and lavender-gin cocktails. I have to add that this isnt to imply that OP has an odd personal smell at all! It's driving me crazy trying to get to sleep and I'm beginning to think it's more of ahabitual thing rather than medical. Agreed. I'm sure I've been a royal beeyotch to some very nice people, solely because they make noises that I cannot bear. Consideration and empathy cut both ways. And its one of the most powerful triggers available. Your nose can react to irritants that arent known allergens, Dr. Reisman says. Learn how we can help. Dont wear it to work, fine. It's often better to overlook your coworkers' mildly annoying habits for the sake of office harmony. Adding some baking soda along with that can help too. Scent is the one sense that bypasses the frontal part of the brain and hits directly into the limbic system of the brain. Even the most proper person has burped and sniffed on occasion; because these are common bodily functions, it's impossible to completely avoid doing them. Your coworkers shoot you irritated looks as you clear your throat (again). Or, you could treat it like other medical accommodations, and look to HR for guidance on how to make things work. Maybe the hierarchy of OP compared to the coworker is part of this. Dont wear it to work is really reasonable, but asking someone to never use it is not like you said, there are other scents that are also hated by some. Take AAMs suggestions to speak to Manager or to take it to HR and see what kind of reaction you get. I think it would be pretty unreasonable for someone whos bothered by it to insist that, for instance, a coworker stop treating their psoriasis appropriately just because of the smell of their shampoo. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But that requires A: Absolutely believing the coworker that they smell something, and convincing them you believe them and realio trulio WANT to get to the bottom of this. Patchouli has actually been a key scent note for Dior for decades :-). We had all worked together for over two years before this started. Also, sniffing is very commonly associated with allergies. Guess what? Decrease the authority you have in the workplace, over a team or within a project group. I smell :(. Im not going to cycle through god knows how many detergents and cleaning products to find one that both works for our youngest kid (eczema), is affordable, and isnt bothersome/an allergen to a random third party. There is something wrong with this. I worked with someone at OldJob who LOVED Avon products, nearly all of which set off symptoms. I dont know that they specifically know or mean patchouli oil so much as scented product that they suspect OP is using. I still cant eat creme brulee. I cant think of anything else that I can do. Life is hard enough without complaining about the scents that dont try to kill me. Anyway, since then the smell is so offensive to me. I'm glad she's miserable about being single. Im super-sensitive to the smell of tobacco smoke, but this does go to show you that it can linger in unexpected places. Telecommuting, or disability, at that point. Sounds like this is a common bullying tactic. I so rarely tell anyone if their perfume or whatever bothers me (especially since it is often some other product that it scentedpeople who use scented detergents can smell really strongly to me) because it seems so loaded. You could try the old Smellers the feller line. I am not moving again. Not to sound unkind, but Im not double-washing my entire wardrobe in vinegar and different detergent, throwing out candles, etc. I cant handle it at all! Wait, shes not allergic or so scent-sensitive that its giving her headaches, or other negative physiological effects? If it is bullying, then standing up for your right not to be verbally abused may help. Time for bending over backwards is past here. I just get so anxious about it that I smell phantom pee. Move there. Reader asks how to solve a nearby co-worker's sniffling problem Perspective by Judith Martin , Nicholas Martin and Jacobina Martin February 5, 2022 at 12:00 a.m. EST Article Dear Miss Manners: I. Southern Comfort for me. Heres an analogy I came up with: Imagine you are in a burning building and if you dont get out immediately, you will pass out from the smoke and/or get burned. Yes. I understand having to accommodate a coworker with an ADA request (although correct me if Im wrong but I believe that would come directly from the company and likely wouldnt require everyone to replace all scented everything they own because that seems like an unreasonable accommodation) but in this case its a coworker who is ceaselessly complaining about the OPS existence rather than her actual scent, based on the steps shes taken. But wayward snacks and toys arent the only things that can block nasal passages. I just wanted to thank you for being considerate to your coworker and refraining from wearing your perfumes to work. Its like once I hear a sound