describe the community you live in

Describe the community you live in. TheNational Institute for Literacyprovides information about research and initiatives to expand the community of literacy practitioners, students, and policymakers. As a group, you and your neighbors form a community. On many of these websites, notably the U.S. Census, various categories can be combined, so that you can, for example, find out the income levels in your community for African American women aged 25-34 with a high school education. Don't limit the ways in which you can record your observations and impressions. There are a number of questions you might ask yourself and others to help you understand the community's economic base and situation: What is the anchor of the community's tax base? Community bylaws and regulations are often available at the public library. pumpkin on our doorstep. Applicants who do not submit the required items timely may not be considered for this job: It's a great place to have children and raise a family. Is there a good deal of office space, and is it empty or occupied? Having multiple identities for my father means that it is possible to be seen in many different lights, and it is possible for him to be discriminated against for each of those multiple identities. for communities, organizations and government agencies at all levels. The point of doing it is to have a picture of the community at a particular point in time that you can use to provide a context for your community assessment and to see the results of whatever actions you take to bring about change. 2. I would not consider myself as being very religious however; being a part of the Church of England it is important to me to live by the guidelines of the church. Does the lay of the land make it difficult to get from one part of the community to another? The pumpkin was not just a pumpkin, but a catalyst to creating interactions and community. This does not mean to accept or agree with those qualities or choices, it just means that you tolerate them and can live with them. Describe the community you live in. She is a famous actress whom I have known as Lara Croft and I have watched all her movies. Give some examples to explain how diversity: Enhances your life Enhances the local community Enhances this country. Spradley, J. P. (1980). Define prejudice and discrimination. A community is a group of people who share something in common. Examine the community and record your findings in a community description or overview for credibility and awareness. As a young dad, I really enjoy watching my children have fun with all kinds of different activities in all seasons. I would say that I am a part of the western culture. Assessing Community Needs and Resources, Section 1. Providing background and justification for grant proposals. Look at my dorm room. As with most of the rest of the community building work described in the Community Tool Box, the work of understanding and describing the community is ongoing, for as long as you remain committed to the community itself. The Montage Structure. Attn: C&P PC 0205 & 0196/JC-348960. 16-17. Those who live in enclosed, or gated, communities do not feel safer from crime, despite the security suggested by the design . Interactions between different species in a community are called interspecific interactions inter- means "between." Different types of interspecific interactions have different effects on the two . Conversations often start with arent you the girl in the pumpkin house? My English teacher knew about our pumpkin and our chickens. Here, we'll simply list them, with short explanations and links to sections where you can get more information about each. Angelina Jolie she exemplified these characteristics. These may also encompass community theater and music companies run and staffed by community volunteer boards and performers. I was raised in The Pumpkin House. Every Autumn, on the lawn between the sidewalk and the road, grows our pumpkin. Diversity has enhanced my country as it has brought new ideas to the country, the way the country should be run, the laws and legislation that is required and has opened the people of the country eyes to the wider world. Distrust or actual discrimination aimed at particular groups -- based on race, class, economics, or all three -- may be glossed over or never mentioned. A video or a more text-based description -- or both -- could then be posted to a website where it would be available to anyone interested. I now have quite a diverse friendship group with people of all backgrounds. . You have to get to know its people -- their culture, their concerns, and relationships -- and to develop your own relationships with them as well. Implementing Photovoice in Your Community, Section 21. Background. At the same time, it's important to understand the specific community you're concerned with. Highlight some of the variations you may observe in terms of: Birmingham is the most culturally diverse city in the UK. You can discuss skills you learned, such as carpentry, public speaking, animal care, or another skill. