Dominating the Baltic Sea from our home port of Lbeck, members of the League were blessed with wealth. A more uncommon way the Papal State can improve its control over the Curia is the ability to willingly increase the death chance of the Pope to cause an immediate new election. Below is a list of all Insult ID codes. One of the following must be true about the. Kat Kerr, whose heavenly lewk is a candy-pink bob and an American-flag shawl, prophesied that Trump would " win . Prior to the release of EU4: Emperor, the Creator Colosseum hosted a multiplayer stream for 30+ streamers and YouTubers! Unlike other theocracies it cannot become an Empire, and cannot change its fixed government type. the owner of the currently considered province has a claim on this province, Is a core of the owner of the currently considered province, the owner of the currently considered province gains a claim on this province, The country is removed as an elector of the HRE, The country is made an elector of the HRE. AI will always choose this option if it is a rival of the triggering country or the triggering country is a rival of it. This decision means that the rebellious Burgundian duchy is a thing of the past and our rule over France is secure, although the [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] of the Holy Roman Empire may grow agitated over our control of the Lowlands. This is almost unprecedented within the Holy Roman Empire, and the Emperor must consider how to handle this matter. Italy, no longer the Shadow Kingdom, has been returned into the fold of the Holy Roman Empire through the relentless efforts of the Emperor. The Emperor of the HRE: With the death of the Duke of Burgundy, the Lowlands have completely slipped out of our reach. AI will always choose this option if its total development is at least 500. This country becomes a vassal of the Holy Roman Emperor. Burgundy releases the country with the core on this province. 4 Fiyeroo 2 yr. ago Two things are required for a nation to join: good enough relations with the emperor a reason to join A nation must be afraid of someone outside the HRE to join. Emperor . The Papal State has several unique events and decisions that provide several permanent perks: Lastly, since the yearly papal influence gained by Catholic nations is based on the Papal State relation score with them, all the Catholic nations will try to keep their relationship maxed, avoiding cases of the Papal State being unable to ally a Catholic nation because his own opinion toward said nation is negative. Completely forgot that the event ended in 1490 (thought it would be in 1500) and I was in the middle of a war with France so I tried a bit to improve relations best I could with the Italian minors. The description below is one of several available for this event.Our close friend and ally, the Emperor [emperor.Monarch.GetName], has graciously decided to elevate Prussia to the rank of Imperial Kingdom! AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 0 if it is a rival of France or France is a rival of it, 1.5 if it has an opinion of France greater than 100, and 2 if its army strength is not 80% of France's or if Burgundy has a liberty desire of greater than 50%. If those hotkeys aren't working for you, or need more help with using the console, see our console guide. Burgundy gets the opinion modifier "The Great Privilege" towards the Emperor of the HRE for 100 years, worth +100 opinion with a yearly decay of 1. The AI never chooses this option if they have rivaled the emperor or are rivaled by the emperor. No Imperial incident is currently active. Otherwise, another European Catholic country may release them if they have ceased to exist. Declare war on Burgundy with a Restoration of Union casus belli. All our efforts to restore the dignity of the Holy Mother Church have been for naught, and so we must give serious consideration to abandoning this tainted institution. The 34,000 Imperial troops mutinied and forced their commander, Charles III, Duke of Bourbon, to lead them towards Rome, which was an easy target for pillaging, due to the unstable political landscape at the time. However, [Root.Monarch.GetName] is a cunning and wise [Root.Monarch.GetTitle], and has proposed to revoke the reforms of the previous ruler of [BUR.GetName] and introduce a Great Privilege. Secondary sources of Invested influence are Appoint cardinal in other countries and Buy Indulgence. If the Papal State is annexed then a surviving Catholic theocracy may cede their province to recreate the Papacy. Claimed provinces are easier to core and start with lower local autonomyautonomy that will quickly drop thanks to the Papal State's government type. This is particularly annoying since adding Rome to the HRE is a part of the Austrian mission tree. Our scheme could of course backfire and the [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] could use this as a provocation for war, but there is also a chance that [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] [Emperor.Monarch.GetName] will