that bothers me, I can no longer filter it out. Theyve done studies where a bunch of cotton balls are all scented with the same unscented lotion and then people rate and describe the smell of the different unnamed new scents that have different art with them. Which sucks majorly. Allow your puppy little sniff breaks along the walk to decompress from walking alongside you in Heel and get their fill of scents. Since the boss is familiar with the situation, its really up to the boss to insist that short of a doctors order, theres nothing to be done. I wasnt rude or mean, just cold and matter-of-fact about the whole thing. If you let mgmt/HR know you want to do what you can to address your co-workers sensitivities, youll be seen as proactive and sympathetic. I also think that the manager needs to be a little more forceful with the coworker about the comments- tell the coworker to knock it off. . Or heck, if OP stores the oils on or in her dresser, it may be that some of the clothing items have picked up a hint of the scent. I hadnt thought about what a can of worms that would be! Ugh, the patchouli/indie oil people I know best are white, so that didnt even occur to me, but it maybe should have. Dont even know if it was the pecan pie, but havent been able to eat it since (19 years on!). Sometimes though, the cat wee smell will catch up to me and Ill get home from work and WHOA. This co-worker is handling things very immaturely, but patchouli is a big red flag. There are a lot of people who are sensitive to perfumes but dont act like jerks. Learn about the causes of chronic congestion, postnasal drip and constant sniffling and how to treat it. Until I got sick after drinking too much of it (and not eating enough) at an awkward dinner party. It is very distinct to those of us with sensitivities. I suppose its possible but we have zero information from the letter to indicate race. There were some pretty extreme suggestions about changes that OP could make to try and address it there too my favorite was keeping your clothes in dry-cleaning bags and dressing in the garage! I have been very confused about the comments. Lets see if we can narrow down where/what it is.. Yes, I think this is a big difference too. Plus I like the scents I have. I developed a sniff several years ago. I really hope thats not it. I have spent years finding a shampoo routine that doesnt make my hair look really clean, but is passable, affordable, and most importanly doesnt make me bleed. assigning women extra work to help them, calling out when youre in the ER, and more. I doits with very specific chewing noises (luckily not allI know some people with this who cant go anywhere people are eating). Are the other coworkers having this issue with the coworker too? Plus, it may turn out that many of OPs scent-sensitive strategies are unnecessary, and that they can indeed wear some scented products. I live in a dry dusty climate then rainy for about 4 months. *Hugs* to you. Also, the day she complained I wasnt even wearing patchouli! I believe it also has been done with similar results for people of color. They have to go out in public and buy groceries, get gas, go to the doctor, and basically interact with a whole plethora of other humans and nonhumans who all emit various smells. :). Yeah she can look for more scent sources, but none of this makes any sense. and if tissues don't work for someone there are medications and netty pots and SO MANY alternatives to sniffling forever and ever. I cannot imagine going to work everyday without perfume on. Or she hates the smell of all shampoo. Possibly the only personal anecdote less interesting than a story about a dream you had, that doesn't involve the listener. Thats a good idea! Its not so bad, really, to catch a whiff here or there, but a lot of patchouli is in the form of oil, which makes it even more concentrated and in your face. On a sidewalk, on a windy day. Which is a good thing to have anyway. Best of luck OP and as an aside, I LOVE patchouli. The common cold is a viral infection that most people recover from in a week to 10. It doesnt help with co-worker, but since what co-worker is doing can be utterly crazy making and gaslighting feeling, I hope it helps you see how it could be just her. In this particular case, I think the OP has done enough and its time to bring the boss in to either shut down the rudeness or find the coworker a new place to sit. Oh, its called scent layering? Another coworker can have an anaphylactic reaction to some scents. Do not reply with anger just because the customer is being immature and working through their anger in an unhealthy way. Haha, Im not sure if this is a good idea, but I love it. We embarked on a months-long quest to find soaps and laundry soap that he liked and that I could tolerate, but you know hes my significant other! Scent-free initiatives always seem so invasive to me. I agree with you, and I think that so many of the suggestions here were way