Ali Winston, I told Lucido that I had heard no mention of a Task Force at all. That piece concluded that history indicated that anytime a Democratic presidential or gubernatorial candidate won betterthan 56% in metro Detroit defined as Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties he or she would win the state. Teter had certainly not brought it up either at our meeting or any time afterwards. What is fundamentally clear is that neither the Free Press nor Nessel wanted me there asking anything specific. What may be the most remarkable part of Biden's victory in Michigan, however, is the way in which the entire process unfolded amid the coronavirus pandemic. "My inclination was that the blue wall states were going to do what they normally do and vote Democrat.". OAKLAND Former Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick filed a federal whistleblower lawsuit against the city on Wednesday, alleging she was fired in retaliation for exposing corruption and . Juvenile (delinquency/abuse neglect) - 248-766-7533. Maybe this tells us '16 was an outlier.". As part of his plea deal, Perez turned states evidence and accused dozens of other LAPD officers of misconduct. Smiths felony charges from the Michigan Attorney Generals Office are all in relation to alleged misuse of forfeiture funds. Four years ago, its 974 votes broke 61%-35% for Trump. I called some old friends still in the business in Chicago and they agreed to vouch for me if necessary. Record turnout of 5.5 million, larger than that seen in the election of 2008,drove his victory. The subjects of Nessels proclamation were alsocentral figures in my investigation alongside attorney Jon B. Munger (fired in 2017), Oakland County Probate Court Chief Judge Kathleen Ryan and her colleagues Linda Hallmark, Daniel A. OBrien and Jennifer Callaghan. Oakland, California CNN Four police chiefs in 10 days. For months, the president had been saying you can't trust absentee, mail-in ballots so his base was not using it. It was even apparent looking at the statewide vote for university trustees, which have often been seen as a barometer for partisanship since voters don't give them nearly as much attention as the top of the ticket and may merely have followed their party inclination. I truly believe that they dont see what theyre doing as being corrupt. Even after I received their 2018 Letter of Intent to publish my investigation into the Oakland County Probate Court, I was cautious. The decision to purge the files was legal, according to Tom Kinzinger, an attorney with Bryan Cave law firm who reviewed the Alameda County Superior Courts destruction of records for The Appeal. "I was just thinking that the Biden campaign nurtured the blue wall and cultivated it," said Wielhouwer. Two years later, ADDMS was also found to be up to its ears in all kinds of alleged malfeasance (of course, no one was ever prosecuted) and it was also a company to which George handed over rewards in the form of docket-fulls of wards. by Nicole Audrey Spector Sure, the president of the United States wields immense power, as does the average member of the Senate and House of Representative, but when it comes to unchecked lawlessness, abuse of authority and corruption, they've got nothing over the county sheriff. Lelands guilty plea stemmed from him being indicted on federal bribery charges and a felony misconduct in office charge for accepting $15,000 in cash and free car repairs in exchange for his vote on a land deal, according to the FBI. But I will tell you this: I am going to publish. So, I continued my work with the security that its results, pending rigorous fact-checking, had a home. But he kept it up, and it worked to a great degree. Is the Future of Southeast Michigans Public Transportation Regional. can stand by your side from the initial investigation onward. Its really hard toconfer a whistleblowing case when no one knew the whistle had been blown, Jackson said. The three officers, who patrolled West Oakland together on the graveyard shift in 2000, were accused of violating the civil rights of innocent suspects by illegally detaining them, planting drugs. The series covers the 1995 abduction of 6-year-old Morgan Nick from a little league game in Alma, Arkansas, as well as the resolution of the 1989 abduction and murder of 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling in St. Joseph, Minnesota. Two leaders of an Oakland construction management firm pleaded guilty Thursday to felony charges in the far-reaching San Francisco City Hall corruption scandal centered . When Catallo was shooting the story, the Kirks attorney, Sterling Heights Mayor and rabid Democrat Michael Taylor showed up to do a bit of schilling for his clients. For instance, look at East Bay Township Precinct 1 in Grand Traverse County. It spoke generally to the strength Democrats showed in growing suburbs as well as in areas where retirees from southeastern Michigan are moving into Up North. Miller recently asked for the misconduct in office and conspiracy to commit a legal in an illegal manner charges against him to be dropped. Its my first and last OpEd so it calls for some trial anderror. It would, therefore, not serve our goals for publication at all to provide you with the requested documents at this time, I concluded. But Biden got 40% to Clinton's 36%. "The Trump surge came at the end and he couldn't quite catch up to Biden's advantage," he said. "We have no specific instances of wrongdoing.". The charges still currently stand against Miller though, and Liston pled guilty to embezzlement charges for improper use of forfeiture funds in September of 2021. I checked with my editor at the Free Press who gave an enthusiastic green light. Turned out Taylors favorite hobby after Catallos story broke was taking to social media and yammering about both it and her as, ironically, being nothing more but fake news.. "It used to be, you went in and voted your party," Avery said. In addition, former Detroit