10th house aquarius career

The eleventh zodiac sign is considered to be a true humanist, and a career related to the service of a community or a particular nation is quite suitable for such people. You are going to learn about the significance of the movement of some of the most influential planets, such as Saturn, Jupiter, Chiron, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. Midheaven in Sagittarius and Personality Cultivate humility while learning to set aside perfectionism and your tendency to worry about every move. I dont recall any other book on this topic dealing with this area of astrology regarding our professional development. The zodiac sign that the planet is in directs the role that it plays in your life. Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign ruling the 10th house. Lets see the secret of career through Astrology through an article on 'Tenth house and your Career'. The MC is located at the top of a birth chart and is usually on the cusp of the 10th house. No one rides to the top for free in the 10th house. Each task is scrolled to begin with in thought, but it can not always be embodied in a real project. Tenth House reflects hard labor, persistence (incl. For example, these are the Houses of Life (the 1st, the 5th, and the 9th), and the Houses of Substance (the 2nd, the 6th, and the 10th). In Mundane Astrology, the 10th house refers to the main leader whether it is the PM or a royal figure. The Tenth house, just like any other, features planets and there are different aspects and things . It is about the place we have attained in our social (or work/career) grouping and in society as a whole. It also speaks to any promotions we receive, any fame we may have or will . 170. This isn't just careerit's how you're seen/ experienced in a public-facing way. What would be choose as pour career or which professional field would we be able to excel. Subscribe to get the latest updates by email. This post contains affiliate links! Oprah Winfrey has boundary-dissolving, Neptune, the planet of empathy and soulful exchanges in her 10th house of achievement and career ambition. For example, you can set a powerful intention to receive help and divine guidance from the Universe in finding your true vocation during a New Moon in Capricorn, for instance! Youre as creative as you are productive, drawing inspiration from a deep well, then finessing it to the heights of success. To me, this is a wonderful educational work that brings light to the topic of finding your vocation according to the art and science of astrology. They give us the courage to initiatein this case through establishing ourselves as professional experts or leaders. These areas of life are thoroughly described in the 10th place planet links above. Interested in astrology, spirituality, and the law of attraction? These are the most useful and practical books which may be extremely valuable to you in this process. The first section of the book deals with the intricate art of calculating a birth chart. We can often see that writers who have their Midheaven in Aquarius can express this placement with more revolutionary types of works, like in the example of Mary Shelley a woman writing one of the earliest sci-fi novels Frankenstein; The Modern Prometheus. 12 days ago. But that doesnt mean you should go it alone. But before we dive into the most suitable job choices for people with Medium Coeli Aquarius (MC Aquarius), we need to take a closer look at the most common traits of the eleventh astrological sign! 2 in the 2nd from that house 2 in the 12th from that house. In case you have any planets placed in your Medium Coeli house (the tenth house), you can also look up how they are related to your best career choice as well. Most of these natives are working in charity, but dont want to be in the center of attention or famous. So, volume three of the series mainly deals with the rulers of all of the twelve astrological houses and their placements in other houses in your birth chart. By recognizing these unconscious tendencies, you can propel and sky-rocket your climb up the professional ladder and the social hierarchy! A leaned Astrologer or anyone who is a Vedic Astrology enthusiast, and takes interest in learning the various aspects and enlighten others, can duly study an individuals horoscope. The Tenth House is commonly referred to as the House of Social Status. The energies of Capricorn are directed towards working hard and persistently (keeping up with challenges after many failures) in order to attain great . However, for the purpose of analyzing your potential for career growth in your natal 10th house, I am going to recommend to you only the first three installments. Angular houses are a lot like the cardinal zodiac signs. The 10th house is ruled by Saturn, and this house in the zodiac wheel at your birth time, signifies the various aspects that will control your career choices and what will be best suited for you, as per your moon sign. The 10th house in astrology is the house of Career and reputation. Because of that, MC can tell a lot about one's life path, purpose, public life, and career. Youre in it to win it here! To find the astrological sign on your Midheaven, you'll need a birth chart calculated using your complete birth data. Intuitive and never sad, their frustrations can never get them. They dont mind being submissive either, so they can function under the close surveillance of their bosses. These houses signify various things like the personality, family, career, love, marriage, relations, parents, material life, luxuries, finance, property, etc., to name a few. The 10th house represents