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. You can also talk about how you changed personally. Ranking the health of nearly every county in the nation, the County Health Rankings help us see how where we live, learn, work, and play influences how healthy we are and how long we live. M3F is a calling card for community support. Tagged: supplemental essay, college essay, community, community service, Yup. An example of where stereotyping had a negative effect on a group is Blacks were actively discriminated against and held out of certain places ND activities. How has it shaped your perspective? Scheie, D. (1991). This can be a complex topic. (250 words), (Old) Brown University: Tell us about a place or community you call home. Community centers may provide athletic, cultural, social, and other (yoga, support groups) activities for a variety of ages. Churches, synagogues, mosques. whatever the most expensive products in the world are. Taking the time and effort to understand your community well before embarking on a community effort will pay off in the long term. For example there a recolourful paintings on the walls which were painted by some hippie community. Correct writing styles (it is advised to use correct citations) In this section, we'll discuss how you might approach examining the community in some detail and setting down your findings in a community description. Using the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, leaders and advocates from public health and health care, business, education, government, and the community can work together to create programs and policies to improve people's health, reduce health care costs, and increase productivity. A sense of community may, indeed, lead you to act in certain ways to advance a cause, donate your time, or exert your energies to meet the needs of your community. Most have a geographic area or areas they are either defined by or attached to. To change our outlooks would be to look far within and this can be frightening for many. People without titles, but identified by others as "community leaders", Owners or CEO's of large businesses (these may be local or may be large corporations with local branches), Age. Demographics are the facts about the population that you can find from census data and other similar statistical information. Once youve completed that exercise for several of the communities you are a part of, you might start to see one community seems to be the most obvious one to write about. Take advantage of their findings if you can. As you think about diversity, it may be helpful to envision the kind of cultural community you want to build. squeegee available to scrape the water down at the end. I am from Birmingham and England and I share identities with other Christians, people in the same geographic locations and members of the IAMB. It can be written as a story, can incorporate photos and commentary from community residents (see Photovoice), can be done online and include audio and video, etc. You won't necessarily look for this information in the order given here, although it's a good idea to start with the first two. Times have changed since then, however there is still some hostility. Studying the physical layout of the community will serve you not only as information, but as a guide for finding your way around, knowing what people are talking about when they refer to various areas and neighborhoods, and gaining a sense of the living conditions of any populations you're concerned with. However, it is also possible to be discriminated against for other identities that he may have as well. In a 2018 Pew Research Center survey, a quarter of Americans said they live in an urban community, while 43% said they live in a suburban area and three-in-ten said they live in a . 13. First to Review. He is a friend and a keen Villa Supporter. This is not really separate from understanding the community: in the process of organizing and writing down your information, you'll be able to see better how it fits together, and can gain greater understanding. We are the community of "being known and knowable.". Go with the one that you feel gives the best chance to help you share more about yourself. In school I met many other storytellersteachers, coaches, and fellow students whose stories taught me valuable lessons and enabled me to share stories of my own. Communities are typically small enough to where most people in the community know. Leading a Community Dialogue on Building a Healthy Community, Section 18. One year, we found our pumpkin splattered across the street. About half of rural residents (47%) say they live in or near the community where they grew up, including about a quarter (26%) who say they have always lived there. Whichever community defines your work, you will want to get to know it well. Knowing the context of the community so that you can tailor interventions and programs to its norms and culture, and increase your chances of success. Example 3: My partner is a friend to myself and a boyfriend, he is a father to my daughter and a son to his parents, and he is a brother to his sisters and an uncle to his niece and nephew. The Rankings & Roadmaps show us what is making residents sick, where we need to improve, and what steps communities are taking to solve their problems. This carried on for years, and restricted the black population. This mlange of cultures in my East-meets-West room embodies the diversity that characterizes my international student life. What is a community? He is a colleague to his work mates, a keen Southampton supported and a truck spotter. Their self-image, many of their attitudes, and their aspirations are often reflected in the places where they choose -- or are forced by circumstance or discrimination -- to live, work, gather, and play. Here she introduces the problem. This is exactly why I love theatre so much. A person, whom discriminates, takes no time to understand a group of people or to even sympathies with them, but instead they judge them. To communicate a sense of a community in which one lives, it would be effective to describe the government structure, layout, civic organizations, general aesthetics, educational system and what types of people live there. This could be related to the idea that all Muslim people are terrorists, people could believe this to be true because the media focuses on a terrorist attack such as 9/11 and then strike fear into the people through association. Labeling refers to giving names to people based on their characteristics such as nationality, race etc. The quality of a community is often dictated by the degree of engagement and happiness individuals can draw from community interactions. Public sports facilities. When people learn to appreciate diversity it develops a greater understanding and respect for peoples differences. 