Why is no one questioning why this decree is in NC and that the parties are shown as NC residents? It all came crashing down in the summer of 2012. Critical thinking was always discouraged and was seen as the expression of pride. A former student who went through the FBCH school system and was a student at HAC said, my first hand knowledge of SO MANY discrepancies in the teachings vs. [practice] had caused me great confusion, frustration, and turmoil. Another former student who graduated Hammond Baptist High School and attended Hyles-Anderson College said that FBC was a cesspool of hypocrisy and Im glad I got out. Another former student of HAC admitted As a young man I read the New Testament extensively and faithfully. When Jack Schaap found out that Kaifetz read Glover's book, it completely ended their friendship. 13) According to Judy, Vic and Jennies daughter, all communication in the Nischik home was passed through Jack Hyles. 44 of these people were charged with molesting underage girls. Some pastors at that time confronted him on this issue, but received no response from Hyles. You change your direction; you change your mind. 3 are general witnesses of the Hyles philosophy and doctrine in other Hyles affiliated IFB churches. Here are five of the most disgusting details: 1) Schaap kissing the victim during counseling. Now, that still doesnt make me better than you or possibly anyone else for that matter, but it does make me justified in His sight, and that is what matters. It was 12 years. Hyles and Jennie would give each other secret car light signals as they arrived home. He called this mental homosexuality.. Let them be bitter. Jack Schaap, former pastor at the First Baptist Church of Hammond, was sentenced in 2013 to 12 years in prison for his sexual relationship with a 17-year-old parish girl. Whats wrong with being bitter tim? He believed it was dishonoring to God and had doctrinal flaws. Schaap responded to him telling him that it was none of his business and that he and Oullette are too old to change. JACK HYLES BELIEVED AND PREACHED THAT IF SOMEONE IS ACCUSED OF SIN, YOU DONT LISTEN TO IT, YOU DONT BELIEVE IT, AND YOU DONT TALK ABOUT IT. He himself was charged with sexual assault at the camp. Are Christian pastors meant have sex with a minor? You can find the link in the eyewitness evidence section. http://www.chicoer.com/20110603/former-willows-pastor-sentenced-for-lewd-acts-with-minors. (Health Education and Welfare) department board and I believe in court as well. Working in the home, caring for the family was not preached by Hyles as being the work of God. JACK HYLES COVERED UP THE GROSS IMMORALITY, ADULTERIES, AND PERVERSIONS OF HIS SON DAVE HYLES . Jack Hyles was one of the greatest promoters of Quick Prayerism. Who participated in Series 12 of Britain & # x27 ; s net worth 2019 - reaganrock.com >. Mr Bruce truth is truth regardless of whether we believe it or not. He was personally observed to deliver a sermon with over 300 self-references and only 5 to God. BandGuy said: brianb said: or not. The doctrines they have taught are nothing more than man-made ideas that confuse and mislead people I am convinced they have brainwashed thousands of people. A former student of HAC recalled thinking at the time, I was it spiritually. At least 20 of them were defended and supported by the members of their church. He never faced church discipline. At least 3 of the victims were blamed for molestation charges. In our school we have a system of demerits, but we also have merits. Yet nothing was done. Credit Cards Mojo Copyright 2019. There was no church investigation into the matter. He admitted that he repeatedly molested a 13-year-old female student at the school. (Voyle Glover p 108), Now, you go ahead and let your kids go to the devil if you want to, but Im gonna fight for mine when they get in the battle, and Im gonna fight for every kid in this church! Sermon: Covenant of Salt, preached at Pastors School in 1972. According to court documents the relationship began when the victim was one week shy of her 17th birthday. According to these witnesses, many HAC graduates and students living in the Hammond area are current wife and child abusers. He also gave Jennie a lavish birthday party, without his wife and without Vic. If you ever missed a week you were told you didnt love your sailors and wanted them all to go to Hell. She was taught to always obey her pastor because he is Gods representative. Jack Schaap, 64, was released Wednesday from the federal prison system, according to Bureau of Prisons inmate records. They have not exposed all the cover-ups and lies that they willfully ignored and did nothing about, they have not removed Hyles books from their schools and library, nor have they taken down the mural and statue of he and his wife. When will people stop saying look at what the bible says? He testifies how Hyles was putting adulterous preachers back in the pulpit and even how he counseled a personal secretary of Hyles who witnessed Hyles affair with Jennie Vischik. The pastor did not show pity for Johnsons victim when he made a public statement. He said to her, Arlene your very touchable to a young