career, profession, livelihood, authority, fame, public image, reputation, work environment, and relationship with the father and authority figures (Government). Their bosses see them as very good workers, even if theyre sometimes vain. Oprah also has unstoppable, hardworking Saturn in this chart zone, an astrological testament to her devotion to her craft and her incremental rise from news anchor to multi-hyphenate media mogul and billionaire. Jupiter is a huge planet so managerial or higher posts in a workplace are ruled by this. They usually dont pay attention to what others are saying because no one is more sober than them. The Sun visits each throughout one year. Well, it doesnt have to be this one exactly any book which goes into great details on the archetype of Aquarius would be helpful to fully grasp the potential of your Medium Coeli point. In fact, you could speculate on at least ten ways a planet is influencing a house at any given moment. Politicians Franois Hollande, Mitt Romney, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Henry Kissinger, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ben Shapiro (a political commentator and analyst), and more. !If you enjoy my content, please hit the subscribe butt. Aquariuses are original, self-reliant individualists who love their personal freedom. I wonder their meanings. This moon placement is focused on long-term success. The cream of the society and people in power also falls under the terrain of the 10th house. The tenth house indicates your potential to achieve. It is believed in Vedic Astrology, that the zodiac plane rules our thought processes and the energy of the planets are manifested in our birth horoscope. Royalties Ludwig II of Bavaria, Francis I of France, Alexandra Feodorovna (Alix of Hesse), Albert II, Prince of Monaco, Charlne, Princess of Monaco, Queen Victoria, Dodi Fayed (had a royalty-like status), and more. I am not a medical professional, nor a health expert. From Eckhart Tolle to Brene Brown, she has helped turn thought-leaders into cultural icons. Authors Jules Verne, Virginia Woolf, Leo Tolstoy, Arthur Conan Doyle, George R. R. Martin, Mary Shelley, Elisabeth Badinter, and more. According to Navamsa Chart, Laxmi yoga is the Moon and Mars conjunction. Jan Spiller will teach you how to do so depending on the zodiac sign of the New Moon. Thats all I have for you today on this subject! The planetary movements in this house decide your career line. And for a reason! Unsubscribe at any time. However, what is interesting here to note is the peculiar style and the topics these authors cover in their books. I know everyone thinks Virgo is the "neat-freaks" of the zodiac. For Ketu ,argala is caused by a graha in the 9th from Ketu and is counteracted by the one in the 5th from it. Some singers with this placement also express their political and social views through their work, which is exactly in the realms of Aquarius. And thats not all either! April 12, 2017. These three most popular books of hers (along with Astrology for the Soul) have made a huge positive impact on my life with the valuable and practical pieces of knowledge and wisdom. 4 in the 5th from that house. There you will find the potential for professional development and what specifics to look for when choosing your most suitable job. And finally, I would like to point out that the author also included some extremely interesting and valuable insights on the significance of the Lunar Nodes as well as some Arabic Parts (such as the Part of Fortune, a.k.a. Its typical characteristics (whether positive or negative) may give the necessary perspective and some wonderful ideas of what your best profession might be. But sometimes you NEED to throw in the towel in order to get to the next stage of the game. Your email address will not be published. The moon transits (orbits) through all 12 houses in the span of a month. Astrology enthusiast from an early age, there is a lot more to Joy Carter than meets the eye. Open your chart to see which Zodiac sign the starting line of your 10th House, your Midheaven, lands in. I love getting back to the basics of astrology! Especially with Cancer Ascendants as Mars is debilitated in the sign of Cancer. More info on finding your perfect career pathhere! This keeps me grounded and I make sure I dont forget any important details about my chart! However, I do find this phenomenon quite interesting. Since the water bearer is the weirdo of the zodiac, people with Midheaven in Aquarius may be best suited for jobs which are considered strange, trendy, unorthodox, and often connected to the state of the art technologies (Aquarius is the sign of the future). In this article, we would be dealing with the career prospects best suited for you or your child, as per his/her moon sign. Your 1st half of life will be more comfortable and will give you popularity, wealth, happiness, success, and wish fulfillment. Many want to work with them because theyre original and know how to innovate, also because theyre good when working in teams. Copyright 2023, www.indastro.com. They believe in progress and think it's essential for life, which is supposed to be simple. You can be a jail warden or even a main film director. Copyright 2014-2023 All rights reserved. Also, remember that to fully discover the hidden messages about your 10th house in astrology, you need to take a look at the position and aspects of the tenth house ruler. Saturn considers the 10th house to be its own house, as Saturn is also the planet that is associated with Karma, work, career, and labor. Relationships are an investment, as far as youre concerned. The 10th house is representation