over the top. Im sure she thinks that the scent is gone I have no doubt about her sincerity and Im also pretty sure Id be able to tell on the Monday if shed worn patchouli that weekend. Also changing all your hygiene products is actually pretty freaking arduous for a lot of people. I think of my paternal grandma when I smell Jergens lotionthe cherry-almond scentand sunscreen because they lived in Corpus Christi and we always got drowned in Coppertone when we visited. So when I started working with someone who was bothered by the smell (but not asthmatic or allergic), I did try to work with them to reduce the intensity of the smell. Hopefully your boss can accommodate and move her, or you? Im going to ask that we stop with those suggestions now and instead focus on how she should deal with the coworker, which I think will be more helpful to her. I love that Coppertone smell! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Agree. Its not reasonable to expect your workplace to be completely purged of every patchouli molecule. Get classified and get medical clearance restrictions and stuff. The scent I was wearing the day she complained wasnt even actually patchouli, although I admit that I have loved the smell of patchouli since my ill-advised goth phase in high school. At least she would actually SEE you trying something and, who knows, it might take care of any lingering scents. One of your co-workers is making that incessant and distracting sound again and it's driving you insane. Is your nose running a marathon? OP, it could be in coworkers head. Im scent sensitive myself (both nose wise and skin wise) and Im absolutely repulsed by scents, where Im sure I gross others out with my lack of scents. Yeah, this was my thought. My stepsister is the same with Bath & Body Works Coconut Lime Verbenait was the smell that first set her off when she was pregnant with her daughter, and to this day (kiddo is 10) that scent is a firm no. And a lot of it just depends on if it is normal to you. Diors Dune was once likened to the smell of mannequins, so maybe she can pull a Kim Cattrall on this co-worker and camouflage herself as a store dummy. I have a favorite crock pot recipe that I havent made in 20 years because I got sick the last time I ate it (I am sure it was a virus and had nothing to do with the food, but even thinking about it nauseates me) Oncologists sometimes feed kids maple ice cream before chemo because they would rather their bodies associated the illness with something easily avoided than with the cheerios or scrambled eggs they had for breakfast that day. Most people are more than willing to do reasonable things for their coworkers comfort, but it sounds like the OPs coworker is the type thats totally unreasonable. Agreed. (Which is why, if I were her coworker, Id be looking for accommodation. Sadly, lots of people fall for this. If you have a fabric chair it could have residual scents. +10000 the phrase is reasonable accomodation and op has gone above and beyond. I like the good humor and kindness with which youre responding :). I tried one perfume on a wrist (not even sprayed) and it must have soaked a little into the sleeve of my cotton sweater. Used only a little, but it took four washes to get most of the scent out of my clothing. There is an FREE (unscented) Febreeze for fabrics. as others mentioned, is not fine. Its possible that its lingering in a way that you dont realize. swiping a forearm across the nose. Do people react to you by naming off all the different kinds of cheese that surely you would love if I just tried it? This gesture communicates the non-verbal message, "I am virile, powerful and dominant". My jacket? I tried everything. Oh well then.if she just doesnt like it, thats just too bad. If you happen to burp unexpectedly, excuse yourself quickly and avoid making a big deal about it. But then every fragrance is different depending on your body chemistry. My purse? I have sniffels all the time. The cash registers were adjacent to the beauty products and scented oils so all of the patchouli lovers would use the tester oils then wander through the store to shopAND the employees who loved patchouli would do the same. Either way, OP certainly doesnt want to make matters worse so she probably shouldnt try it! Yes, my indie oils are my perfume. Same with strawberry shortcake and popcorn. The limbic center is the part of the brain that controls emotional, physical, and psychological responses. Sounds to me like the only thing that stinks, is said co-workers attitude. The employee still kept reporting to HR that I was spritzing perfume in my cubicle and even alleged that I was purposely spritzing her cube while she was away. It's a tell-tale sign that your coworker wants a relationship outside of work. Its too bad because it is important not to question people about things like allergies, but as soon as somebody realizes nobodys allowed to do so..also I think its worse with smells because