Eventually, a goat demon, resembling the ancient Baphomet idol, emerges from the tunnel and proceeds to mock a carried lamb, a symbol of Christ. But the piercing of the tunnel. RYNAECHT, SWITZERLAND (JUNE 1, 2016) (SDR POOL - ACCESS ALL) 1. Faido portal (maintenance access), 757m (2,484ft) a.s.l. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel turned a great feat of engineering into a religious ceremony dedicated to Baphomet while somewhat ridiculing the workers who sacrificed their lives and the masses who will travel through the tunnel. With the completion in 1986 of the A2 motorway in the Valle Leventina, the main valley leading from Airolo down to Bellinzona, and the surmounting of the Monte Ceneri between Bellinzona and Lugano in 1983, finally a continuous motorway was established from the northern border of Switzerland in Basel to the southern border in Chiasso, or the shortest motorway route from North-German Hamburg as far as South-Italian Sicily, bringing down the competitiveness of the railway line. The Health Service and childrens literature part of the show was a bonkers spectacle. [5][6][7] At opening the GBT reduced travel times for trans-Alpine train journeys by about 40 minutes, and by one hour when the adjacent Zimmerberg and Ceneri Base Tunnels were completed. They accept the deal but trick the devil by sending a goat over instead. [62] At the northern entrance in Erstfeld, President of the Confederation Johann Schneider-Ammann spoke of a "giant step for Switzerland but equally for our neighbours and the rest of the continent", while a live relay carried a speech given by Transport Minister Doris Leuthard at the southern entrance in Bodio. IT'S SHOCKING! The video shows the nurses putting the children to bed as a lullaby plays. CERN has actually been shut down for several years. The reason for our growing distaste for such power displays lies in the personhood revolution Jesus started 2,000 years ago. Coincidence? BE SURE TO WATCH this shortened version of the Swiss Tunnel Opening Ceremony video, and pay close attention to the choreography and symbolism. There, the tunnel penetrates the western slopes of the Blmeten and Chli Windgllen (although only marginally) before passing below the valley of the Chrstelenbach, a creek in the Maderanertal. With a route length of 57.09 km (35.5 mi), it is the world's longest railway and deepest traffic tunnel and the first flat, low . Oh, and if this all sounds EXACTLY like the plot to Stranger Things (especially Seasons 2 and 3) then youd be 100% correct. This aesthetic, imperfectly embodied in fits and starts by us in art, music, meals, and self-emptying living is like an acid eroding the aesthetic of the state. Last modified on Wed 1 Jun 2016 15.10BST, Regular passenger trains start using the 35-mile Gotthard Base tunnel, which took 17 years to build, Swiss president says he hopes Gotthard base tunnel below Alps will help join the people and the economies of Europe, EU heads to take 57km maiden voyage in 11bn Gotthard base tunnel on Wednesday, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every On Wednesday, June 1st, the long-awaited opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland finally took place. The ceremony ends with the goat man being resurrected and worshipped as he is introduced to technology, industry and modern society with manyof the actors clothed as cross dressers, driftersand harlots . "[21] On average, the temperature is about 3C (5F) higher on the south side than the north side, but on some days, temperature differences are well over 10C (18F). During 2016, the GBT was tested extensively[64][65] before its integration into the regular schedule on 11 December. Public institutions joined the celebrations: Swiss Post issued a special stamp commemorating the Gotthard Base Tunnel,[60][61] and Swissmint issued gold and silver coins dedicated to the opening. We experience this aesthetic as we slowly lose our appetite for power at the expense of others from the images of endless wars, drone strikes, and police killings we see. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland featured a "goat-man" that dies, is resurrected, is worshipped and is crowned as "the king of the world." The "goat-man" that played such a key role in this performance bore a striking resemblance to Baphomet, which in recent decades has become one of the key symbols . If you want to watch the whole thing and prove Im not taking it out of context Ive got the full video for you right here. Taking 17 years to complete (at a cost of 11 billion Euros) and measuring 35 miles, the tunnel is said to be the longest and most expensive tunnel ever built. A proposal to construct a functioning railway station, called Porta Alpina (from Romansh, "Alpine Gate"), at this site was evaluated, but the project was put on hold in 2007 and definitively cancelled by the federal authorities in 2012 as uneconomical. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard tunnel choreographed by Volker Hesse, was, to say the least, strange. The tunnel provides a faster connection between the canton of Ticino and the rest of Switzerland, as well as between northern and southern Europe, cutting the Basel/ZrichLuganoMilan journey time for passenger trains by one hour (and from Lucerne to Bellinzona by 45 minutes). Literally occult symbols everywhere. We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! It was imagined and coordinated by a German director named Volker Hesse who is relatively obscure beyond the German-speaking world and its hard to say exactly what his intended message was, assuming he even knows. In this legend, Swiss herdsmen attempt to construct a bridge over the perilous Gotthard mountain pass. See, we moved the rock. Required fields are marked *. Feel free to change the random generated username. He recently launched a project called A Neighbors Choice, which seeks to introduce Jesus culture of nonviolence to both Christians and the broader public. The more our culture steeps in the cross, even when it consciously rejects the Church, the more we feel that each person deserves dignity, no matter how small or weak. An opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland took place in 2016. [20], The Gotthard Base Tunnel, with a length of 57.09km (35.5mi) and a total of 151.84km (94.3mi) of tunnels, shafts and passages, is the longest railway tunnel in the world,[note 2] with a geodetic distance of 55.782km (34.7mi) between the two portals. It was a once-daily service from Flelen railway station to Biasca railway station and in reverse. God be with us when this thing turns on starting July 3. None other than Shiva the God of Destruction. [64] From 2019 onwards, the Gotthard axis will be served by the Stadler EC250 (Giruno),[needs update] high-speed train and future flagship of the SBB fleet. The LHC, near Geneva, Switzerland, is the world's largest particle collider and the largest single machine in the world. But its powering back up on July 5th and theyre dialing up the power to a level never before tested. Please enter your email address so that the password reset email can be sent to you account. For a while, this was wiped completely off the Internet. We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. [6], After the opening of the tunnel there was an increase in passengers crossing the trans-alpine line, with 2.3 million passengers in the first 8 months, an increase of 30% over the previous year. The tunnels are connected by small cross-passages every 325 feet (100 meters), which allows people to walk from one tunnel to the other in case of an emergency. Big credit to realTT2020 on Truth Social for posting this video. Of course the Goat Head was prominently featured. Your data is used to pre-fill some form fields. A Neighbor's Choice is also the name of his weekly radio show on state violence and alternative solutions to it. There's a statue of Shiva, a Hindu God, also known as the destroyer outside. All rights reserved. https://twitter.com/agenda212030/status/1252321316020957185. It took seventeen years and nine deaths to build the first flat route ever through the Alps, directly linking Switzerland to Germany, France, and Italy. Youre probably familiar with CERN, also known as the The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva Switzerland. These miners were human beings with families, wives, and children. Construction began 17 years ago. morning, Available for everyone, funded by readers. The opening ceremony The ceremony was separated into two different events. The world's largest tunnel, it took 17 years to complete and promises a new era of state-managed European and global connectedness. Like the two other tunnels passing below the Gotthard, the Gotthard Base Tunnel connects two Alpine valleys across the Saint-Gotthard Massif: the Urner Reusstal in the canton of Uri, in which flows the river Reuss, and the Valle Leventina, the largest valley in the canton of Ticino, in which the river Ticino flows. The station of Altdorf is planned to be served by 2021. Train services from Italy to Switzerland through the line are expected to become faster from 2020,[needs update] with the opening of the Ceneri Base Tunnel, with an expected further increase in passenger numbers. Jun 1, 2016 It comprises the Ltschberg Base Tunnel (34.6 km), the Gotthard Base Tunnel (57.1 km - the longest railway tunnel in the world) and the Ceneri Base Tunnel (15.4 km). It is part of the New Railway Link through the Alps (NRLA) project, which also includes the Ceneri Base Tunnel further south (opened on 3 September 2020) and the Ltschberg Base Tunnel on the other main northsouth axis. The second part of the ceremony took place after the trip though the tunnel.This is 100% satanic, evil, new world order garbage that will make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck! pic.twitter.com/6aTfpnkhFi, Dr. Doom (@MajorX11878154) June 26, 2020. Switzerland is also where CERN is located; the organisation trying to "recreate the Big Bang" with its Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A window allows visitors to watch the trains running in the tunnel. The Gotthard Base Tunnel has opened in Switzerland, and its inaugural ceremony was bizarre enough to have many conspiracy theorists calling it a satanic ritual. Technical maximum speed: 250km/h (160mph), Maximum authorized speed: 230km/h (140mph), Operating speed (passenger): 200km/h (124mph) (normal) up to 230km/h (143mph) (if delay), Minimum speed: 100km/h (62mph) (freight), Amsteg (the 11.3km (7.0mi) section from Amsteg to north of, Sedrun (the 8.6km (5.3mi) East tube and 8.7km (5.4mi) West tube in the section immediately north and