Interestingly, his brother Robert was also assassinated on parallel 33,in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Another interesting fact is that Baghdad is located at latitude 33 33N and the palace of Saddam Hussein was built exactly on this position.The ancient city of Damascus, Syria also corresponds to that parallel. Sun makes an Eye of Horus symbol, August 12, 2016. Totaling, Benhadad of Syria came with 32 kings in order to take over. And so it IS. Depends who you ask. Fort, in his Antiquities of Freemasonry, tells us of Masons marks still visible on the foundations of the temple of Solomon, now uncovered to the human gaze after the lapse of ages. Map of the United States demonstrating the 33rd parallel (red Tyre is less than 20 miles north of the 33rd Parallelas part ofthe Lawsof the 33rd Degree. We referred to one port of call as the Holy Land, and little did I know how Holy. (LogOut/ Directions Advertisement. 1025 945 B.C. The feathers on the eagle on the great seal of the U.S. has, In 2007, the 110 Congress passed Resolution, Sam Houstons statue in Huntsville TX measures 66 feet tall (, The Towers of Light memorial which stood in place of the Twin Towers after their collapse shown every night between March 11th and April 13th. These peculiar geometrical figures were used undoubtedly by the Tyrian carvers and hewers of stone, who were sent by their Tyrian king to aid in the erection of the most complete and gorgeous Masonic work of remote antiquity. Archaeology Southwest Magazine is written for the well-educated public and specifically for the membership of the non-profit Archaeology Southwest. I have felt his presence strongly the last two months, and posted a photo in the previous post, of the Sun appearing like an Eye of Horus through the clouds, as a ship flew up from behind/within the cloud. Keeping your Merkaba in this high spin naturally keeps your energy field clear of distorted energies. The Mystery of Parallel 33: Everything Is Connected To This Number, Mystery of the largest 8,000-year-old pyramid on the planet in China but hidden from the outside world, Satisfied with the image of launching the Artemis 1 lunar probe after many delays. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Thank you for the time you spent in research! USS Stein Was Attacked By A Strage 46 Meter Huge Sea Creature In 1978, Scientists Say They Can Go Back In Time In A Quantum System: We Have Made Science Fiction Real!, Keanu Reeves: There Is A Corporatocracy That Seeks To Control Us Through Artificial Intelligence, Swastika: The 12,000 Years old History of one of the most powerful symbol. Doelle. How these data relate to the Lower Tonto Basin, which is closer to the Hohokam core area and in a more similar desert riverine environmental zone, remains unknown. In The American Tyler-keystone: Devoted to Freemasonry Volume 18, it is written: The Egyptian order of Sacred Builders, which had existed long before the time of Rameses and Ptolemy, erected the great pyramids which keep watch over the placid Nile, and whose sides are builded square with the four points of the compass. I used the shape files provided in this file [ ]by [ http://thema was located about five miles north of the exact 33 degrees line, while the ruins of the astronomical observatory called Casa Grande still rest about five miles south of the line. A central concern of archaeologists has been to seek connections between these two broad regions and these social changes, whether in material culture or ideology, that help to clarify the nature and extent of long-distance interaction and integration of people in the past. With roots in Early Postclassic Toltec-related iconography, this deity is often depicted as a skeletal and stellar war god shooting darts. They further say, that the descendants of the Sidonians were employed in the same place, in obtaining materials for the construction of the ark of the covenant; and also, in later years, for building Solomons Temple; and, lastly, that Zerubbabel employed laborers of the same people in cutting cedars of Lebanon for the use of the second temple. 33N passes within half a degree the following major cities: * San Diego, California, USA * Phoenix, Arizona, USA * Dallas, Texas, USA * Tripoli, Li Sure, haunted houses, haunted railroad tracks, haunted forests, but haunted lakes can add a pallor over any fishing trip or summer getaway. . Donald J. Trump, The Number "7", and a Roll of the Dice. This amazing lake has not one structure to support the locals enjoying a swim or some fishing, but does have some kind of base along its western edge. Obviously no one here have heard of the Plasma Catastrophe of Brianaustinlambert33? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The bloodline contains not only the original white light energies letted by the Phoenicians, but the powers and magic of all those who have used the bloodline to create since then. you will find them all situated along the 33rd parallel. The southernmost tip of the Korean Peninsula is at about the 33rd parallel, approximately 2,277 miles north of the equator. Much of the super secret construction work at the super secret AREA 51 , alleged. Caves are more than the sites of mines and ancienthieroglyphs,the burial places of giants, and homes for bats. Considerable functional and temporal diversity was present; the sites ranged from small, isolated, single-room masonry structures and larger multi-room pueblos dating to the early Classic period (AD 1150-1300), to earlier Preclassic period (AD 750-1150) sites with subsurface pithouse architecture. The 33rd parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees south of the Earths equatorial plane.Around the world. In the Scripture, Sidon was founded by Sidon, the firstborn of Canaan, the son of Ham, from whom the Sidonians are descended. WebThe 33rd parallel thus became embedded into the borders of the counties/parishes of Natchitoches and Ouachita, which in time would be subdivided to add our present-day The second apartment represents the council-room of the round table. The long temporal span of project area sites, running from ca. The supreme beings identity throughout freemasonry, and there are many organisations that call themselves, freemasons but are not, is up for debate but, its definitely not God. Similar marks have been discovered at Sidon and other distant and varied localities of Palestine. . It also houses a guarded "Naval Undersea Warfare Center." 33rd Degree of Mount Carmel The Biblical Mount Carmel is south of the modern city of Haifa and west of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. The apron is white, lined and bordered with purple; in the middle a round table is painted, on which are mathematical instruments, and plans unrolled. How does the consumer pay for a company's environmentally responsible inventions. Coming to Pyramids, there are, if we travel along the 33rd parallel from the Middle East all the way to the Far East, we can actually find the fabulous White Pyramid which is located about 60 miles southwest of Xian.The Enigmatic Bermuda Triangle also has a strange connection to Parallel 33. This work argues that the rise of the Aztatln and Casas Grandes cultures was primarily due to the expansion of a new worldview and an entire system of beliefs and socio-political organization, with local manifestations, that was centered upon the Flower World complex, a cosmological framework that penetrated to the core of every aspect of the life of an individual and the community. That depends on what constitution governs the lodge. Outside of the link between Sidon being a son of Ham and equating him with the sons of Shem (Hebrews) being off, great stuff!! The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earths equatorial plane. Changes through time in the intensity and direction of interaction networks are clearly apparent, although the overall intensity is believed to have been relatively limited. The northern division under Indiana Territory was called District of Louisiana, and the southern division, the Territory of Orleans. Slavery was restricted and inhabitants including Indian Tribes were to be incorporated into union of the United States according to the Constitution. Oh yeahThat is another story altogether connected to World Wide Land Slides (Liquifaction) affecting much of the Northern Hemisphereagain, connected to Plasma Catastrophe, Please forward info to m email Im really enjoying this information and want to share it in my commander of the rite meetings. Great info! Later, Jacob spoke of it as the boundary of Zebulun (Gn 49:13) and Joshua included it as part of the land promised to Israel (Jos 13:6). There are two apartments; the first representing the workshop at Lebanon, with axes, saws, mallets, planes, wedges, and such like implements. Bro. While Paul was on his way to Rome as a prisoner he was allowed to visit his friends in this city (Acts 27:1,3). The adoption of this religious complex, a veritable world religion centered upon the sun and a floral paradisal realm, was at the heart of nearly every major social change in Northwest Mesoamerica and the American Southwest after AD 900. What is causing the plague in Thebes and how can it be fixed? Not even the intervening degrees, 34 to 38, are given. The longest continually inhabited city in the world is Damascus, Syria, at 33 The very reason why the Pyramids Were found Buried in Desert but not damaged and survived the Cataclysm along with the Truly Ancient Cities of TartariaTartaria? by Moe | Ancient America, Freemasonry, History of the Brotherhood, Phoenicians | 11 comments. The 33rd time Abrahams name is used in the Bible is when Isaac, the child of promise, is born to him when