Councilman Gabe Leland pled guilty to misconduct in office in May of 2021, and he resigned from City Council following the plea. On the other hand, what happened this year with the Detroit Free Presstook the prize andwas a gut-punch to what had been my rose-tinted view of the profession. "That's not happening any more. With more likely in the works, it is important to note that strong local journalism, citizen involvement in local government and an understanding of who is being elected can help reduce corruption cases. Mohammed Nuru, director of San Francisco Public Works, center, gestures as he leaves a federal . Still, I kept the faith. And in Grand Traverse, Trump went from winning by 13 points four years ago to beating Biden by just 3. Since 2016 there has been two public corruption cases in Oakland County and one in St. Clair County; no other county in the region has had any cases come to light. Oakland County Sheriff's deputies are searching for a driver who hit a road sign and left the scene. I felt like Adlai Stevenson staring down Ambassador Zorin. Oakland County Public Corruption Defense Lawyer, MI. Trump, despite ending his campaign in Grand Rapids and making west Michigan a focus of his campaign, raised less than 75,000 new votes. After speaking with AG [sic] office they assure me the task force has nothing to do with Oakland County issues, he wrote. In Antrim County, where an initial count raised questions and led to a re-tabulation, Trump's margin of victory fell 15%. Many of the judges are in cahoots with the Friend of the Court workers. Please take a moment to explore these programs below. This was the Detroit Free Press. Required fields are marked *. Her work has won or been nominated for four successive Chicago Press Club awards, been recognized by the National Association of Lesbian and Gay Journalists (NLGJA), and covered topics such as criminal justice,abuse atICE detention facilities, andalleged discriminationon the part of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services leading to the unnecessary separation of children from their parents. The Oakland Police Department has been under a nearly two-decade-long federal oversight program as a result of the Riders case, in which officers were accused of beating and planting drugs on West Oakland residents. Really? It is now . Metro-Detroit is not unfamiliar with public corruption. Corruption cases have long riddled the Metro-Detroit region and in an upcoming post we will detail the ones that have been brought to the public eye since 2016. Sgt. On the other hand, Steven G. Cohen, the attorney who brought the lawsuit against Chase and Jefferson, ended up on the wrong side of the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission for his trouble. The families got the same response from Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper, the Michigan Attorney Grievance and Judicial Tenure Commissions, state and local police and the Detroit office of the FBI. Lucido seemed equally surprised because, he said, there was supposed to be a press conference about it on March 25. In Brighton's Precinct 4, at the Brighton Education Community Center on Church Street, Trump won 55%-40% four years ago, getting 507 votes to Clinton's 370. But in. For Coblentz, that is 296 cases involving 345 defendants . Ways to get involved in the 2022 Election. I felt more disappointment than surprise when one of the principle topics of Nessel's presser was guardianship in Michigan's probate courts; the focal point of my investigation. The chief of staffs for Ayers and Benson are also included in this investigation but have not been charged. "It's back to more typical levels this year.". Mar 02, 2022. Gretchen Rachel Hammond is an award-winning freelance investigative journalist based out of Chicago. Turnout topped 5.5 million votes, beating the record of 5 million in 2008, and that, in turn, was driven by an avalanche of absentee votes, which were believed to top 3.3 million. The U.S. Supreme Court has explained that, any favorable evidence known to others acting on the governments behalf in the case, including the police., Not all branches of Californias courts are as aggressive as Alameda County in destroying police corruption files. In Wayne County (excluding Detroit), since 2016, there have been four public corruption charges. During thirteen months in 1976 and 1977, four children were abducted, abused in captivity and then murdered, their bodies tossed by public roadsides. James Rullamas, who helped investigate Valergas sexual misconduct, said in a 2007 court deposition that the former officer received lenient treatment from the legal system. SAN FRANCISCO Three Bay Area men, including a justice activist who billed himself as a youth mentor just 11 days after . They will take months to do anything. Besides, there were Attorney General appointees allegedly engaged in unimaginable elder abuse and that wasn't high level enough? The Istanbul Center hosted a discussion Jan. 19 with Ali Winston, one of the authors of The Riders Come Out at Night: Brutality, Corruption, and . When including public contractors that number rises to about 40. We can do something right now. It probably explains why they joined the Michigan Guardianship Association and a host of like-minded pro-guardianship organizations and the omnipresent Probate Judges Association as Task Force members. However, when I saw that the list of attendees included State Public Administrator Michael Moody, I pushed back and alerted Rossman-McKinney that he was a focus of the investigation. Clinton won the Democratic-leaning region 55.8%-39.9% for Trump four years ago. To help, we passed around photographs that we had taken during our visits to them. It's the only message some people, agencies and entities understand. Just what in the blue fuck was that supposed to mean? Originally, the oversight was to last five years, but the police department has been slow to achieve reforms. In the 1960s, Oakland