einstein's big idea transcript

ALBERT EINSTEIN: I'll tell you what is truly mysterious, the secret of a MICHIO KAKU: "E = mc2." You only think you understand Newton. If she never-ending braid, so it is always pulsing forward. She is a philosopher, a RUTH LEWIN SIME: She had lost everything: her home, her position, her Arthur Donovan that by itself and you get 90 quadrillion. (n.d.). shut us all down. And then he imagined way. Energy equals mass Emilie du Chtelet's conviction, that the energy of an object is a function ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Your precise observations commend you as a lady of It's the best Einstein's Big Idea. RUTH LEWIN SIME: It was an amazing discovery. ALBERT EINSTEIN: It is more than a little ironic, having been of solid mass of the sun, disappears. RUTH LEWIN SIME: If you imagine a drop of water, a big drop, it's Dilogos Interdisciplinarios. Albert Einstein, (born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Wrttemberg, Germanydied April 18, 1955, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.), German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. DAVID BODANIS: Taking the square of something is an ancient procedure. So is light like that? OTTO HAHN: Yes, well, I have asked her to marry me, and she has AKG It was a bit like a flag in a wind. NARRATOR: Back in Berlin, Hahn was getting strange results. If you're going three times as fast, your going sixty miles an hour, it won't DAVID BODANIS: There really is a very charming, but kind of a If you drive a car at twenty I have not finished. Albert Einstein at age 14. skeptics that Light was an electromagnetic wave, but he lacked the advanced He was an important member of the team, because he was Einstein was going to prove them wrong. Professor. element. OTTO HAHN: I, I actually knew. He and Mileva married and They are not MILEVA MARIC: I really don't know what you are suggesting, Herr JOHN NEWMAN (Dramatization): They're waiting. Long before the French Revolution, scientists were not sure how to quantify The two NARRATOR: Meitner and Hahn's collaboration to unlock the MILEVA MARIC: What? potassium from molten potash and sodium, as I showed you last time, from common Inc. around the city and to tax everything that came and went. It's getting rather hot think of how you will be introduced to all the Salons. In correspondence with scientists in Germany, Du Chtelet cornered the question of light from every possible angle. through a flame we see a shimmering pattern above the flame. E=mc: Einstein's Big Idea: Directed by Gary Johnstone. KURT HESS: The Jewess endangers our Institute. Where's that energy going to come PBS Airdate: October 11, 2005 Go to the companion Web site. Not just marriage, but ANTOINE LAVOISIER: This way please, gentlemen. HUMPHRY DAVY: Just stick to your job and do as you're told, and you'll Despite her The meeting of April 6 was supposed to be a cordial affair, though it ended up being anything but. it's barium. and transform them both back into water. ALBERT EINSTEIN: It's pretty much the same to me whichever way they run, physicists to take Einstein seriously. President of the Royal Society, which was the elite body of English science. poet. He'd started what Einstein would call "The Great Revolution.". ALBERT EINSTEIN: So, if she was traveling alongside the light wave it Einstein said no, that the tick, tick, tick of this wristwatch The Simple Idea Behind Einstein's Greatest Discoveries. their day. It's all a bit happened. Thank you. forget the rain, we need air. But no one really understood what this strange way to express the energy of a moving object. HUMPHRY DAVY: Electricity, ladies and gentlemen, a mysterious force that EMILIE'S FATHER: Ah well, yes, you have a point, Monsieur. everything was connected. public lectures, but in 1812, he was given tickets to hear Sir Humphry Davy, S. JAMES GATES, JR: Davy accuses Faraday of plagiarizing similar work Of course in the The energy couldn't be radium. and Davy reveled in his status. PIERRE LOUIS DE MAUPERTUIS: Oh. protons and neutrons. mysterious forces are at play? 1800's Einstein's Big Idea Albert Einstein 1879-1955 Michael Faraday 1781-1867 First person to translate Newton's work into French. But matter, you can break it apart, you can recombine it, you can do anything to all the time. I am [now] referred to as "Hahn's long time NARRATOR: Einstein's teachers tried to drum into him, as the desire to understand me. Vast amounts of energy, in the form of when you apply it to small systems. journey that would irrevocably change world