marc o'leary hard drive

Westminster crime-scene investigators had discovered similar marks on the window of the victim's apartment. "have actual photographs -- as disgusting as they were, of the actual rapes ended any speculation as to whether we had the right guy," said Prosecutor Weiner. As a result of this discovery, Lynnwood's Police Chief requested both an internal and external review of how his department had handled the investigation. Galbraith immediately headed to the scene and spoke to the victim -- a 29 year-old woman who said she was in bed when she was attacked. By 2pm on Saturday, they had a result. It was hard for Amy to believe. probably be a little bit difficult to find. Guess what, I got a picture of her after she's assaulted from the actual rapist,'" Maher asked. Police refused to believe one of Marc O'Leary's victims - until they discovered her picture among a haul of explicit 'trophy' photos on a serial rapist's camera. I didn't see any violence. He threaded one of the shoelaces through some underwear. He will never be released. He watched as she awoke. She reports entering foster care at age six or seven. During a 2016 edition of CBS' 48 Hours, FBI Special Agent Jonny Grusing said that he was surprised "to see a suspect who was so cunning in not getting caught.". "They came out immediately," Galbraith replied. Marc O'Leary was a serial rapist across Colorado and Washington from 2008 to 2011. Around 7am, he stood in her bedroom doorway, holding, at shoulder height, a knife in his left hand. "It was freedom.". "Don't know," he replied. They matched the footprints in the snow outside her victim's apartment in Golden. Turn away, he told Marie - and she did. O'Leary to Grusing: Yeah, I won't tell you about any other cases. She remembers being hungry and eating dog food. She was forced to pay a $500 fine and plead guilty to lying about being raped. This statement appeared to satisfy the detectives. "You get quiet when you see them," Maher commented to Galbraith of the evidence. She would need to go on supervised probation. "Correct," Grusing replied. He was also accused of kidnapping and burglary. "I just lived moment to moment. MyCart. The detectives, Jeffrey Mason and Jerry Rittgarn, found the victim, Marie, on a couch, in a blanket, crying off and on. In Sergeant Mason's experience, when someone asked if they were in trouble, almost always they were. "And then he decided that he was going to use his military training to figure out a way to stalk his victims," Grusing explained, "to not be caught, and satisfy this urge that would come.". Specialties: Omni Channel Commerce, Direct to Consumer Marketing, including SEO/SEM, Internet Identity, and Positioning. His brother, Michael O'Leary, had just left to get lunch with his girlfriend. "He said that he would be willing to answer questions. Soon after, O'Leary went on to rape a 63-year-old woman in Kirkland, Washington. "I'm ready, and I'm praying and hoping that we don't lose him somehow and someone else gets hurt," she replied. "He didn't seem to be really working hard to hide everything," Maher pointed out. They decided to run Michael's DNA, collected from the restaurant cup, against DNA found at the crime scenes. "He looked at the sketch, said it did not look familiar He said that his brother lived there with him," Grusing continued. Shut down. In early 2011, then 35-year-old bartender Amy was unsure why the FBI would be calling her about her ex-boyfriend. In all the cases, the rapist told his victims he'd been stalking them for months -- watching their every move and breaking into their homes during test runs. He moved deliberately. She is tied up with a ribbon and the rapist wears a black scarf over his . Her attacker brought a pair of pink high heels and made her wear them while he took photos of her with a pink Sony Cyber-shot camera. They discovered a pair of Under Armour gloves with a honeycomb pattern. In the bedroom, Marie seemed casual, with nothing to suggest that something horrible had happened there. Two police officers from different precincts banded together to find him after his DNA linked him to multiple crime scenes. P-e-c-h. Julie Pech, a single mom, who had no idea O'Leary was stalking her. "You think it's worse?" Both of their departments assigned the detectives to work together on the cases. In an interview with police after his conviction, O'Leary recounted his attacks in detail. We talked for hours at a time quite frequently," Amy replied. He was Marc O'Leary. The detectives did, however, manage to recover some 'touch DNA' from a few of the crime scenes. "Because there was no consistency," Maher noted. In January 2011, rapist Marc O'Leary was apprehended, and the head of the criminal-investigations division showed up at Adler's door to tell her that her photo had been found among his. She was able to sketch an image of a masked man and a distinctive egg shaped birthmark she saw on his calf. The physical description matched those provided by the victims. "The patrol was being dispatched to a sexual assault that had just occurred," Det. By this point, Hendershot had investigated more than 100 rapes in the space of her career. The photo showed a 6ft 1in man with hazel eyes. It wasn't just the police who seemed to doubt Marie's story; her foster parents also questioned her behaviour in the aftermath of the attack. "But I didn't show him fear in any real way, and he knew I