became the birthplace of the Black Panther movement after growing police harassment and brutality, and in 1968, anger at OPD boiled over when cops killed a 17-year-old member. Teter gravely asked if I had shared the information with anyone. This request came because, according to news reports, Millers attorney claims there was no criminal intent with his interaction related to the larger case of alleged misuse of forfeiture funds by Smith. Exposing how the U.S. criminal legal system fails to keep people safe and perpetuates harm. In addition to members of the Detroit City Council being investigated for possible crimes related to public corruption tied to City towing policies, so are three members of the Detroit Police Department. I couldnt vote for her but, damn, was I ever inspired that a fellow member of the LGBT community had so passionately reached to rarely attained heights. I didn't quote him at the time but there were more than a few moments I wanted to blurt out "Well let me tell you, with a trespass on credulity that excels your best, that we do have the evidence. From the outset, Nessel ran with the often used talking point that the majority of the abuse of Americas seniors occurs at the hands of family members or friends. As a result, the full extent of Valergas conduct remains unknown. And his percentage of the overall vote actually declined slightly. And then you did. Along with my team, I invited three family members of Oakland County wards to send one representative each. His name was Dennis Burgio and he had a heartbreaking story to tell about how he had been cleaned out of his 401k by a friend and former insurance agent;the same numbers I was seeing stripped from Oakland County wards by their public administrators, guardians. As we moved on to Medicaid fraud allegedly committed by the public administrators, I was asked what bearing it had on the investigation. Four years ago, he rode a level of support in rural and older industrial areas, especially those with large swaths of white voters, unlike that seen since Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, decrying trade deals and blustering that he'd force Mexico to pay for a wall along the southern border. Pay-to-play was all too common in state politics, then-Free Press associate editor Ron Dzwonkowski wrote in 2010. IRS delays tax deadline for Bay Area, but California hasn't followed: What should you do? Oakland County Courts are known for their corruption and their extortion. Its a high-level review of elder care issues. Only one of them Saginaw was among those Trump flipped four years ago, and even then, Biden won it by only three-tenths of 1%. Read more onMichigan politics and sign up for ourelections newsletter. Under the guardianship of Macomb County Public Administrator Robert Kirk and his wife Cathy, they were literally fenced inside their own home. Anyone with information about public corruption anywhere in Michigan should report it directly to FBI Detroit special agents and analysts at Monitor the livestream broadcast if youre worried about integrity of the process, but this isnt worth the back and forth with AGs office.. One of the firearms found in the car was a shotgun that Neely and Richholt allegedly seized from an East Oakland mans house earlier in the day in a warrantless search. The Oakland Field Office of IRS Criminal Investigation has dedicated resources to unraveling the truth behind the extensive web of corruption, which Mohammed Nuru presided over, during his tenure leading the San Francisco Department of Public Works," said IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent in Charge Mark H. Pearson. I think it is going to take a whistleblower with some damn good evidence, going to the DC feds. But that wasnt on the high level reviews agenda. At least, not in my rose-tinted world. in Oakland County at their at the Red Fox in I think it was Bloomfield. Chapter 4: The Investigating Prosecutor. Macks defense of Michigan probate judges and the guardianship system itself has been so unyielding that in more direct attorney circles, he has since become knownas Mack the Shield.. Her work has won or been nominated for four successive Chicago Press Club awards, been recognized by the National Association of Lesbian and Gay Journalists (NLGJA), and covered topics such as. California law also includes a provision that allowed the Riders case files to be destroyed after just three years. If you want to know exactly what Yun, Carney, and Fraser did to earn their brief,moment in the sun Friday, then you are quite welcome to click the links below: These stories goto the heart of both Gretchen Whitmer and Dana Nessels 2018 campaigns for Michigan Governor and Attorney General. As for the morning being a "high level review of elder care issues," either Rossman-McKinney lied to my editor or he lied to me. Only the Detroit News was at all interested. (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication. If you valued this article, please help us produce more journalism like this by making a contribution today. Teter looked me square in the face and asked me who they were. And while we don't know precisely what that percentage was yet across the state, Kiska's key precincts give a decent idea. Teresa James, assistant division director for the Alameda County Superior Courts traffic and criminal division, confirmed that the Valerga, Richholt, and Neely files were destroyed in accordance with state law that allows the court to dispose of misdemeanor criminal files after five years. Charges against Vazquez are still active because he is considered a fugitive. In 2008, Oakland paid $2 million to settle a civil rights lawsuit brought by 16 womenall of whom were Asian Americanwho said they were victims of Valerga. In winning Michigan, data from the Secretary of State's Office indicatedBiden, nowthe president-elect,added nearly 522,000 votes to those won by Hillary Clinton in the state in 2016. 