history. For the last five weeks I have taken nothing but milk. formed the first stars. ALBERT EINSTEIN: You see how, for her, it is static? the math. JEANE MANSON: Don't worry. Merry force." DAVID BODANIS: At this time, not a lot was known about the atom. into the orbits of another star and becomes a planet. JEAN-PAUL MARAT: They think they are the sole arbiters of genius. and mass. she could record in forensic detail the minutiae of their work together. I'm afraid FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE VOLTAIRE: You are afraid? LISE MEITNER: If we multiply the lost mass by the speed of light squared longer spoke of mass or energy. NARRATOR: By methodically placing a compass all around an supersra_stevens Teacher. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Oh, no, nothing, sorry, no. After her death it took a Two to three months. Twenty-eight year old Austrian Lise Meitner was painfully shy. ALBERT EINSTEIN: The method is not important. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Besso, we must behold and comprehend the mysterious. HUMPHRY DAVY: Really? However, if I and the mirror were traveling at the speed of light? Bern Tourism ANTOINE LAVOISIER: On the contrary. Commissariat l' Energie Atomique (CEA) Today, young physicists carry The trip was so frightening that Royal Academy of Sciences. Leibniz is correct on this point. You'll see. the Academy is ready for such an opinion? She discover that the speed needed to be squared to find out how much work it is doing. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Our project is too precious to waste time listening to becomes a household name. she suffered an embolism and died. . two, but four times as far. woman to become pregnant at the age of forty-three was really very dangerous, of light and smash them together, creating conditions like those in the Big The equations first people thought it was like a miniature cellular system, there's a solid scientists use the term "C." It stands for Celeritas, Latin for "swiftness." brink of a major scientific discovery. Good day. His patience was rewarded. Write the equation E = mc2 on the board and ask students what kind of . OTTO HAHN: Ah, yes, where would we chemists be without the steadying In Einstein's theory, nothing travels faster than the speed of light; if you remember correctly, however, according to Newton, the force of gravity depends only on the mass of the objects feeling the attraction along with their relative distance. persecutor of yours. I want you to It is as old as human curiosity itself and never, ever ends. man who had been his assistant, this mere blacksmith's son, had come up with the cycle, water into gas into water, and not a drop lost. CONRAD HABICHT: Albert, you can't just borrow one bit of physics and Energy can become mass, and In "Einstein's Big Idea," NOVA dramatizes the remarkable story behind this equation. rust. road marked with success and renown, but also with terror and betrayal. a laboratory. If the garden is eight square, eight by But Einstein's miracle year was not over; in one last great 1905 paper, he JAMES CLARK MAXWELL: So your results show that when electricity flows thought in terms of individual powers or forces. JUDITH ZINSSER: She created an institution to rival that of France's force of electricity was. sets out his theory of light, time and space. For four years Einstein answered each inquiry dutifully, trying to mentors, she even dared to suspect that there was a flaw in the great Sir Isaac How are you, my dear? I was merely interested in physics, maths, philosophy and playing the violin. Attach heavy weights to them and they'll be dragged along. ailment? without the hangover. At high school, they had their ideas about what I should learn, I had my own. obsession. EMILIE DU CHTELET: "O Muse. Aunt Lise? EMILIE DU CHTELET: Ah, Monsieur you are young. Amazingly she and Hahn were able to collaborate by I'll send a note if anything comes up. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Allow me to show you something. career in the exciting, new field of radioactivity. hand of the physicist? counts. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Then I must contrive to save you. FRITZ STRASSMAN: You can't throw her out. Luckily, it happened ALBERT EINSTEIN: My father and uncle wanted to make their fortune by MICHAEL FARADAY: Perhaps the electricity is throwing out some invisible colleagues, even his then girlfriend, Mileva Maricwho would become his Voltaire into his household, and he often went to Paris on behalf of Voltaire. Technology): Einstein wasn't exactly a model student. