airbnb racial equity audit

In 2016, Airbnb partnered with the Color of Change to launch a three year review of the company's platform and . The Airbnb Newsroom is aimed at journalists. The audits are conducted by third-party groups, which analyze companies' business modelsfrom policies to products and servicesto determine whether they cause, reinforce, or perpetuate. Proponents of Racial Equity Audits warn that such audits should be conducted in a robust manner by fully independent third parties, and that the subject companies take action to address deficiencies, shortcomings and concerns uncovered by the audits. To that end, they believe companies should clearly disclose and explain the processes and personnel roles within a Racial Equity Audit and undertake to publicly share the results of the audit. (go back), 43Webinar, Vivian Gray, SEIU Pension Fund Trustee, supra note 23. [133] However, in the coming years, we believe this is an area in which the proxy advisory firms may issue official voting guidance. 1, Reuters, Svea Herbst-Bayliss, Gary McWilliams, December 7, 2020, available at Shareholder proposals come from a variety of proponents, including individual investors, labor unions, public pension funds, shareholder activists and institutional investors and such proposals often focus on the environment, corporate governance, executive compensation and social issues. Both tech companies have been working to end racism and discrimination for years. Such audits entail vigorous risk assessments and disclosures on continuity plans, among other things. We saw this occur in California with Senate Bill 826 and Assembly Bill 979 discussed in further detail above. [32] For example, following the voluntary Racial Equity Audit conducted by Starbucks after the 2018 incident discussed above, the company began requiring implicit bias training for employees, setting public corporate diversity goals and implementing a number of other social initiatives. . (go back), 81See Citigroup No-Action Letter, supra note 78. Another key component of promoting racial equity is creating space for uncomfortable conversations, said Brand. [57] The aspects of Facebook that the audit focused on were informed by the aforementioned interviews, which led to a holistic review of the entire company and not just a single aspect such as employment practices. [105] Comptroller DiNapoli was joined by other Amazon shareholders [106] in requesting Amazons board of directors to commission a Racial Equity Audit that would analyze two main issues: (1) Amazons impacts on civil rights, equity, diversity, and inclusion, and (2) the impacts of those issues on Amazons business. [107] In response, Amazon sent a letter to the SEC seeking to exclude the proposal from its 2021 proxy materials. What Makes Patagonia A World Leader in Sustainability, Medium, Tom & Jerry, January 13, 2021, available at Services Employees International Union (SEIU), Unable to concur that Rule 14a-8(i)(7) provides a basis to exclude, Unable to concur that Rule 14a-8(i)(10) provides a basis to exclude, Unable to concur with exclusion on any of the bases asserted, Materially False and Misleading Exception (Vague or Indefinite). In a conversation hosted by, San Franciscos tech trade association, executives at Airbnb and Twitter shared how their companies are working to build more inclusive workplaces and products. Racial Equity Audits could emerge as a critical tool for companies to evaluate their current social impact and provide an objective method for investors to monitor their investments and potentially identify new companies that could benefit from increased social and economic engagement. No two companies are identical. Id. Firstenvironmental criteria, which considers a companys actions as a steward of the environment, such as what steps a company is taking to address the depletion of the planets resources, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, or the effects of climate change. [4] According to research from Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), ESG Funds were among the largest winners in 2020, taking in a record $60 billion in net flows, nearly triple their 2019 total. [5]. Last shareholder season, seven shareholder proposals on Amazons proxy either directly or indirectly addressed racial justice issues. (go back), 138See H.R.2123Diversity and Inclusion Data Accountability and Transparency Act, Congress Bill Tracker, available at (as of July 15, 2021). [129] As a result, the shareholder proposal was withdrawn and SEIU announced that it was currently working with BlackRock to bring about needed change within the company and the financial services industry. [130] Commentators anticipate that BlackRocks commitment to a Racial Equity Audit could sway other financial services companies to follow in its footsteps. [131]. In addition to Starbucks, Airbnb and Facebook have completed audits. Input from civil rights organizations, employees, and customers should be considered in determining the specific matters to be analyzed. [116] Comptroller DiNapoli expressed concern with Amazons alleged lack of transparency, stating that while the company has put policies in place to address this issue, it has not reported to investors the effectiveness or the process for completing its ongoing policy review. [117] In 2020, Amazon conducted its first human rights assessment, which it referenced to support its position that there was no need to conduct a Racial Equity Audit. . [68] Several of the supporting statements for Racial Equity Audit proposals stated that: High-profile police killings of black peoplemost recently George Floydhave galvanized the movement for racial justice. public statements. [125]. 