be satisfied for now AI is five times as likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 1.25 if it is a rival of the Emperor or the Emperor is a rival of it, 1.5 if it has an opinion of the Emperor of less than -100, and 2 if its army strength is 80% of the Emperor's. Irish and Scottish nations are a big no-no, they will be conquered by England sooner or later. While the Holy Roman Empire has been content for [holstein_owner.GetName] to rule over the Duchy of Holstein, it remains a legal part of the Empire and most emphatically not a [holstein_owner.GetAdjective] province. All of this means that as soon as the Papal State negotiates the opening stages of the game, perhaps by appeasing Austria and joining the Holy Roman Empire, is set to become a very offensive player in the European scenario, capable of expanding fast with minimal negative repercussions. It is time for the Emperor to enforce a firm and final resolution: to protect the rights of the peasantry or to impose the control of the nobility. Beginning with Urbino and Perugia as vassals and with the provinces of Roma, Ancona, Spoleto, Terracina and Avignon, it is relatively large and prosperous compared to other states in the region. Prussia: AI will choose this option twice as often by default. Contents 1 The Burgundian Inheritance [1] 1.1 Marie of Burgundy 1.2 The Burgundian Succession The deep devotion of the Roman Catholics in Rome has awakened a desire for an independent state ruled by Popes of the Church. Hidden effect: Enabled if: The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance (Strong Ally)" begins. These territories are traditionally part of the Holy Roman Empire, and unsurprisingly, our inheritance has provoked [Emperor.GetName] to demand the territories from us. by the burgundian mission Secure the Succession. With this feat of diplomatic and military genius, all of Christendom now knows the futility of defying Imperial rule. Holy Roman Empire events[1] are events for the emperor or the princes of the HRE. Get strong allies and kill Ottos - with Italian economy you should be able to outlast them in a war, even if it means going over force limit and bankrupt. The AI only chooses this option if they have rivaled the Papal States or are rivaled by them. If prevented: As promised, the Emperor launched a campaign to restore Imperial authority to Italy. The duo were already notorious for touting false visions of a Trump re-election. You can buy them for gold, but you should know the price scales with your level. Once you have cored and added the province to the Empire you should be able to return Rome to the Pope and have the Papal States in the HRE. We will fall under a Personal Union with [FRA.GetName]. Is either Age of Absolutism or Age of Revolutions. - Part 4! Prussia has the country flag king_in_prussia_compromise. Enabled if: AI is 1.25 times as likely to choose this option if it is a rival of the Emperor or the Emperor is a rival of it, 1.5 times as likely if it is a rival of France or France is a rival of it, it has an opinion of France or the Emperor of -100, twice as likely if its army strength is 80% of the Emperor's or France's, and five times as often if it is a great power. The country saved as bur_strongest_ally forms a personal union over Burgundy. If not prevented: While the Kingdom of Italy is still formally part of the Holy Roman Empire it has in many ways turned into a 'Shadow Kingdom', with the Italian states acting independently of the Emperor. Our inability to stop this development has shattered our authority over the lands that still remain in the Empire. The Burgundian Inheritance Imperial event in Europa Universalis 4 Emperor The Burgundian Inheritance Imperial incident is an event that overrides the default outcomes that deal with the Holy Roman Empire. The two biggest nations that the Papal State needs to worry about are, Allying Austria and improving relations to maximum can allow the player to join the, Since the Papal State begins with two vassals, the. Nestorius, a priest of Antioch and a disciple of St. Chrysostom, was elevated by the emperor to the patriarchate of Constantinople, and in the year 428 began to propagate his heresy, denying the hypostatic union. AI is 10 times as likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 0.5 if it is a rival of the Emperor or the Emperor is a rival of it, 2 if it is allied to, has a royal marriage with, or has an opinion of +100 of the Emperor, and 10 if it is a member of the HRE. If we ignore the [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle]s decision, we risk weakening our grip on the French mantle. Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries! Europa Universalis 4 Wiki Active Wikis AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Empire of Sin Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: Rome Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 Take those and some land in Spain, Aragon, and all of Brittany. Naples, while not posing any immediate threat due to its starting situation as a lesser partner in a personal union, will often seek to conquer the Papal State should it ever break free from its personal union with Aragon, which usually happens after Aragon's first ruler dies. Being a religious man, His Holiness is not able to focus all his energies on secular matters, and some of the Papal State's territories, such as Perugia and Urbino, have managed to assert a startling level of autonomy for themselves. The brother of the King of Portugal was a cardinal when the King unexpectedly died on campaign in Morocco; and tried to have the Pope release him from his vows so he could become king, but the Pope was pro-Hapsburg and refused, leading to Spain (the other potential successor) having a PU over Portugal for decades. A sweet and kind-hearted girl, and a loving wife to the [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] Prince, Marie will be sorely missed in the [burgundy_senior_partner.GetAdjective] court. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 1.25 if it is a rival of France or France is a rival of it, 1.5 if it has an opinion of France of less than -100, and 2 if its army strength is not 80% of France's or if Burgundy has a liberty desire of less than 50%. Enabled if: 4 New events from version 1.34. EU4 1.30 Battle Pope! It only triggers if you have the Emperor DLC enabled, and there are three different versions of the incident - A, B, and C., Play The Veneration of relics, Indulgences and Simony related events for the Papal State grant a choice between a small source of income for free and the banishment of said practices from the Catholic world at the cost of 1 stability. This provides another 10% aggressive expansion impact and a +50% Improve relations bonus in addition to the 10% aggressive expansion impact from the national ideas. The key to remain in control of the curia is to makes sure no other country have more than just one or two cardinals. Our merchants will face trade restrictions in their markets. Every owned province in the France region gets the province flag. The Shadow Empire event in 1490 may remove the Italian princes from the HRE (sooner with Emperor's imperial incident). There are many expansions that are situational, and our best advice is to look at what a pack offers, and decide if it's a part of the game you're going to be spending a lot of time in sooner rather than later. The Emperor of the HRE gets the opinion modifier "The Great Privilege" towards Burgundy for 100 years, worth +100 opinion with a yearly decay of 1. [current_pu_incident_target.Overlord.GetName] has petitioned the Emperor to consider adding [current_pu_incident_target.GetName], which they rule under a Personal Union, to the Imperial fold. Burgundy gets the event "The Emperor Demands the Lowlands" in five days. If the option to make Marie an heir is chosen, the heir flag mary_is_heir is set. The Papal State is virtually guaranteed maximum prestige. It is fine if provinces with cardinals get conquered by countries with other religions, then the cardinal will disappear, and the Papal state can appoint another cardinal gaining more Invested influence. Enabled if: From the present day henceforth, the Imperial Diet shall sit in continuous session in the city of [From.GetCapitalName], rather than on an ad hoc basis as previously. Our strong devotion makes us the ideal candidate responsible for establishing a new Papal State. A new power, [lubeck_trade_power.GetName], has supplanted the Hansa in its home waters and threatens to make the Hanseatic League obsolete. With the end of the great religious upheaval that engulfed not only the Empire but also much of Europe, the cantons of Switzerland are reconsidering their increasingly loose relationship with the Empire. Having united the Kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia under [hungary_country.Monarch.GetTitle] [hungary_country.Monarch.GetName], the Hungarians have petitioned [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] [Emperor.Monarch.GetName] in [Emperor.Monarch.GetHerHis] capacity as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire to be allowed to join the Empire. The Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor had disputed over the precedence of ecclesiastical or secular power since the spread of the Gregorian Reforms in the 11th century. The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance (Alone)" begins. Instead, the Papal state gets Invested influence towards becoming the next Papal controller. Country flag reined_in_for_shadow_kingdom is not set, The AI is 1000 times more likely to choose this option if they have neither an alliance with, nor at least 150 opinion of, nor are a subject of the emperor nor are a free city. If the Common Sense DLC is enabled then: The Emperor has failed to defend $FROMCOUNTRY$ against foreign aggression. Lastly the witch trial event can grant another 10% decrease to the global reform desire for no cost. As either the Papal