he is ninety-nine years old, OR 333 (Genesis 21:1 2). Will you then say, I am a god, in the presence of those who kill you? Whether those ancient mysteries were identical with these of the order of Freemasonry which King Solomon, King Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abif instituted at the building of the Temple 3,000 years ago, we know not; but at that point we find an unquestioned, established and authentic organization of Masonry. The Persian Gulf has a few fascinating distinctive attribute.In ancient Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq, where the cradle of the Sumerian civilization was, is the place where the 33rd parallel north acts as a junction of two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates. This study examines this complex in the art of ancient Central Mexico and Northwest Mesoamerica and relates it to strikingly similar iconographic motifs and a historically related cosmology evident in Pueblo IV kiva murals and rock art and in present-day beliefs and practices among Pueblo people in the American Southwest. Cory Daniel is a professional certified interpretive guide and writer/researcher who currently lives in the Valley of the Sun. From the confines of Tyre and Sidon came the Phoenician Canaanite woman who said to Jesus, Son of David, have mercy upon me,andJesus cured herbecause she showed faith in him (Matt 15: 21 -28; Mk 7:24 -30). The Persian Gulf has a few fascinating distinctive attribute.In ancient Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq, where the cradle of the Sumerian civilization was, is the place where the 33rd parallel north acts as a junction of two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates.It is suggested in some biblical texts that it was the very location where the Garden of Eden was situated.Currently, the location doesnt look like Edens grade due to the many conflicts of over and around the area. 11, Center for Desert Archaeology, Tucson. In the United States, the 33rd parallel approximately defines the border between Arkansas and Louisiana. The southernmost tip of the Korean Peninsula is at about the 33rd parallel, approximately 2,277 miles north of the equator. One of them well-known in Earth mythology is Heru-Ur, named Horus by the Greeks. A website and podcast that explores the hidden mysteries of human existence, consciousness, religion, and the very secret societies who operate their lights from within the shadows. I was already aware of 33 being a significant vibration both personally and in terms of star family contact. From the present back to that tin;e, the chain of Masonic history is unbroken. Interestingly, his brother Robert was also assassinated on parallel 33,in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Lattitude is only one factor in determining climate. For example: * Phoenix and Atlanta are about the same latitude, but are very different climate He was on friendly terms with both of them. Webwhat us cities are on the 33rd parallel. Finally, envision a brilliant golden Sun in your heart centre, then see it pulse out a golden ripple throughout your own merkaba, flowing out to fill the whole planetary merkaba. The ceiling in the U.N. general assembly room has a large circular light surrounded by 32 smaller lights. y Alexander Meyrick Broadle, it is written: Your email address will not be published. Feel this merged light within your spinning merkaba. Not all the Phoenician settlements can be found on the 33rd degree, but enough to prove that my theory may in fact becorrect. WebThe city of Phoenix, in Arizona, a land previously occupied by the Pueblo Indians, is situated right on the 33rd Parallel and has direct access to the bloodline. The Louisiana Territory was that part of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase which lay north of the 33rd parallel, andwas divided at the 33rd parallel. The Preclassic period sites were for the most part more substantial; an analysis of the archaeological signatures of sedentism suggests that the majority of the Preclassic period sites were sedentary in nature (Chapter 26).-This contrasts with many of the Classic period sites which appear to have been seasonally occupied fieldhouses, although a larger, more permanently occupied (but severely disturbed) pueblo roomblock was also present. I can't answer why, just because it doesn't rain that much in all of the north. It rains more in the North West, and the west side of the country i The descendants of these very builders barely two centuries later founded Carthage, and carried westwards the skill and peculiar customs of their confraternities. In we take a look at northern hemisphere, the alleged parallel makes its way through important US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, or the town of Roswell, an area which is popular for its history with UFO-related subjects.