2. In the second paragraph she mentions the value of connection. You. Getting a feel for the attitudes and opinions of the community when you're starting work on an initiative. Then she raises the stakes: the pumpkin was part of her familys identity as well as that of the community. Also important are how various areas of the community differ from one another, and whether your impression is one of clean, well-maintained houses and streets, or one of shabbiness, dirt, and neglect. Retrieved from, Dream as if youll live forever, live as if youll die today, Analysis of Instinct and the Ancient Mariner Live and Let Live, Distinguish Between a Discourse Community and a Speech Community Analysis, The concept community and community development, Describe, Giving Examples, How Different Aspects of Development Can Affect One Another, Describe Why Those Who Access Services Should Be Valued as Individuals. Cultural institutions. Spring severe weather season is approaching and along with the threat of storms, experts warn . There are many mother and baby groups, as well as fitness groups at the local church (Samba). What kinds of problems did you solve (personally, locally, or globally)? TheU.S. National Institute of Mental Healthprovides statistics and educational information for the public as well as information for researchers. Describing the Community, from a WHO (World Health Organization) manual: Emergency Preparedness: A Manual for Managers and Policy Makers. Who are the major employers? Describe the community you live in or even the one you want to, or have already live in. Spend 5-10 minutes making a list of as many as you can think of. M a student, a Christian and a member of the IAMB. People will have similarities and differences thin their qualities; if people have similarities with one another it is easier for them to accept one another. In Neighborhood Planning: A Guide for Citizens and Planners. Chicago, IL: Center for Neighborhood Technology, pp. In the other situations, fairness and equity tend to go out the window and decisions favor the powerful. Due to the area, the Muslim religion is very prominent especially with cultural outfits. The "standard" history -- when the community was founded and by whom, how long it has existed, how people lived there in the past, its major sources of work, etc. The County Health Rankings illustrate what we know when it comes to whats making people sick or healthy, and the new County Health Roadmaps show what we can do to create healthier places to live, learn, work and play. M a mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend, niece, cousin, friend etc I am a number of people to the people am close to, all which have different identities. These might be both facilities for the direct use of the public -- community pools and athletic fields, for example -- or stadiums and arena where school, college, or professional teams play as entertainment. There are no airports or train stations in my town. Having multiple identities for my mother means that it is possible to be seen in many different lights, and it is possible for her to be discriminated against for each of those multiple identities. appropriate places to store soap and shampoo. Because you live there, you are a part of the community. There are more variations within lifestyles, as some of the people whom I live near go to church, others dont as well as people who smoke, have foul language and other various personal or lifestyle differences. Museums, theaters, concert halls, etc. Consumer Investigator Caresse Jackman explains how you can spot scammers and avoid a second disaster. You have to keep up with those changes, and that means updating your community description regularly. He evidently has multiple identities and can be seen in many ways. The first step is to get a clear sense of the community, before more specifically assessing the area(s) you're interested in. Be Kind - This is needed today more than ever. Description of my own community b. Are there clear social divisions that mirror the landscape -- all the fancy houses in the hills, all the low-income housing in the flats, for instance? 1. 8-11. Not having the proper background information on your community may not seem like a big deal until you unintentionally find yourself on one side of a bitter divide, or get involved in an issue without knowing about its long and tangled history. She is disabled, and is also unemployed. There may be neighborhoods where staff members or participants should be accompanied by others in order to be safe, at least at night. Here is the exact wording from a few schools: University of Michigan: Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. His curiosity and weekly updates about the pumpkin helped us connect. The less comfortable parts of that history, especially recent history -- discrimination, conflict, economic and/or political domination by a small group -- are may not be included, and are more likely to be found by talking to activists, journalists, and others who are concerned with those issues. Many small businesses, Federal and Provincial Research facilities, schools and churches, and a good