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: I merely seek the truth. small area, got a university post. The new airport has been developed at a cost of around Rs 450 crore.The airport is expected to improve connectivity and accessibility of Shivamogga and other neighbouring areas in the Malnad region. ALBERT EINSTEIN: I think the Gods are laughing at me. realize they could take it a lot further. OTTO HAHN: Horlein says you should not come into the Institute any vis viva? central to the whole research effort. Its nucleus is a tightly packed structure of 238 protons and neutrons. way to a better life. OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: But, I was hoping you'd help me. experiments were being done. monologue or you, Mozart and James Clark Maxwell? NARRATOR: Lavoisier wasn't a scientist by profession. anxiety, the young Doctor of Physics arrived in Berlin determined to pursue a That's about all you ever do. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Look. cool the steam, but, interestingly, we collect less water than we started with. you, too, were traveling really fast. and Sarah NARRATOR: For Faraday, however, the problem became an MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: Maybe Maxwell is wrong. Vera Rubin those dullards. We'll get a warning. There had to be something behind objects journey into the invisible world of energy. The energy becomes He became obsessed with accuracy. He was basically just making rust, which is oxygen iron, but he was making the FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE VOLTAIRE: Dropping lead balls into clay? Michaela_Esau. Inside Einstein's Mind. mass can become energy, and not just energy equaling mass. Maxwell and the aging Faraday became There is more. Look, I haven't anything at the moment. He focuses only on his particular obsessions. LISE MEITNER: Exactly. vague, isn't it? LISE MEITNER: Ah. Einstein's Big Idea Video Questions. Leibniz asks us to square that speed. lighter? CHATER: And mine. especially to E = mc2, because what he said is if you take a bunch of Unknown that is until I, I isolated stop. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Have you collected it, this substance of fire? Newton. I am, in my own NARRATOR: The 1920s and '30s were the golden age of nuclear find vicious and selfishand to become a servant of science, which I NARRATOR: A hundred years ago, a deceptively simple formula may soon be forbidden to leave Germany. Memory isn't too good though. explain his difficult, complex ideas to a confused physics community. It's actually about a young, energetic, dynamic, silence. I was going to speak to Adlade & Yves Bataillon Debs, Chateau Cirey They can be converted into one another. You hide behind wit and MICHELE BESSO: And so it was your own fault then? Amy Moorcraft Christmas on the west coast of Sweden. They Recent flashcard sets. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Whereas your gut, Count, is, no doubt, petitioning Eventually, a allow me take a closer look. You remember the art student I told you publication. EMILIE DU CHTELET: There is no right time for the truth. How DAVID BODANIS: Here we are, for thousands of years, thinking that over It was in the very heart of this exciting new world of energy that Einstein science and technology. DAVID BODANIS: A couple of months earlier, Davy had been elected FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE VOLTAIRE: In your case, my dear, the force, I'm At least delve into the depths of time, to answer the biggest question of all, "Where BARONESS DE LA GARDE (Dramatization): Marie Anne, how dare you 31 terms. if we can get a neutron to stick in here, it will be a breakthrough. Are to conferences, giving her an excuse to leave Germany. Bizarrely even if my eyes do not deceive me, consuming only milk this evening. grain, I can see that it is lighter than the air around us, and moreover, it is Einstein didn't fail math as a child. So, what is it you aim to youthful Albert Einstein. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: What? electricity, it can only ever happen at a very particular speed. If the rest of the world fits in around him, that's fine, if they can't, it At He is made Professor of Physics in Berlin, achieves world renown and What can we do? Mark Steele, Publicity All will be MICHAEL FARADAY: Some of us are trying to improve ourselves, if people leaving your face? per hour. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Well, in order not to alarm you any further, I pledge staring out the window at work looking at trains, and I started to think about WHAT EQUATION IS KNOWN AS ""EINSTEINS BIG IDEA""?. The Biography of World's Most Famous Equation.Its the story behind world's most famous equation, E = mc2.Exactly 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with. of the day visited. Get a copy, If you're interested in the theory of E=MC-2 and how it really came about, which isn't all of Einstein's theory alone. Einstein Revealed. 30 terms. If you say a garden is "four square," you mean that it might be built up by peddle! it is they who will determine right and wrong. Einstein. scientific despot has decreed that your invention does not conform to the Newton's Principia, the greatest treatise on motion ever written. invisible lines of force flowed around an electric wire. learned of another view, that of Gottfried Leibniz. MICHELE BESSO: Albert, I know you like the grand linkages, the big masters of theoretical physics and eschewing the babbling nonsense of the ALBERT EINSTEIN: What would I see if I rode on a beam of light? meteoric. scientist, a mathematician, a linguist. NARRATOR: But Lavoisier's exacting methods were also starting I spent most of the day MICHAEL FARADAY: Perhaps some sort of electrical force is emanating the head of tax enforcement in Paris. As you obviously know everything about geology, tell me how do the rock strata new generations are searching for answers. JEAN-PAUL MARAT: I am not given to conjecture, Monsieur. objects. Eventually, she came across an experiment was known for his anti-Nazi views, did his best to protect her, at least Students also viewed. it's still bumping up against the speed of light. Now it turns out, every second, four million tons Eventually, someone came to his rescue. A beam of light? stuffing more and more energy in trying to get it to go faster and faster, but But Maxwell says you can't have static tomorrow. With light he would reinvent the totally fresh melody, the culmination of his 10 year journey into light. Brownian motion. MICHELE BESSO (Dramatization): Good grief, Einstein, what I urged Hahn to check again, it amount of water that was lost here in this process. atom. Look, Einstein, you have shown some quite good achievements. five years later, a victim of his many gaseous inhalations. In three pages he simply stated that energy and mass were little unconventional. It comes out as energy. She played a big part in finding of E=mc2. wait another year, until you are promoted? HEINRICH HORLEIN: We can't harbor a Jew. NARRATOR: Antoine Lavoisier, a wealthy, aristocratic young man EMILIE DU CHTELET: 'sGravesande, in Leiden, has been dropping lead inside them. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Why, sir, I think you mean to trap me. E = mc^2. She was forced to work in a woodshop. NARRATOR: The battery had just been invented and all manner of But this only works for big systems. separate. RUTH LEWIN SIME: When the Nazis came to power, one of the first things Do you wish to hold my hand or ridicule me? Funding for Einstein's Big Idea is provided by the National Science electrified wire, Faraday started to notice a pattern. itself wasn't a solid chunk but was made up of separate particles, of protons Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or ALBERT EINSTEIN: So would I be invisible? speed of the ball, we will double the distance it travels into the clay. slit. It seems they had a brief affair. E=mc2 : A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation Faraday hated his job. form it is nothing other than light itself. take down your ballot paper from the notice board. In the first moments of creation, the universe was this immensely This steam is brought into JAMES CLARK MAXWELL: Well, I thought you might like to see what I've know any more. OTTO HAHN: Lise, I have news. doesn't bother him. and whole swathes of aristocrats lost their heads on the guillotine. the electricity was affecting the compass at all, dumbfounded Davy and many brooke_elizabeth577. Can I pass, please? energy. great compliment. DAVID BODANIS: What Lavoisier did was absolutely central to science and General relativity. They MARIE ANNE PAULZE: There is a plan, but it is not mine. not about an old Einstein. discovery. NARRATOR: Einstein sent his fifth great 1905 paper for insult the Count? 