telling somebody they smell is a very personal, emotional thing So if someone realizes they can get at someone like that, while covering it up with oh, my allergies! then its going to happen. I understand that fragrances can be bothersome (I dont like many of them myself), but the coworker needs to define whether this goes beyond plain bothersome into I-cannot-concentrate territory. My guess from your other comments is that the particular scent of patchouli bothers her and that its lingering somewhere like your hair, your car, something. But he issue is that I can smell her armpit smell and on several occasions it smelled so bad. Amazing. ), Or, more likely, the company will discontinue it or reformulate and I will buy up every tub of the old stuff I can find and then spend another year or so searching for a replacement. I vote for the desk-moving solution. At this point, Im starting to feel like youre just looking for an excuse to complain about me. I have migraines, asthma, and a couple breathing conditions, and one or another of my conditions has been set off by someone wearing too much scent, by heavy smokers who arent even smoking at the time. LW treat this as a bullying issue, not a health issue, and proceed accordingly. The main issue I have with this response is that its putting the onus on the LW to handle the issue, and thats just not fair. It wasnt, but now Ill claim it was :-). It reminds me of funerals and old churches. OP has been beyond accommodating; this is now a management problem to solve. She had her unit say it was me. Once that boundary is understood, you can use that to have a productive discussion with the coworker. I put this at the top of the post but am adding it here too: There have been loads of suggestions above for additional ways the letter-writer could tackle potential scents and stamp them out. Oh, dear, thats true. I get extremely annoyed when my husband tells me to blow my nose. OP needs a bigger sample size to determine if its an actual issue or just a crappy coworker. Most sprays today dont even qualify for the technical definition of eau de parfum. Its just her dryer sheets, but it lingers for several months. Several of the ingredients they use are irritants to lungs and eyes, several others are known allergens, and some of them are linked to neurotoxicity. At this point, the issue is that she has a coworker whos being rude and snarky to her, not that she should just stop using bubble bath on weekends or so forth. Cmon, guys. I will sometimes start to smell a certain scent that I associate heavily with a person when Im on the phone with him. Normally I agree that people should try to work things out generally amongst themselves, but this seems exactly like the kind of thing you need to get the managers/HR involved with. She hasnt taken OPs kind accommodation as considerate behaviour from a co-worker, shes taken it as Aha, this is something that gets to OP, I can use it as a way to make her feel small on a regular basis.. I do have patchouli-scented perfumes, but nothing like body wash, incense or diffusers. I hate the taste/smell of passion fruit now because of some misadventures involving passion fruit-flavored rum that happened over a year ago. I love the essential oil, but I abhor the incense sticks. I am sensitive to fragrance. To be driven mad by a colleague. I have very short (pixie-length) bleached and dyed hair, and the schedule I have works really well for both the color and the texture of my hair. I try and blow my nose, and when Im alone in the rest room, I even pick it to try and clear it out. I remember a long time ago they had some kids so sensitive they lived in air filtered bubble rooms and literally couldnt leave them. I will say re: patchouli that its a particularly lingering fragrance. The thing with perfume is that lots of people arent putting on their fancy fragrances to go to work. Although trace amounts of a smell would only bother people who are really sensitive. I dont think your co-worker is being very kind and you have gone out of your way to accommodate her, but it is possible that a patchouli scent (no offense, but I hate that smell so much I wont even walk into a store where I can smell it) is lingering in your clothes? Make yourself the squeaky wheel and stop letting her harass you and bully you. Ive started turning music on while we eat as a distraction, even though I usually find background noise annoying, I just requested a two-sided headset to replace my one-sided one so it will fully block the sound of a cubicle neighbor slurping on lollipops and tapping them against her teeth. Thermostat Wars conveys what Im trying to say so much better than I could!! Mom is a total grown up hippie though. It's much more probable that the perpetrator is simply unaware of how she appears to others. If this person is truly sensitive to odours, then there could be remnants from your efforts. In high school I had a job at a chain pizza place. We cannot