working population. Highlight some of the variations you may observe in terms of: Interests Beliefs Ages Lifestyles Personal, social and cultural identities. In all, it covers 99 percent312 millionof Americans. Understanding the politics of the community -- who has power, who the power brokers are, who actually influences the setting of policy, how decisions are made and by whom, how much difference public opinion makes -- is fundamental to an understanding of the community as a whole. It has also brought scope for me to develop a wider variety of friendships and relationships. When a funder asks you to, often as part of a funding proposal. Second: Identify 3-4 uncommon connections (values other students would be unlikely to think of) and give an example of each. 1. It's a subjective exercise, as everyone will have different priorities . Instead my interests have become reading books and spending time trying to achieve personal goals. They cover the spectrum of community life, including: The groups and organizations that exist in the community, and their relative prestige and importance in community life, can convey valuable clues to the community's assumptions and attitudes. Defining your neighborhood. When someone discriminates against someone they use that prejudice and treat someone based on their ideas. Diversity has enhanced my life in many ways; it has given me a wide range of experiences and opportunities. A person can identify themselves with a number of groups, e. G. Heir gender group; whether that be male or female (or transgender), their sexuality; trousseaux or homosexual, their religion, culture, geographically etc. 1070 Words 5 Pages Decent Essays Read More Are there corporate headquarters in the community? Computers allow you to easily combine various media -- photos, graphics, animation, text, and audio, for example. The Neighborhood Organizer's Handbook. Pamphlets of American colleges scattered on the floor. However, when people have different qualities to one another, they may act in many ways. You might also include an analysis of how the various categories interact, and how that all comes together to form the community that exists. A Korean ballad streams from two tiny computer speakers. 1994-2023The University of Kansas. The Distressed Communities Index(DCI) is a customized dataset created byEIGexamining economic distress throughout the country and made up ofinteractive maps,infographics, and areport. *. Check out the latest free live events from the CEG Team. Working at the community level to promote healthy living brings the greatest health benefits to the greatest number of people. With some people being ignorant or not wanting to learn more about the group. Stereotyping is perpetuated in society by the media, the views of the media is arced onto the public, in a kind of brainwashing way, e. G. Muslims are terrorists. Using Public Records and Archival Data, Section 20. WHO, 1999. In still others, the emphasis is on power itself, so that political decisions are made specifically to keep a particular party, group, or individual in control. An example of this is conflict, by stereotyping and labeling people in a negative way could cause conflict e. G. Scottish people are tight fisted. and the companies they support. Ive learned to accept my ambiguity as diversity, as a third-culture student embracing both identities. For those of us who work in community health and development, it's important to understand community -- what a community is, and the specific nature of the communities we work in. SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, Section 15. In a typical community, they might include: To begin, let's look at some basic principles to keep in mind. Work one-on-one with experienced college counselors and essay specialists. The gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendercommunity. It entails becoming part of another culture, both to keep people in it from being influenced by your presence and to understand it from the inside. 100%. Failing to understand it will deny you credibility and make it difficult for you both to connect with community members and to negotiate the twists and turns of starting and implementing a community initiative or intervention. to remain available. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; Offices of local, state, and federal government agencies (Welfare, Dept. Humans are made to live and work with others in a community where we can thrive. That exercise asks: What did you actually do in that community? high pressure. (1979). In the immediate community there are many variations; in the CUL De sac in which I live, it is occupied by people of all ages, from the very young (babies) all the way through to older people (Pops). In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready Communities are complex, constantly-changing entities. Deep inside, I feared Id labeled by my airport customs category: a foreigner everywhere. Make an appointment to talk to one or more local government officials. A community is a group of people who share something. Sixteen training modules It is much more comfortable to have a routine and a set of instructions that allow certain outcomes than it is to challenge our own minds, they like to make sense of the world. Therefore, in order to describe a community, it is first necessary to define the community. Recording your findings and your analysis of them in a community description that you can refer to and update as needed will keep your understanding fresh and help others in your organization or with whom you collaborate. Conducting Public Forums and Listening Sessions, Section 4. 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