wasn't scared. "Marc needed the other person to be scared.". "Oh my, yes, yes," Mary replied. In the show, his name was Christopher McCarthy. She was 18, charged with a gross misdemeanour, punishable by up to a year in jail. However, Lynnwood, Washington police officers chose not to question her further or believe her, and eventually badgered her into signing a document that indicated she had made up everything she said, according to CBS News. An O'Leary man was responsible. The bulletin described a white Mazda pickup truck. "Knowing that you pulled someone like that, so horrible, out of society so that he can't hurt anyone again, it was very, very rewarding," Galbraith said. the victim in Golden was in her 20s. She started smoking, drinking, gaining weight. If I didn't shut up, he would --he would kill me.". "Based on her answers and body language, it was apparent that [Marie] was lying about the rape," Rittgarn later wrote. Unexpectedly, a man came to the door. Her husband just happened to be a police officer over in a neighboring town. The treads matched the footprints in the snow in Golden and outside the window in Lakewood. ", "Our victims spanned age ranges. Don't call or I'll shoot you," he told her. Gilraith and Hendershot spent thousands of hours poring over the evidence and picking apart their victims' statements to see how the cases were linked until they finally landed on a likely suspect:. I could feel it," Galbraith told Maher. it was like I'd just eaten Thanksgiving dinner. Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website or contact RAINN's National Helpline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673). At the age of five, O'Leary developed a desire to hurt women after seeing a captured Princess Leia in "Return of the Jedi." She wasn't, you know, visibly shaken. 2016 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Maher asked Agent Grusing. "He just went pale. "Had you ever heard that name before?" Please enter valid email address to continue. "At that point, we were wanting to see what was in the house," said Grusing. we waited and watched.". And tell him that he was not supposed to be there and this was not going to happen.". Ex-girlfriend Amy wonders the same thing. "I actually felt emotional. Marc O'Leary was a serial rapist across Colorado and Washington from 2008 to 2011. In the bathroom was a black scarf, tied to serve as a mask. We texted. When he was done, he went about carefully cleaning anything that could have any trace of his DNA, stripping bed sheets and removing her clothes from the scene. "And Marc O'Leary appeared in the doorway.". "Other than that they were women," said Maher. A funeral mass will be held on Friday, February 24th 2023 at the Holy . "The other thing we wonder is, could someone else have been involved?". At his December 2011 sentencing, O'Leary reportedly told the court, "I'm standing here because I need to be in prison. She went through the story again - only this time, saying she believed the rape had happened instead of saying it for certain. By early March, a forensic computer specialist cracked into files that O'Leary had stored on his hard drive. "What do you think should happen to someone who would lie about something like this?" "He was lining her up for an assault," said Grusing. "And it was of a person we were looking for in another investigation. Bound her hands behind her back. He gripped a gun. This glove pattern was found in the Lakewood case. They grabbed the drinking cups from the table. Just after noon, the agents saw a woman and a man who looked like O'Leary leave. View Marc O'Leary's full profile . There was a perfect match in Lakewood. Neither Peggy nor Shannon abandoned her, but things weren't the same. "It was just nice to be on my own and not have all the rules that I had had being in foster care," Marie says. Investigators were able to find some of the rapist's DNA on a teddy bear in Mary's house. They were both cops, after all - he worked for neighbouring Westminster Police Department. "And what was their response when you called and said, 'Hey, you know that case of that young woman who you thought was lying and you charged her? Hendershot remembered that while investigating her case, an officer had alerted her to an incident in October 2009 in Aurora, a suburb on the other side of Denver. Marc O'Leary to Grusing: I got some satisfaction. "Did you ever think, 'I'm gonna try to escape'?" Later that day, Mason talked to Rittgarn, his fellow detective, and said that - based on Marie's inconsistencies, and based on what he had learnt from Peggy and Jordan - he now believed Marie had made up the story. As far as I can find it's still uncracked. But her misdemeanour had made the news and made her an object of curiosity or, worse, scorn. Obsessed with Netflix? Maher asked. They also charged her with false reporting. "We would always hug and she would look you right in the eye.". ! He gained entry through an unlocked sliding door. But first, he needed to make sure no one else was home. The five other attacks - one in Washington, four in Colorado - all came after the attack on Marie. But he, thoughtfully, photographed her with her driver's license on her," said Galbraith. And this pattern was also found in the Westminster case. "The fear and the dominance," Maher noted. I know that probably more than anyone in this room. The three then went to the police station so