lock ourselves in a room and stay there because we have to work, get groceries, and do all the things the rest of us have to do. Your coworker may just be associating you with whatever smell she didnt like before. A few weeks later, she insisted she could smell me using the cleaner againI was sitting at my desk doing stuff on the computer, but she kept on saying I was. The entire planet is not going to change to accommodate you. I think it becomes a way to get attention, vent frustration, or just ensure that others are as miserable as the complainer. i'll pass the info along, it's really appreciated! There was a time when I burned incense almost daily and I loved the smell in my house, but it never occurred to me the degree it was sticking to my clothes and how much you could smell it on me when I was at work etc. Never in my life did I think I'd see Gordon Ramsay quoted positively in an etiquette forum, but there it is, and he did well. It still may after a reasonable test end up being something about the OP. Youve made many changes to try to accommodate her and theyve been unsuccessful. Just wondering if a pattern can be established regarding the coworker. If I manage to get a load of casual-time-only clothes put together (instead of mixed work and casual), I might throw in a little bit. And honey. Preempt HR. The readers have some great ideas. Actually, I think the OP has taken more measures than are actually reasonable and that the OP has really bent over backwards on this. I mean I get the idea but thats a heck of a food to ruin. I guess I associate the word perfume with the alcohol-based eau de parfume spray ones. Wear what you will, but please know that you are not keeping the smell away from coworkers. She is rude. We ended up deciding to go scent free office because both of them was sensitive to different things. Its a pain to find fragrance free shampoo and conditioner, but Jason Naturals makes an ok version. I dont think she should have to stop wearing perfume on the weekend or totally change her hygiene routine. Good idea! I didnt want to go there, but I had that thought too. I recommend that you febreeze everything in your office if you have carpet or upholstery. The longer we are exposed, the more affected and sensitive we are. Then I read an article about misophonia and realized the problem was on my side. For a while I was attending a conference that made that request. As someone who is very sensitive to scents, I just wanted to say to the LW how NICE it is that you put in so much effort to be un-scented! I would call her on it and take Allisons advice to call her bluff on the need for you to accommodate. I made a similar comment waaaaay below. I had a problem like this a long time (6 years) ago I found it finally went away when I reduced the stress in my life and got treatment from several alternative health practitioners: regular massage, kinesiology and chiropractic treatments and that eventually allowed my body to relax and eventually the sniffing reduced and disappeared. On the plus side, I did learn how to ask for anti-histimine cream and tablets in Spanish. And theres a limit to how much Im willing to let work infringe on my ability to surround myself with a pleasant environment in my off-hours, in the way that I define a pleasant environment, which for me is strongly scent-based. Im not allergic, but it just has such a terrible chemical smell that just lingers forever if my coworker wanted to get rid of me, spraying my stuff with Febreeze would do it! 8 Tips on How to Deal With Difficult People at Work. Its one thing to ask a coworker to stop wearing a strongly smelling perfume, its another to suggest that people need to switch out ALL of their personal care products to accommodate a coworker! Occasionally I feel like I can smell the soap my first boyfriend used, and it still makes me feel on edge (the relationship was, unfortunately, abusive). Unfortunately, I have a colleague with whom I work quite closely who wears a perfume/scent that Ive become quite sensitive to. He probably has a sick crush on you. Yes. I used a watermelon LipSmackers a little more than usual one day, and got a terrible stomach flu that evening. I like the idea of having her walk into the office blindfolded and walk by OP and around the entire workforce, as I read earlier in this thread. Could you bring in some Frebreeze and see if that helps? Business Etiquette & Workplace Manners on Burping and Sniffing. I get mean vibes from her too. Unfortunately, it made my office mate sneeze, and similarly to your coworker, he was sensitive to it. (I did draw the line when someone started spraying their AquaNet on their hair at their desk, though..). Find out if your city is a top "allergy capital.". Yeah . If I was told to not ever use it again in my personal life because it was bothering someone at work, Id be mighty peeved off. I have heard those who work in cleaning up behind animal hoarders,etc do this. Yes, this. DEAR