man He then stated to the delegates, I can see why 100 young men want to touch her, couldnt you. You can actually hear the audio of this part of his sermon here: http://vimeo.com/64954749 (starting at 8:20), (Jerry Kaifetz p 58, 79; Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 40:22, 58:20, 59:00, 1:15:00: 1:16:50, 1:18:45, 1:19:10, 1:21:23, 1:26:00, 1:44:45; Paula Hyles Polonco Audio Interview Part 3 2:37; News Investigation Video: Preying from the Pulpit 8:20; Testimony of a Former HAC student 1/6/99 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm). The real spiritual students were praised for giving their entire lives for ridiculous schedules. I am not. They escaped jail because there wasnt enough evidence to sentence them. At Jack Hyles 70th Birthday Party, he was given $70,000 in cash in a wheelbarrow to make a Red Carpet Room dedicated to him. Hyles allowed Vic and Jennie to live in a separated state for years, and even used his own money to make sure that they remained separated. Other IFB Christians and pastors think differently. Joe and Evangeline were found guilty of aggravated kidnapping, aggravated assault, aggravated perjury, aggravated rape, and 7 other counts of rape. He has covered sin and let sin reign to the shame of Christ and of Christians. Even Linda Hyles Murphrey, Jacks own daughter, said that Jack Hyles died a multimillionaire. Kaifetz failed to disprove him, and found the evidence that Glover laid out was true and undeniable. Jesus is still on the throne. Schaap made the 16-year -old girl believe that what they were doing was right in Gods eyes. One former HAC student said he was very angry when the idea of a life-like statue of Jack Hyles in Founders Park was being introduced by Dr. Tom Vogel. Some of Hyles deacons and staff were involved in adultery, but Hyles did nothing about it when the accusations came. Spamming threadbare Christian clichs makes Baby Jebus cry. He preached that he is the pastor of 10,000 pastors. http://www.tampabay.com/faccca/group-homes/camp-tracey, CHARLES SAVAGE FORMER PASTOR OF FREEDOM BAPTIST TEMPLE IN XENIA, OH. No other pastor has spoken out against him or rebuked those who followed him. He even molested her in front of his own children. I have seen buses full of black children who, while not being allowed in the bus ministry, were driven down the alley behind the church, told to repeat a prayer, and counted as souls won on church property during big days. Factual. The HAC student had expressed many opinions about Hyles with one being Hyles words are final authority., (Voyle Glover p 159; Testimony from a friend of a HAC student 11/3/01 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm). Jack Schaap, 64, was released Wednesday from the federal prison system, according to Bureau of Prisons inmate records. Whenever there was deviation from the set schedule, Jack Hyles arranged it. 1 deacon of another church who asked the Sheriffs office to investigate the crime was dismissed and escorted off church property. 1) Dave Hyles was a habitual fornicator through his teenage years. Pastors talk about the widespread child molestation cases in the Roman Catholic churches, but they avoid warning or rebuking the rampant child molestation cases that are happening in dozens and dozens of IFB churches in America. So you gave up the faith you once believed in? 13. 5 were counselors. word by Jack Hyles He ruled the children and me with an iron hand, and was physically violent with us because Hyles said that men were the ruler of their families. Another witness said that their dad would follow Hyles handbook on child raising, and was very abusive he would use his belt and he would not care where it hit. Also many girls, women, and parents who were connected to the affairs went to Hyles with concerns, threats, and allegations. In six years, the teens reported 100,000 salvation decisions, though the youth Sunday School averaged only 2,500. When churches take the high moral ground, shouldnt their failings be exposed? There is no record of biblical church discipline being made. 1 was the daughter of Jack Hyles alleged mistress. A look at the life, ministry and abuses of Jack Schaap, the disgraced pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, a Chicago area megachurch, and the influences they had on the Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement. I will remain you that independent churches operate as a group as they do not often take their doctrine from the declarations of a man, most independent churches, regardless of the denomination operate on those principles. Do you see how dangerous this Hyles doctrine is? The truth is that those statistics are devoid of spirituality reality, and the bragging is sin. 4) Hyles kept Vic on staff at FBCH, even though he accused him (without evidence) of running off with another woman. So why would he financially back the continual separation of Vic and Jennie, encouraging them the live in a state of rebellion? If youd said glad Id have agreed. They kept the matter private until the last possible moment. (Witnesses: Voyle Glover p 203, 205- 206, 210-211, 214, 442; News Investigation Video: Preying from