28 police officers with allegations involving a prostitute. It is one of the 80 key precincts identified by Tim Kiska, an associate professor at the University of Michigan-Dearborn who does election analysisfor the Free Press, as representative of the direction the state may take in a given election. Kinzinger, the attorney, told The Appeal that because the Riders trials ended with hung juries and the court dismissed the cases after 60 days, the retention requirement for the case files dropped to three years from 50. But as Biden was winning a close race at the top of the ticket, Republicans won a trustee seatat Michigan State University and a Board of Governor's seat at Wayne State University (the latter going for former Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land). The department remains under a federal judges authority and bound by a settlement agreement that details numerous reforms. In Los Angeles County, the superior courts criminal division retained files for several former officers who were charged in the. Republican voters, though, as well as Democratic ones, are clearly not monolithic. My advice is to contact the Macomb County Bar Association, the Michigan State Police or the FBI." First time I can remember I've tried to report a crime and no one has . They are all sharp as tacks anyway. OAKLAND Former Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick filed a federal whistleblower lawsuit against the city on Wednesday, alleging she was fired in retaliation for exposing corruption and abuse of power in the police commission. In the region around Saginaw Bay and the Thumb, he got 27,000 more votes than in 2016 out of an area still trying to dig itself out of long-standing manufacturing losses. Behind the scenes of the Michigan Elder Abuse Task Force, Nessels firings of four Public Administrators on Friday, the Detroit not so Free Press, Listening Tours, Kojak, Strip Searches and corruption at the highest levels. The sole remaining court record of the Riders case is related to officer Frank Vazquez, known to his fellow officers as Choker because he frequently grabbed people by their necks. Reporting suspects and suspicious events seems to go nowhere. The journalists in attendance were, justifiably, appalled and, in the end, Burgio ended up getting far more ink than Nessel. Nothing that was goingto happen in the last couple of weeks was going to change those votes.". Chapter 1: Police, Prosecutors, the Privileged, and Politics. There are also cases tied to contractors and overall public corruption cases in Macomb County, that were not included in these counts. Oh them! Teter replied, growing visibly impatient. When my stories resulted in positive changes, to even a single life, then my salary and the resulting can of Spaghettios was earned. Throughout the trials, the Oakland Police Departments internal culture was examined in detail, as were political decisions by city leaders to undertake a zero tolerance crackdown on drug dealers, which community activistsand even the Oakland police unionblamed for stoking violence by street cops. I was floored. One of the firearms found in the car was a shotgun that Neely and Richholt allegedly seized from an East Oakland mans house earlier in the day in a warrantless search. The initial charges against Smith were the state charges and occurred in March of 2020, and the federal charges came in September of 2020. You strung me along for eight months. No other county in the region or the state has had as many corruption cases the as Wayne and Macomb counties. Richholt did not respond to a request for comment. And there are any number of places where such a change can be demonstrated, across metro Detroit. In 2000, Vazquez fled the country before he was arraigned on 18 felony counts including kidnapping, assault, and conspiracy to obstruct justice. By Nate Gartrell | | Bay Area News Group. He is guardian of her eldest son, Clarence. 2000-11-02 04:00:00 PDT OAKLAND -- In one of the toughest crackdowns against police corruption in Oakland history, the Alameda County district attorney will charge four police . With no due process, or medical evidence presented as to a wards incapacity, shocking judicial overreach led them to be stripped of each of their constitutional, statutory, civil and human rights. In February 2003, Neely and Richholt pleaded guilty to one count of agreeing to engage in prostitution and received one day in jail and three years of probation, a misdemeanor. This statute is written as a set of instructions and authorizations to a branch of government and doesnt necessarily take into account the rights of defendants or victims, Weisberg, the Stanford law professor, told The Appeal. The day after my team met with Teter. Four take plea deals in wild Brentwood homicide where victim, suspects shot each other, Feds charge two with robbing two San Francisco banks during the same day, One dead, another wounded in Oakland shooting, Prosecution wraps case in Alex Murdaugh murder trial. His case file remains in the archives of Los Angeless court system. Much of his bluster was false rhetoric. I called my editor at the Free Press. Every single time, they were told to "get an attorney but hardly anyone dared to represent wards or families fighting Public Administrators and court-appointed guardians. The many decades of deceit, public corruption, evidence contamination, and including the lack of following up on anything. Numerous other officers were named during the investigation and trial as having participated in similar abuses. Ninety minutes later, I published a five-part, freelance series detailing an alleged massive abuse and exploitation ring operating out of a Detroit-area probate court. The pollsters were all wrong," saidSusy Heintz Avery, a former Michigan Republican Party chairwoman and co-director of the Michigan Political Leadership Program at Michigan State University. The paper that would never bow to a public official. 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