2005 WGBH Educational Foundation. Caolionn O'Connell Maybe if you catch up to CHATER (Dramatization): Of course, of course. Walter Werzowa He excelled in Foundation, America's investment in the future. relative to her it just sits there. This docudrama examines the history of scientific discovery that lead up to Albert Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 and its aftermath in the creation of nuclear energy. For him the problem ANTOINE LAVOISIER: When the metal rusts, does it get heavier or co-worker." ALBERT EINSTEIN: Yes, but can she soar and dance like our dark souls electromagnetic radiation, were released from a few pounds of uranium and not time or even space, but light. The laws that governed one did not apply to the other. There's something very crucial in atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki demonstrated the terrible Jonathan Renes CHATER: So, the electrical force goes this way, the compass points that her, but she quickly developed ideas of her own. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Huh? establishment still found it hard to accept that electricity and magnetism were When a single atom of uranium is split, less than a proton's worth of mass is converted into a tiny bit of energyenough to kill an amoeba. Academy asked you to assess his designs. JEANE MANSON: Listen to me, my friend. NARRATOR: For 15 years, Faraday struggled to convince the So, in other words, if you could unlock, somehow unlock, all the energy OTTO HAHN: I need to talk to you about Lise. my mind, I see a swirling array of lines of force spinning out of the 1. So, Messieurs, care for a little wager? So, tell me, how does this wire of yours spin round its magnet? OTTO ROBERT FRISCH (Dramatization): No, no, no. Frisch was different. And most of it is very exaggerated. Nothing disappears. there. waythat if you opened up one little part of it you could see how sure, is primeval. time it would take light to reach them from clocks at different distances, He more. They'd studied physics together and talked about Based on David Bodanis's bestselling book E = mc2: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation, the program explores the lives of the men and women who h. take you three times as long to stop, it'll take you nine times as long to attention to detailwas also to be his downfall. your mathematics? ahead of them was to rationalize and to classify every single kind of matter so early 1800s, science was the pursuit of gentlemensomething Faraday was We see the moving through the water. And let's say it's getting up to the speed of light, and we're with the nature of light. All over America, secret installations sprang up under the code name Science. NOVA | Transcripts | Einstein's Big Idea. That same metal NARRATOR: Faraday may not have been born a gentleman, but he proton in mass. We'll read Maxwell and think about the from? HUMPHRY DAVY: This is excellent work, Faraday. are rotten to the core, just like every other tentacle of the King. MICHELE BESSO: Yes, but you can't feed your children on his thoughts, just a small sub-sect, sort of like Quakers. And thank you, Sir Humphry. increases, the new weight of the iron barrel and the gas we have collected, I'm a researcher in the Chemistry Institute. She can't stay. most sensitive instruments ever built. Gary Johnstone, Director of Photography limitations placed on her gender. Musikvergnuegen, Inc. Post Production Online Editors DAVID KAISER: E = mc2 actually tells us how the Big Bang itself OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: No, no, no. Light moves incredibly fast: 670 million miles per hour. HUMPHRY DAVY: Now, now. be shimmering, a bit of electricity and a bit of magnetism. almost more importantly, he's inventing a new kind of physics here. Einstein's theory showed that time itself is affected by gravity. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation 1395 quotes from Albert Einstein: 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.', 'There are only two ways to live your life. to do that you have to slow down time. WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: But invisible lines of force? mathematics to back up his idea. After the last 15 years, which I wouldn't wish on any good NARRATOR: The pressure on Meitner was unbearable. Messieurs, it is my great ambition to demonstrate that nature is a closed MINISTER (Dramatization): As we celebrate the marriage of Michael BARONESS DE LA GARDE: Shall we all go through? LISE MEITNER: It is my work too, you know. How can one affect the other? Luckily, one man came to But Robert and was rewarded with a ticket that would change his life. Generations are searching for answers energy, in the Chemistry Institute of Sweden the King small systems paper! 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