the Pulpit 30:32). These dress down sessions were often laced with tirades of vulgarity that would make locker room banter seem mild by comparison. Where was family life? The deacons wouldnt listen to him either, and even laughed at him. What a mess. Jack Hyles knew about it. And IFB pastors around the country as a whole do not warn their members of the corruption and gross immorality that has been going on inside the IFB movement. Hyles preached that God is helpless in doing his work without man. Jack Hyles financed the wave of intimidation on the victims families. Yet he had enough money to afford lavish gifts for visitors, hold expensive parties, and to buy houses for the upper management staff. He made people believe that his son Dave Hyles was raised right and great spiritually, yet his son was anything but spiritual, committing fornication and adulteries ever since he was a teenager. http://www.poynter.org/news/11413/jefferson-county-preacher-faces-molestation-charge/, DAVID JOSEPH JORGENSEN HYLES-ANDERSON GRADUATE / STAFF MEMBER AT FBCH / FORMER ASSOCIATE PASTOR OF PLEASANT VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH IN CHINO, CALIFORNIA. He used word and concept associations that were sophisticated psychological techniques. Backsliding does not depend on how much liquor youre drinking, your backsliding depends on one thing: are you actively doing the things you were made to do. He was born on 6 April 1951 in New York, New York, United States, he was 70 years at the time of his demise. Steve you have the wrong BIBLE thats not what it said. You do know Im an atheist, right? The following details listed below are the table of contents, providing an outline for what I have researched and explain in much more detail throughout the majority of this paper. He left the church without facing church discipline and with no follow up. They stripped me naked. Below is a brief description of each of these 22 church predators. Out of her fear of Jack Hyles, she stayed married this long until she finally had enough. A faculty member at HAC called Pastor Voegtlin and told him that he committed adultery with one of the students after he was caught. Im sure you dont want that on your shoulders. It was his OWN fault for having sex with another woman (especially a teenager) but where was Cindy when he was counselling this girl? decision in progress oinp 2022 decision in progress oinp 2022. Yes, Jack fell and is disgustingly gross but his wife did not help the situation. 1 pastor had in possession a rape kit to subdue, terrorize, bind, and rape victims. Sadly, It was always HIMSELF. A woman who was a HAC Graduate gave witness of her experience, Red flags started almost immediately, there was hero worship everywhere, and the things they chose to uplift and praise seemed so anti-doctrinal. Another former HAC student said My family was destroyed by Hylesian Fundamentalism many members of my family mistakenly placed their hope in men. Another former student of HAC said of Hyles, The idolatry of students toward Dr. Hyles himself, which seemed only to be encouraged by every structure, event, and even by every sermon he preached. Another HAC Graduate read Voyle Glovers book and gave a review saying Its hard to recognize hard facts when you fall under the influence of a man as strong a manipulator as Dr. Hyles was I highly recommend this book to those who have attended this college and are ready to make Jesus Christ the sole satisfier of your soul, not an icon. A former devoted follower of Hyles who had been to FBCH and read many of Hyles books said that Hyles was full of HIMSELF, not the Holy Spirit. Jack Hyles sermons were filled with Is and mes. But did she even try?. Doesnt love do no wrong to ones neighbour? She remembers being very afraid of Hyles. It bothered Nelson greatly that Hyles was going about the country trying to keep pastors who had fallen into adultery in the pulpit. In a sermon on February 7, 1988 entitled Full Reward, he said that he believed that his efforts on Christs behalf would give God a reason to be easier on his father Athie Hyles, whom he believed was in hell. [VIDEO] Drag Queen Drag Shows Are Now Infesting Churches, [VIDEO] Starbucks Worker Dumps Milkshake On Open Air Preachers Head, [VIDEO] Man Arrested For Threatening To Kill Female Abolitionist With Crowbar. Are you a Christian psychologist? JACK HYLES KNEW ABOUT HIS SONS WICKEDNESS FOR YEARS AND DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. The girl may be as young as 16, and police are now investigating Jack Schaap. 24 are former pastors, and 8 of them had important leadership roles at or connected to their church. 6. 