Marie could recant her recantation - that is, tell detectives that she had been telling the truth the first time. Detective Galbraith also found that O'Leary was linked to another unsolved case, finding the victim's name in an encrypted file on his computer. Marc O'Leary to Grusing: You know, after awhile the-the f---ing monster kicks in. "I saw him out there. One freeze frame showed that her white Mazda had a broken passengerside mirror. After looking through the images, she found an answer. And at one point, she said that it didn't happen," Commander Cohnheim said. At 8.15am, Detective Galbraith knocked on the O'Learys' door. It was the exact camera that was stolen from the Westminster victim and used to photograph the Golden victim. She remained close with Shannon, who would joke that she and Peggy were raising Marie together - Shannon the fun one (let's go boating), Peggy the disciplinarian (be home by). Peggy, too, was mystified by Marie's demeanour. "I wondered if they were victims of sexual assault, if they were even alive anymore," said Galbraith. And then he raped her for a period of time," said Lynwood Police Department Commander Rodney Cohnheim. That would be Marc O'Leary, now 41, who pleaded guilty to raping three women, including the woman known only as Marie, and trying to rape a fourth in 2011 in Colorado, Denver-area publication Westword reported .. "And we told her what we had learned. Shannon said she did, too. "I can't imagine ANY justification" for making them. In the predawn hours, a white Mazda pickup truck appeared ten times. "So in his closet we came up with his shoes," Galbraith said, showing them to Maher. Afterwards, he ordered her to brush her teeth and wash herself in the shower. O'Leary was arrested in Lakewood, Colorado in February 2011, following 40 days of investigation by a team of detectives from several departments. I knew that was wrong, because I could prove their case now," she said. Police checked it out, but the man was gone. Jeffrey Mason had also received a tip that Marie was unhappy with her apartment. And he said, 'It's been all over the news he's committed a series of rapes,'" she said. "I thought he was gonna drown me," she said. September 16, 2017 / 7:04 PM "she says that she thought that she may have dreamed that this occurred. But in all of that evidence, there was nothing to link Marc O'Leary's brother, Michael, to any of the attacks. "It was like, I felt like she was telling me the script of a Law & Order story.". They tailed the pair to a nearby restaurant and watched them eat. "No," Pech replied. Marc O'Leary to Grusing: I gotta do it for real and just be done with it. Galbraith recounted the day's events. This time, though, there was something different. Finally, he brought Mary to the bathroom and ordered her into the bathtub. What's more, he would recommend that Project Ladder pull her housing assistance. "We could laugh at each other." ! "I just knew in my heart that that was -- that was it. She was quiet at first. "And there's no fear in your life now associated with it?" But during the investigation, they began to doubt the young woman's truthfulness. "I told him that our profilers were very interested in him, because of how intelligent he was. The shocking case has inspired a new book with a Netflix series currently in production. Marc O'Leary seemed strangely amused by the circumstances, and he would not cooperate. "He never won any of these battles with the monster," said Grusing. The licence plate was unreadable. The pickup was a 1993 white Mazda. The woman gave an interview to NPR's "This American Life.". Like, I knew what he liked and what turned him on," she explained. But there was a clincher: the woman in Galbraith's case recalled the camera that the attacker had used. But when the man looked away, the woman jumped out of her bedroom window. She wanted to take a lie-detector test. Did you want to just get in your car, go over, bang on the door and take him right then?" Unbelievable is available to stream on Netflix now. She doubted herself, wondering if there was something in her that needed to be fixed. Plainfield, Indiana, United States. In 2008, O'Leary (above) entered the house of an 18-year-old foster child known simply as Marie. The 32-year-old O'Leary was separated from his wife and studying at a local community college. I got off the phone with her and tried to untie myself. Even behind bars, O'Leary wasn't done tormenting women. "Right You don't usually find this, in my opinion, this much corroboration. Marie told police she had been talking on the phone with her friend Jordan. "Why would you want to have the same sheets and bedspread to look at every day when you'd been raped on this bed set?" A plea deal was struck: Marie agreed to forced counselling, paying a $500 fine and was placed on supervised probation. Rittgarn asked. It was in Marc's room -- in Marc's possessions -- that the detectives would make a worrisome discovery: hard drives, containing hundreds of pictures and not just of the four victims they knew of. Faced with overwhelming evidence, O'Leary agreed to plead guilty to the sexual assault charges. Facebook gives people the power to. According to The Marshall Project/Pro Publica's investigative article, there were protocols and guidelines available to the police that described some of the possible challenges of investigating rape, but the department did not have a dedicated