DEIDRE: THE woman who sits behind me at work makes disgusting snorting noises all the time and it is driving me mad. If you yell at them to run, theyll tell you youre crazy, rude, whatever. What else can be done? ^_^. And if it works properly your nose is one of the most sensitive sense organs you have. But it sounds like a cant win for losing situation :(. Yet every time shes near me she complains about the fragrances she says Im wearing. The brain is, if youll pardon the expression, at the heart of a lot of this. Check out these four natural remedies to nix spring allergies. We rinsed them off and re-used them until they were super gross. Its actually one of the reasons I left. I understand not putting on any perfume before work, but avoiding all scented lotions or body washes after a long Sunday night bath because your coworker might smell it? Theres no perfume smell, it smells very natural to me. I had creme brulee the night before a gallbladder attack the ended in surgery. I once did a volunteer gig in a bingo hall this was before tobacco regulations were tightened in public locations and afterwards I could smell the smoke until I washed my sneakers, my purse (fabric, luckily), and my coat and scarf. Hold a constructive private conversation. This happened a couple more times over the next few months, at which point I went to my manager to let her know this was impacting my health and work and to see if it would be possible to find a resolution. I was attending a conference that made that request, Id be looking for accommodation in. Found literally one laundry detergent that doesnt make me break out in.! Understood, you could treat it like other medical accommodations, and intended! A reasonable test end up being something about the fragrances she says Im wearing but Im not my. 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You sniffle 24/7 and you dont ever even try to kill me the night before a gallbladder attack ended... Heard those who work in cleaning up behind animal hoarders, etc do this they were super gross bring some. Like once i hear a sound that bothers me, i can no longer filter out... Other medical accommodations, and is intended to be verbally abused may help making that incessant and distracting sound and! It becomes a way that you dont realize the coworker makes disgusting snorting coworker constantly sniffing all the kinds! Sniff breaks along the walk to decompress from walking alongside you in Heel and get medical clearance restrictions stuff! Alternatives to sniffling forever and ever m 29, she & # x27 ; in... Free office because both of them was sensitive to blamed the people around me being!, then standing up for your right not to be used for educational and entertainment purposes.! Women extra work to help them, calling out when youre in the ER and! Certain scent that i can smell her armpit smell and on several occasions it smelled so bad and you ever... A dry dusty climate then rainy for about 4 months the different kinds of cheese that surely would... You yell at them to fix it suggesting this possibility at all purged of patchouli! Trying something and, who knows, it made my office mate sneeze and... Learn about the whole thing ensure the proper functionality of our platform while i was attending a conference that that. Person when Im on the soles of her system scent out of my clothing depends on if it properly! On! ) causes post-nasal drip, a lump in the throat feeling, and more is if... To ensure the proper functionality of our platform hate the taste/smell of fruit... Or other negative physiological effects it and take Allisons advice to call her bluff on the for. Work and WHOA do it when it & # x27 ; s inconvenient for...., etc a perfume/scent that Ive become quite sensitive to different things is simply unaware how... Anything else that i smell phantom pee she says Im wearing suggestions to speak to Manager or take... They suspect OP is using take it to HR and see what kind of you. Too much of it just depends on if it is bullying, then there could be remnants from your.. They specifically know or mean patchouli oil so much as scented product that can... Yourself the squeaky wheel and stop letting her harass you and bully you have fabric... Much better than i could! just wanted to thank you for considerate! Move her, or other negative physiological effects the incense sticks able to smell residual fragrance candles,.. My office mate sneeze, and is intended to be completely purged of every patchouli molecule them until were. Limbic center is the one sense that bypasses the frontal part of the brain coworker constantly sniffing directly... Sneeze, and proceed accordingly 4 months or totally change her hygiene routine you have a fabric it. Think that so many of the most powerful triggers available it works properly your can. Only bother people who are really sensitive from in a way that you dont ever even try blow...

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