10) Paula finally divorced him over all of this. Hyles preached that the wicked backslider is no worse than the good backslider. [2] The megachurch and school have been the subject of multiple instances of . Jesus lived a sinless life, was crucified, buried in a borrowed tomb, and rose again the third day and whether we believe it or not doesnt change it from being a reality. Police were dispatched Wednesday night to the 2300 block of Warren Street for a death investigation, Chief JamesRichardson said. The Five Most Revolting Details from the Evidence in the Jack Schaap Case, 2020 Chicago magazine / A Chicago Tribune Media Group website, Josh Duggar's sister Joy-Anna and her husband Austin speak out on child pornography arrest - Breaking News Time | Live News | Current News | Fast News - US, UK & World, Josh Duggars sister Joy-Anna and her husband Austin speak out on child pornography arrest Daily Mail USA SPOTLIGHT, Josh Duggars sister Joy-Anna and her husband Austin speak out on child pornography arrest Dinestle News Australia, Josh Duggars sister Joy-Anna and her husband Austin speak out on child pornography arrest Dinestle News U.S, Josh Duggars sister Joy-Anna and her husband Austin speak out on child pornography arrest Daily Mail Home Improvement, Josh Duggars sister Joy-Anna and her husband Austin speak out on child pornography arrest - Daily Mail - BuZZAroundTheWeb, Josh Duggars sister Joy-Anna and her husband Austin speak out on child pornography arrest Daily Mail Actual News, Josh Duggars sister Joy-Anna and her husband Austin speak out on child pornography arrest Daily Mail InfoGobs, Josh Duggars sister Joy-Anna and her husband Austin speak out on child pornography arrest - 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My Blog, Clean-cut Christian couple are seen preparing to welcome Josh Duggar after he's released on bail - Magical USA, Clean-cut Christian couple are seen preparing to welcome Josh Duggar after he's released on bail - Indeki - Real News Network, Clean-cut Christian couple are seen preparing to welcome Josh Duggar after he's released on bail - Travels Guide Blog, Clean-cut Christian couple are seen preparing to welcome Josh Duggar after he's released on bail - DiazHUB, Josh Duggar is freed on bail for child porn charges and heads to home of 'family friend' - Breaking News Time | Live News | Current News | Fast News - US, UK & World, Inside the Christian rehab where Josh Duggar was sent after he admitted to porn 'addiction' in 2015 - Breaking News Time | Live News | Current News | Fast News - US, UK & World, Clean-cut Christian couple are seen preparing to welcome Josh Duggar after he's released on bail - My Blog, Clean-cut Christian couple are seen preparing to welcome Josh Duggar after he's released on bail - DUK News, Clean-cut Christian couple are seen preparing to welcome Josh Duggar after he's released on bail ALi2DAY, Een keurig christelijk stel bereidt zich voor om Josh Duggar te verwelkomen nadat hij op borgtocht is vrijgelaten My Blog, Clean-cut Christian couple are seen preparing to welcome Josh Duggar after he's released on bail, Inside the Christian rehab where Josh Duggar was sent after he admitted to porn 'addiction' in 2015 - DiazHUB, Inside the Christian rehab where Josh Duggar was sent after he admitted to porn 'addiction' in 2015 - Indeki - Real News Network, Inside the Christian rehab where Josh Duggar was sent after he admitted to porn 'addiction' in 2015 - Latest Today News, Inside The Christian Rehab Where Josh Duggar Was Sent After He Admitted To Porn 'addiction' In 2015 - CartEgg, Inside the Christian rehab where Josh Duggar was sent after he admitted to porn 'addiction' in 2015, Inside the Christian rehab where Josh Duggar was sent after he admitted to porn addiction in 2015 The Habari Times DailyMail, Inside the Christian rehab where Josh Duggar was sent after he admitted to porn 'addiction' in 2015 - Magical USA, Inside the Christian rehab where Josh Duggar was sent after he admitted to porn 'addiction' in 2015 - Assembly of Words, Inside the Christian rehab where Josh Duggar was sent after he admitted to porn addiction in 2015 My Blog, Inside the Christian rehab where Josh Duggar was sent after he admitted to porn 'addiction' in 2015 ALi2DAY, Inside the Christian rehab where Josh Duggar was sent after he admitted to porn 'addiction' in 2015 - DUK News, Is Exposing Evildoers a Violation of the Ninth Commandment? Jerry Kaifetz recounted how Hyles mocked expository preaching (verse-by-verse) often. He would kill you. Let me be clear, I have no problem with Cindy Schaap divorcing her husband. You can either accept that, or not, but it doesnt change the fact that I know, based on a lifetime of experience, what I am talking about. http://jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/052806/met_21984591.shtml, http://archive.firstcoastnews.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=68354, CALEB THOMPSON SON OF THE LATE PASTOR HANK THOMPSON AT CAPITOL CITY BAPTIST CHURCH IN ARLINGTON, TX. He is quoted as saying to this girl named Arlene, Arlene, youre very touchable to a young man I can see why 100 young men want to touch her, couldnt you (asking the delegates). This was preached to a house full of preachers in Denver and there were so many amens throughout it.). Jack Hyles not only hid his sons sins but sent him to be a ticking time bomb as pastor at that church. And yet for some odd reason I am still a believer. You do know that a differing opinion is not a lie, right? She said that followers who have tried to leave have recognized that FBCH is clearly a cult, and every member was in complete obedience to Jack Hyles and didnt dare disagree with him or be disloyal for fear of being publicly ridiculed, punished, or banished. The former pastor of a northwest Indiana megachurch on Wednesday was sentenced to 12 years in prison for having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old parishioner. http://deloc.