of action and profession and is known as karmas Thana or kirtisthana. Then, look to see if there are any planet glyphs occupying that segment. This book is also focused on the very basics of analyzing your natal chart, just like the book series by Marion D. March and Joan McEvers. The Tenth House and the Zodiac Signs. When it comes to their skills, they know how to assess any idea and put it into practice. You want freedom and frequent changes in your career field. Negative aspects in the chart must be extremely severe to counteract its effect. Required fields are marked *. The first volume of this series is dedicated to zodiac signs and their typical traits, the planets and what they signify, the twelve astrological houses and the areas they govern, and the most important aspects these celestial bodies can have between each other. To get you started on reflecting, below are some key words for each planet. Box 414, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, Choosing an Aquarius career according to the typical characteristics. They must avoid daily routines because this way, they can keep their energy and have the power. As I mentioned before, your persona should always be kept in mind when analyzing any part of the horoscope (in our case, this is the 10th house potential). Your tenth house is in Aquarius. So, now I would like to suggest the second installment of the series. The REAL Meaning of the 10th House Lord in the 9th House, {The Resilient!} Friendships are very important to them and this may create an imbalance between their love life and close friends. As said before, natives with this placement in their birth chart are not comfortable with the public and want their efforts to be appreciated, not their personality. Easy does it! Another unique fact about Medium Coeli is that it's the cusp of the 10th house in a natal chart, making it the most public area. The Moon represents the emotional response to surroundings, emotional connectivity or relationship with people. Go to: 1st house - 2nd house - 3rd house - 4th house - 5th house - 6th house - 7th house - 8th house - 9th house - 11th house - 12th house The ruler of the tenth house is Saturn and its sign is Capricorn. Ketu In The 10th House Navamsa Chart - Marriage, Love, Appearance & Career A person lacks stability in their life and career when Ketu is placed in this house. Individuals born with Aquarius in 10th House are different than their peers because theyre acting in unusual ways and even dressing strangely. I hope it was helpful. This also applies to the North and the South Node. The cusp of the house is additionally called Midheaven (or MC, standing for Medium Coeli), which demonstrates the kins of profession that one takes after. This is another great read by the same author Jan Spiller. In my opinion, these works together can give you all the necessary information you need to start analyzing your birth chart for the purpose of choosing a life-long career that would bring you a ton of success, satisfaction, higher social status, and plenty of material gains. Read more about Mercury in the 10th house. However, what I really like about this work, which is directly related to our main focus today (Midheaven in Aquarius), is the remarkable suggestions on some suitable career choices in harmony with the energy of the eleventh zodiac sign. Difficult choices. This is the place where we learn to adult, creating lasting security through discipline, ambition and hard work. And thats not all either! Also, you can learn about the potential for your overall wellbeing, physical appearance, and the nature of your relationships of any kind (with spouses, business partners, siblings, parents, etc.). And lastly, in this book you are going to learn some practical algorithms and steps for easier chart interpretation. Your success and achievement fall within this house. You have probably noticed that in the previous book suggestion I mentioned the North and the South Lunar Nodes. Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. But with Pluto imbalanced, you risk becoming cutthroat, possibly acting upon a revenge fantasy in regrettable ways. It's also one of the work-related housesthe 6th house and the 2nd house being the other two. 11th House: Career is related to groups, organizations, friends, community, society, humanity, money, financial gains, and/or achievement. Another field of interests to those with Aquarius on the tenth house cusp is everything related to the New Age movement, occult knowledge, astrology, numerology, energetic healing practices, spirituality, etc. Image actually is everything in the 10th house, so youd better serve up on a polished, sophisticated platter. Oprahs Saturn is in powerful, possessive Scorpio. Astrology is the best tool to know the which career suits you or which profession will give you success. They will mostly flourish in their career due to their excellent communication skills and will get the chance to travel around the world. Your reputation depends on it! This house is called karma bhava because it reflects and governs the actions of a person. As employees, they can obtain a good salary and happily work, even if they also have other dreams and the desire to advance. 10th House Aquariuses should make a plan in their mind and only after starting to work on it. Which is exactly in the span of a person the peculiar style and the 2nd from that house commonly to. Mind being submissive either, so they can function under the terrain of the 10th house Lord the! Theyre acting in unusual ways and even dressing strangely suitable job Lunar Nodes are to. 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