sex-crimes unit. And he seemed to like that," said Grusing. Depressingly, police officers in Washington refused to hear out his first victim, an 18-year-old foster child known only as Marie. "It revealed that strain of male DNA from the O'Leary family was on all of our victims' possessions," he replied. For Marie, this was a familiar drill, one she could trace to her years of being abused as a kid. If they couldn't stop him soon, they knew he would strike again. O'Leary had encrypted computers that investigators are still unable to open. The show made a pretty big deal about McCarthy (Marc O'Leary) having an encrypted hard drive so I'm wondering if that part was fiction. As part of the team followed the couple to lunch at a restaurant, Grusing stayed behind, hoping to install a surveillance camera on the house. "And what did it reveal?" When she got to his legs, she raised his trouser leg to look. According to All That's Interesting, O'Leary (above) was eventually caught due to where he would park his car, a white Mazda, during his crimes. She was sexually and physically abused. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Grown the Dust Bowl 100 from a 40-participant inaugural event in 2020 to an 800-participant, nationally recognized event . "I just screamed and he just told -- kept telling me to shut up." Marc O'Leary to Grusing: checked out her house a couple of times. I don't want anybody to do that to me.". Peggy discovered a programme called Project Ladder, designed to help young adults who had grown up in foster care transition to living on their own. "He said he was going from one prison to another, so he was in his own prison.". Are Perfect Match's Joey and Kariselle together? Also mentioning Marie's demeanour, she added: "She seemed so detached and removed emotionally." When they returned, they saw that Marie's new statement described the rape as a dream, not a lie. We were always bouncing things off each other" (via CBS News). "Yeah. "There was just no emotion. "What are you feeling? Eventually, Marie appeared to relax. "No," Marie told him, her voice soft, her eyes down. It's not -- it's not three people with Jonny involved," Hendershot said. Also, computers, hard drives, thumb drives, media cards, which produced hundreds of images, photos of victims. Related: Which streaming is best for you: Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, Apple TV or NOW TV? Investigators found a pair of Adidas ZX 700 shoes in O'Leary's wardrobe. August 11, 2008 Lynnwood, Washington He arrived in the pre-dawn hours, then waited outside her apartment, outside her bedroom, listening to her on the phone, waiting for her to fall asleep. O'Leary brought up one woman he'd been planning to attack. Maker asked. Which streaming is best for you: Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, Apple TV or NOW TV. Afterwards, he made her take a shower. And something else he said at the sentencing caught the detectives' attention. In her case, it was because of the trauma brought on by the rape. "And first I didn't believe him, said, 'You sure?' "He was educated enough to know what we were looking for and know what he needed to take to throw us off," Det. Maher asked Mary. Westminster detective Edna Hendershot had settled into her morning with her Starbucks usual: a venti, upside-down, skinny caramel macchiato. She considered jumping. But Marie wanted to set out on her own. "He's only behind bars because of the work that you did together," Maher pointed out. You should know better than to leave the door unlocked, he told her. Ontario Court Justice Richard Humphrey, shown in a court sketch, reads his verdict over Zoom on Tuesday at the . Maher asked Pech. A serial rapist on the loose in the Denver area. And in law enforcement it's -- that's the, you know, that's the green light," said Galbraith. Officers also searched his home and found on his hard drive a folder simply titled "Girls," writes All That's Interesting. He described the feeling after raping one elderly victim. The Mandalorian's Pedro Pascal on season 3, Neighbours announces seven more returning cast. "I felt like we just had to get him off the street.". "So you had to do a little tap dance. So many kids, institutionalised, wound up on drugs or in jail. "I definitely felt like we were up against the clock. How would she find justice for her? Marc Patrick O'Leary -- a man fitting the very profile described by several of the victims. "So I was at work and a message was on my phone from Special Agent John Grusing from the FBI regarding Marc O'Leary,"she told Maher. Marc O'Leary, a former military man, had stalked and preyed on women that lived alone. In the article, Peggy, one of Marie's foster mothers, described her initial reaction after arriving to the apartment on the morning of the attack. And it looks like the registered owner gets in it with a female," said Det. O'Leary pleaded guilty to 28 counts of rape. he would ask himself. Marc Patrick O'Leary was charged with more than 30 counts of sexual assault, kidnapping and burglary. "We have a truck that's in that same two areas and now we gotta see who it belongs to and who is this guy," said Grusing. I actually haven't seen these things beyond pictures," she said. Prosecutors charged him with with 28 counts ranging from sex assault to kidnapping and. Roll over onto your stomach, he told her. "She remembered hearing a noise, and then a masked person came into her bedroom, straddled her, and he threatened to shoot her. Each ring of the phone seemed to announce another friendship lost. "I was stunned. There was one lead. He tied her hands with a ribbon. He pled guilty to 28 counts of rape in Colorado in 2011 after the attempted rape of a. Galbraith and Hendershot both stay in contact with the women Marc O'Leary attacked. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. It was a young woman - far younger than the Colorado victims. Maher asked. Galbraith typed up a search warrant to enter the brothers' home. "Definitely not a fingerprint. It's an observation not gone unnoticed by the rapist himself. "More than him getting locked up, more than the money I got, it was hearing that about you guys that changed things completely," Marie's character told Duvall in the series. "And this is the neighborhood where we set up on Marc O'Leary's residence. But when they ran it through national databases, they couldn't find a match and Mary's case went cold. Maher asked. The statement was only one page. Galbraith said. She reports not knowing much about her biological mother, whom she said would often leave her in the care of boyfriends. He approached her. Then she admitted making the story up. Rittgarn told Marie that her story and the evidence didn't match. And when the two went to buy new bedding - Marie's old bedding having been taken as evidence - Marie became furious when she couldn't find the same set. From a large black bag, he took out thigh-high stockings, clear plastic high heels with pink ribbons, lubrication, a box of moist towelettes and bottled water. Marie didn't meet her gaze. highlighting that the justice system isn't necessarily set up to accommodate. After that, she quickly changed her story. He told me that if I call the police, he would put it on the internet," she replied. As a result of her false-reporting conviction, Marie lost a lot of friends. When they finished, the agents raced in. 'Unbelievable' true story of serial sex attacker whose 'rape theatre' fantasies inspired by Princess Leia in chains saw him jailed for 327 years Police refused to believe one of Marc. It took the entire group.". O'Leary was caught thanks to dogged work by two female detectives from different Colorado police forces combining their investigations. Galbraith's "aha" moment. "It was very hard for me to process it," she said. During an interview with Sgt Mason, he said: "It wasnt her job to try to convince me. Marie was Peggy's first foster child. Blindfolded her. After a lengthy police investigation, Galbraith and Hendershot led the arrest of their suspect. It was a picture of the woman's learner's driving licence, placed on her chest. Among those items was a hard drive full of photographs that he had taken of his victims. Snow covered the ground in patches. You're this close to this guy," Maher asked Galbraith. Hassell transmitted the image to Galbraith. Marc O'Leary to Grusing: And Julie Pech One night she left one of the windows open, so I climbed in she was asleep in the bedroom. Crime scene technicians found little evidence. "That seemed very strange," Shannon says. He would have to fill that need," Grusing explained. The Westminster victim was 59 years old," Det. When questioned, Marie's account of the rape had some details that didn't completely add up. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. "No idea whatsoever.". "I knew those were them," Galbraith replied. Join Facebook to connect with Marc O Leary and others you may know. The distinctive egg-shaped birthmark on O'Leary's calf matched a sketch from one of his victims. On that task force was veteran FBI Special Agent Jonny Grusing. "You should get help," the woman told the man. He had a military career that took him all over the world, from Washington State to Korea. Confused, the agent told the man he was canvassing the neighbourhood to warn of a burglar in the area. One who travelled, had a repetitive MO and was frustratingly careful when it came to leaving DNA evidence behind. Galbraith and Hendershot turned to DNA to identify the serial rapist. Rittgarn asked Marie. A False Report, by Ken Armstrong and T Christian Miller, is published by Hutchinson on February 6 (16.99). And I saw the egg-shaped birthmark on his calf," she continued. After comparing notes and getting to work, it soon became quite clear that they had a serial rapist on their hands. I have had a lot of stressful things going on and I wanted to hang out with someone and no one was able to so I made up this story and didn't expect it to go as far as it did This was never meant to happen. ". She agreed, so they left her alone for a few minutes. "Did you know that at one point he was in the house and you were asleep?" Gon na try to convince me. `` travelled, had just occurred, Commander! Encrypted computers that investigators are still unable to open this close to guy! Why the FBI would be calling her about her biological mother, whom said. Driver 's license on her chest being abused as a mask confused, the agents saw a woman and man! Believe him, because of how intelligent he was not supposed to be fixed 's National Helpline at (... Looking through the images, photos of victims is n't necessarily set on. Got off the street. ``: `` it wasnt her job to to. And then he raped her for a few minutes police officers in,... 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