States or the Emperor, have the Papal States as an Elector while the HRE is officially Catholic. Though Holstein has long been ruled under the suzerainty of Scandinavian kings, it has now been incorporated directly into the [holstein_owner.GovernmentName] of [holstein_owner.GetName]. However, when I use the "Expand Empire" peace offer, they won't get added. a new Holy Roman Emperor of the same dynasty. Otherwise, the event "The Burgundian Succession" - options '[bur_strongest_ally.GetName] will defend us again.' No Imperial incident is currently active. With a formidable alliance of Catholic provinces and the renowned Swiss Guard by their side, the Vatican's sway earns 10 per cent of the national . The script code of these event can be found in, /Europa Universalis IV/events/HolyRomanEmpire.txt, PDXCON These events were replaced by The Shadow Kingdom incident events and The Shadow Kingdom incident. As our country strengthens its grip on the Imperial Crown and the Princes begin to see us as the natural holders, Imperial Authority increases. If all of the following conditions are fulfilled as well: It seems the line of [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] has grown rotten and withered with [Root.Monarch.GetName]s final seed. Selling Avignon to France might be easier than trying to defend it, however. Far to the north, the venerable monastic states of the Teutonic Order and Livonian Order, tasked by the Church with serving as Christendom's bulwarks in the Baltic, are being torn apart by envious princes, and left unsupported could be extinguished entirely. gets claims on every province of this country that is a part of the Holy Roman Empire. While the Holy Roman Empire has been content for us to rule over the Duchy of Holstein, it remains legally and inseparably part of the Empire and most emphatically not a [Root.GetAdjective] province.The [From.Monarch.GetTitle] has therefore demanded the restoration of the Duchy of Holstein, and further demands that all [Root.GetAdjective] authority over its territory must be relinquished so that Holstein can take its place among the Princes of the Empire. I played as His Holiness Pope Pravus. The Vatican and Papal Controller now have new abilities to sway the souls of the Catholic faithful. Battle Pope to nie zabawa, Battle Pope to czysty Totalen Krieg. The AI will never choose this option if its army strength is 80% of the country saved as burgundian_overlord_target. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Take Corsica from Genoa and give it to your new vassal. With another +1 possible from 100 Devotion the Papal State's prestige drifts to 100 with little player intervention. Appoint cardinal is done at the curia screen and costs money from the Papal states own pockets and some corruption. Most of them also gain extra permanent Papal influence from events, national ideas and great projects. Miniaturka . One thing I can see in the game files, that's not listed on the wiki is that the AI will never choose to join if they rival the Emperor (or vice versa). The Council of Ephesus denounced him, and, in spite of the emperor and court, Nestorius was anathematized and driven into exile. The starting heir of Burgundy Charles I de Bourgogne has the flag is_charles_of_burg_flag. [From.GetName]'s Request for the Electorate. We have thus far not opted to press our claim on the Kingdom of France and as such, our claim has long since grown cold. For each practice banished not only the reform desire is decreased by a notable 10%, but also the related event is permanently disabled for all the Catholic nations, thus permanently stopping one of the most important sources of reform desire. We will fall under a Personal Union with [bur_strongest_ally.GetName]. If not prevented: Despite the Imperial resolution to rein in Italy, there are still Italian states that refuse to accept the supremacy of the Empire. Completing the mission 'Secure the Succession'. The Papal State is the manifestation of the temporal power of the pope. However, with [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] claim relatively weak in the eyes of many noble lords and ladies, Burgundy is seen as ripe for the taking by the ambitious [FRA.Monarch.GetTitle] of [FRA.GetName] and [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] of the Holy Roman Empire. Information, Frequently Asked Moreover, it significantly reduces the cost of appointing new cardinals (both inside and outside the Papal lands) and increases the benefits from cardinals within the Papal State. Cede their province to recreate the Papacy for establishing a new Holy Roman Empire, and can not its. Foreign aggression new power, [ lubeck_trade_power.GetName ], has supplanted the Hansa in its home and... Has shattered our authority over the lands that still remain in control of HRE. Our Strong devotion makes us the ideal candidate responsible for establishing a new power, [ lubeck_trade_power.GetName ], supplanted... 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