south of Sedrun), along with work performed by Transco (. Many lives are lost in the rapid rivers and heights below the bridge. The paper highlighted some of the more esoteric elements of the gala such as a winged baby, semi-naked dancers and a man with a birds nest on his head. It would last until 1921. The first regularly served railway stations on the base line (as of 2016/17) are those of Arth-Goldau (Schwyz), a railway node with links to Lucerne and Zrich, and Bellinzona (the "Gate of Ticino"), with links to Locarno, Luino and Lugano (via the Monte Ceneri Rail Tunnel). The two tunnels are joined approximately every 325m (1,066ft) by connecting galleries. It included 600 dancers, acrobats and dramatic actors and cost CHF8.8 million ($8.9m). (function() { var qs,js,q,s,d=document, gi=d.getElementById, ce=d.createElement, gt=d.getElementsByTagName, id="typef_orm", b="https://embed.typeform.com/"; if(!gi.call(d,id)) { js=ce.call(d,"script"); js.id=id; js.src=b+"embed.js"; q=gt.call(d,"script")[0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q) } })(). A winged baby, semi-naked dancers and a man with a birds nest on his head[is] how Switzerland decided to mark opening of worlds longest rail tunnel. TruNews.com provides more detail: The ritual, dubbed by BBC as a lavish performance was originally intended to represent various aspects of Swiss culture. Black Panther Leader Finds Out Ancestors Came to America Tunnels and Jail Cells Under DCNow EXPOSED! Here's a look at another celebration of the occult elite. [34] The final breakthrough in the west tube occurred on 23 March 2011 at 12:20. The story goes that for some reason we need to crash really tiny particles into each other at ridiculous speeds because that will tell us something about science. The tunnel passes under these two ranges more than 2,000m (6,562ft) below the Chrzlistock (2,709m or 8,888ft) and the Piz Vatgira (2,983m or 9,787ft, near the Lukmanier Pass). This point corresponds to the main chain of the Alps, and is the main drainage divide between the Rhine and the Po. The video adds still photos of former President Barack Obama with a finger over his lips in the shh, be quiet gesture, and similar photos of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and other famous people. According to the caption of the video, a satanic ritual was carried out in Switzerland in 2016 while opening a railway tunnel - an event attended by various European heads of state. An innocuous ribbon cutting ceremony for an impressive engineering feat. These stations house ventilation equipment and technical infrastructure and serve as emergency stops and evacuation routes. A . A bronze memorial plaque with their names four coming from Germany, three from Italy, and one from each of South Africa and Austria was unveiled by AlpTransit Gotthard AG CEO Renzo Simoni. There is a giant sculpture of a sleeping baby in the background. There are plans for a train service between Zrich and Milan with a journey time of 2:45 hours, down from 3:50 hours. The logo should give you a clue. The restart of the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN laboratory near Geneva coincides with the 10th anniversary of the celebrated discovery by its researchers of the Higgs boson, a long-sought fundamental particle that gives mass to other subatomic components of the universe. [24] A second tunnel will be built next to the first, following a national referendum. Note that in our age of disjointed thinking and reliance on feelings, many works are free-association creations, the artistic version of an ink blot. The conspiracy theory concentrates on a 15-minute portion. Democrats Hiding That John Fetterman is Brain Dead to Prevent Special Election? Now the world's longest rail tunnel, the Gotthard has a route length of 35.5 miles and. The strange ceremony was attended by European leaders | SBB Stories", "Experience in Spoil Management on Conclusion of Excavations for the Gottard Base Tunnel", "100,000th train travels through the Gotthard Base Tunnel", "Gotthard rail tunnel boosts north-south traffic by a third", "Lngster Eisenbahntunnel der Welt ist fast zu erfolgreich", AGN Erstfeld Amsteg Constructors Web Site, Publications by and about Gotthard Base Tunnel, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gotthard_Base_Tunnel&oldid=1139236157, 5.20m (17ft 1in) from top of rail to overhead conductor. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. The 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony was four hours long and highlighted British history and culture. If you love what we do, please consider a $1/month donation to keep us live! Measuring over 57 km and costing over 11 billion Euros, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is world's longest and most expensive . It shows nurses in vintage costumes standing among children in antique-style hospital beds that glow with light. Since the opening date on 1 June 2016, between 130 and 160 trains on an average working day operated through the Gotthard Base Tunnel, which in March 2019 marked the 100,000th transit. CERN uses the Gotthard Tunnel to transport large pieces of equipment, such as detectors, from one place to another. Among other questions, they are hoping to discover why matter rather than anti-matter dominates the universe and to uncover the nature of dark matter invisible to all scientific instruments so far developed which is known to be more plentiful than conventional matter. A fifthat Bodiowas added later. It is the deepest railway tunnel in the world, with a maximum depth of 2,450m (8,040ft),[4] comparable to that of the deepest mines on Earth. [86], 67,000 tonnes (150million pounds) on 120 trains passed through the tunnel each day during the first half year of operation.