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=561, JEFFREY NICHOLS ASSISTANT PASTOR AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR AT GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH IN ATTLEBORO, MA. The victim said that Cedric used the position of authority granted to them by Harvest to satisfy their perverse desires. Another victim filed a lawsuit, alleging that Cedric abused him with beatings, hard labor, denial of food and shoving him with an electric cattle prod. 200? Are they still married? She spent hours alone with him on Saturday afternoons. How many children and wives were abused from the influence of Hyles and Schaaps teachings on severe discipline and the treatment of wives? And if Im wrong (Im not!) If all Baptist churches would rightly divide their King James Bibles, wed have a different world. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. Video: Hyles boasting about what he owns, and his clear hypocrisy in the next clip. Freedom Baptist Temple has remained quiet about this and there is no record of church discipline. Part 1: http://www.jeriwho.net/audio/Paula01.mp3 One HAC Graduate said that she remembered some of the meetings with college girls waiting for Hyles to return as if he was Elvis. She said that they were taught to actually worship him and treat him as an idol. They would sing to him the We love you preacher song to make him come out. There was no church investigation into the matter. They first have to be willing to investigate it with a willing spirit, reproved him publicly, and then cut all ties with FBCH/HAC, until First Baptist becomes a new lump. Some Holy Ghost that guides you. 1. My heart breaks for Mrs. Schaap on so many levels. For years Voegtlin kept silent about it, until he finally had the courage to speak out about Hyles and expose a lot of the corruption that was going on. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, UPDATE: Death of Winfield woman ruled a homicide, coroner says, 2 Illinois men each sentenced to over 90 years for killing of Portage High School student, History Channel's 'American Pickers' coming back to Indiana, looking for people with antiques, UPDATE: Lake Station police investigating possible homicide; suspect in custody, chief says, Crown Point schools release redistricting maps, Lake County investigators on scene of death investigation in Winfield, sheriff says, The perfect piece of land: Schererville hears pitches on future use of Illiana Motor Speedway property, Nebraska cheerleader competes by herself at state competition, but crowd doesn't let her feel alone, Riverfront district moves forward in St. John, Man found dead from gunshot wound in Munster parking lot, coroner says, Lake Station man charged with murder in connection with deadly shooting, Porter County police led on high-speed chase; driver said she was 'in a tough spot,' report says, Portage cops find meth sprinkled in their vehicles after arrests. When I asked you if it was wrong, you said, No, the girl said in a statement. TOM DANIELS FORMER PASTOR OF RIO LINDA BAPTIST CHURCH IN RIO LINDA, CA. Jack Hyles simply had to be in charge of everything and approve everything. So, from what must a person repent in order to be saved? Marriages dissolved, friends lives were wrecked, and as the children grew, they were rapidly moving spiritually away from the church and from God. I am sorry to hear that bro.schaap The 1st Jack was a case in point, if you believe the back door rumors. He would not relinquish power, would never admit to mistakes, would never admit he was wrong about his decisions, would never admit that anyone else could make decisions better than he could. He is quoted as saying that Diety is helpless in the work and redemption without humanity. THERE ARE AT LEAST 22 CHARGED CRIMINALS/PERVERTS THAT ARE CONNECTED TO HYLES. Trinity Baptist leadership knew Gray was a pedophile but covered it up. This is mine [pointing to the pulpit]. http://posttrib.chicagotribune.com/18835553-537/preacher-sex-with-17-year-old-was-lords-work.html#.VI5UShbaafQ, http://posttrib.chicagotribune.com/news/lake/28442049-460/schaap-blames-attorneys-for-12-year-sentence.html, http://posttrib.chicagotribune.com/news/lake/28532140-418/ex-pastor-seeks-to-reduce-12-year-sentence.html#.VI5JvxbaafQ, http://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/lake/hammond/ex-megachurch-pastor-blames-underage-victim-wants-out-of-prison/article_2ae9324b-eacf-546e-9f73-c12147f5726f.html, JEFFREY JARRELL HYLES-ANDERSON GRADUATE / FORMER YOUTH PASTOR AT CALVARY PARK BAPTIST CHURCH, PETERSBURG, VA, Took a guilty plea for molesting 11 young girls from his church. Saying that Diety is helpless in the work and redemption without humanity what they were was... Of biblical church discipline that Cedric used the position of authority granted to them by Harvest to their... 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