[88]. CERN said the ritualistic sacrifice to Shiva was a prank by their researchers. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland featured a "goat-man" that dies, is resurrected, is worshipped and is crowned as "the king of the world." The "goat-man" that played such a key role in this performance bore a striking resemblance to Baphomet , which in recent decades has become one of the key symbols used to . Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. The recent opening ceremony for the world's longest rail tunnel has had an amusing epilogue: a politician from the Swiss People's Party, spying what she reckoned were Islam-connected. What is immediately striking is the disrespectful portrayal of the miners as zombie-like peons prone to frenzy and rhythmic obedience. A friend recently sent me a video to the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland that took place on June 1, 2016. Attended by Europe's most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. The nurses put their fingers over their lips with the shh gesture to tell the children to be quiet and go to sleep. Switzerland has inaugurated Gotthard Base Tunnel, staging a massive celebration to honor the longest and deepest railway tunnel in the world. Note the prevalence of coniferous trees and snow at the north portal and their absence at the south portal. From 1842 onwards, a daily course by the Gotthard Post, a stagecoach drawn by five horses with ten seats, still took about 23 hours from Como to Flelen. Not sure about you, but I know something demonic when I see it, and that photo above is just plain evil! The GBT consists of a huge complex with, at its core, two single-track tunnels connecting Erstfeld (Uri) with Bodio (Ticino) and passing below Sedrun (Grisons). You can find an overview of ongoing debates with our journalists here. We rate the claim that a segment of the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics predicted the coronavirus pandemic FALSE, based on our research. Your web browser is outdated. Without ventilation, the temperature inside the mountain reaches 46C (115F).[4]. ", 10.1659/0276-4741(2000)020[0192:TACAMF]2.0.CO;2, "Bundesrat besttigt vorlufigen Verzicht auf die Porta Alpina", "Final breakthrough of the longest railway tunnel in the world", "Switzerland's Gotthard Base train tunnel is redefining Europe", "Switzerland: First transit in the Gotthard Base Tunnel", "Test trains running on Gotthard Base Tunnel", "The construction of the century takes shape", "Celebrations as last piece of track is laid in record-breaking Gotthard rail tunnel | euronews, world news", "Mit 275 Sachen durch den Gotthard-Basistunnel", "Structurally complete tunnels of the Amsteg section handed over", "Gotthard approaches final breakthrough, Ceneri starts main drive", "Installation of the railway systems in the north has begun", "Salvatore di Benedetto, 21. And then we have the statue located outside the entrance to CERN. CERN is literally summoning the demon. Please, enable JavaScript and reload the page to enjoy our modern features. It is strange. You need to see it to believe it so I provided a video and some pictures from the event. ". The tunnel then passes below the valley of the Rein da Medel (Val Medel) and west of Lai da Sontga Maria. If you dont know what the Mandela Effect is, Ill have to cover that in a future article. pic.twitter.com/DtnLOdCD3p, Rebellious_jayy (@Rebel_jayy) August 13, 2022, If you don't believe mass televised rituals have an effect on our metaphysical plane, may I remind you of the prophetic 2012 Olympics opening ceremony in London. Exactly 16.6 miles around. [29] It is the third tunnel built under the Gotthard, after the Gotthard Tunnel and the Gotthard Road Tunnel. Read our full Disclosure. It's magnificently bad. But the worlds longest rail SWI swissinfo.ch offers a selection of Swiss films in English chosen from the Swiss streaming platform Play Suisse. The performance, designed to celebrate Great Britains National Health Service and history of childrens literature at the same time, is certainly an unusual mashup, but nothing in it said or depicted anything about the coronavirus. Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. The closest railway stations to the portals are Altdorf and Biasca. You have a giant black Death Personified figure walking around a room full of hospital beds! The final breakthrough in the Tunnel the Po attempt to construct a over! To bed as a lullaby plays overview of ongoing debates with our journalists here probably familiar with,. Were human beings with families, wives, switzerland tunnel opening ceremony that photo above is just plain evil portals. Ill have to cover that in a future article cover that in a article! See it to believe it so I provided a video and some from... Up on July 5th and theyre dialing up the power to a never. 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