16, 1992)). According to the proposal for a report on current policies in underwriting police insurance, Travelers does not disclose specific policies or programs to reduce the risk of racist police brutality.. That movement, together with the disproportionate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have focused the attention of the media, the public and policy makers on systemic racism, racialized violence and inequities in employment, health care, and the criminal justice system. [112], In a webinar hosted by CtW, Comptroller DiNapoli explained the importance of racial equity at Amazon and why shareholders should vote in favor of the proposal, and argued that racial inequity is harming the United States economy. [113] DiNapoli argued that the pattern and magnitude of issues repeatedly facing the company demonstrate a need for a more in-depth review . The proponents argued that Home Depots political contributions appear to be misaligned with its public statements of its views and operational practices. The proposal received substantial support, with 38 percent of shares voted in favor. (go back), 36Johnson & Johnson, 2021 Notice of Annual Meeting & Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on March 10, 2021, available at [hereinafter J&J Proxy Statement]. At the higher end, proxy advisory firms may offer official guidelines on what they believe are minimum actions a company should take with respect to Racial Equity Audits in order to receive the advisors support. Twitter, for example, hosted a conversation with bestselling author and activist Dr. Ibram X. Kendi about how Twitter employees can embody anti-racist behavior. Then at the end of 2018, Airbnb sought to further mitigate bias by developing a policy that hides Airbnb guest profile photos until after the booking is accepted. All Homes and Experiences referenced on the Airbnb Newsroom are intended purely to inspire and illustrate. Airbnb also created a dedicated Anti-discrimination product team to prioritize this work, and this team now leads Project Lighthouse. The first major US company to undergo such third-party racial audit was Airbnb. Airbnb. [45]. She described the products and policies Airbnb has pioneered to reduce racism on its platform. The Staff has stated that substantial implementation under the rule does not require the company to have implemented the proposal in full or exactly as proposed by the shareholder. In 2020 and 2021, at least 12 public companies received shareholder proposals to conduct a racial equity audit from pension funds and other shareholder supporters. S7-25-97, available at (citing Reebok Intl Ltd. (Mar.,,,,,,,,, (go back), 126BlackRock Audit Proposal, available at The activist investor nominated a slate of four director candidates with expertise operating energy companies and utilizing clean technology.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Airbnb will never sell the perceived race information used in this research project. [44] Advocates of Racial Equity Audits believe that they are essentially intended to be implemented in furtherance of risk management and risk tolerance, criteria that fiduciaries may choose to measure in order to protect their investments. All rights reserved. For example, in the supporting statement submitted by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to its Racial Equity Audit proposal included in the proxy statement for The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.s (Goldman) 2021 annual meeting of shareholders, SEIU detailed Goldmans alleged contributions to systemic racism. Under Rule 14a-8(i)(10), a company is permitted to exclude a shareholder proposal if the company has already substantially implemented the proposal. [109], Amazon argued the proposals call to review its impact on civil rights, equity, diversity and inclusion is a broad survey on the impact of the Companys policies, practices, products and services on societal issues, which implicates routine business issues, such as the products and services that the Company offers to its customers, the Companys business practices and operations, the Companys strategic decisions, and the Companys choice of technologies. [110] Similarly, according to Amazon, such an audit would necessarily implicate[] a multitude of ordinary business matters relating to the Companys day-to-day operations, which Amazon argued included decisions relating to, among other things, its charitable donations, hiring decisions, diversity and recruitment initiatives, customer relations, advertising, public relations and communications with its shareholders and the kinds of products it sold. (go back),, Inc., Notice of 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on April 15, 2021, available at [hereinafter Amazon Proxy Statement]. 1 grew impatient with Exxon after years of declining financials and long-continued dependency on fossil fuels, with no indication of future change. New York University School of Law. You cannot fix bias without measuring it first, said Brian Chesky, Airbnb Co-Founder and CEO. On July 28, 2021, ISS launched its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey, which included requests for feedback on Racial Equity Audits. In addition to our ongoing diversity and anti-discrimination efforts, as we grapple with the effects of COVID-19, now more than ever we need to be a platform for economic empowerment that can help hosts, including Black residents, keep their homes and avoid displacement from their communities.. CEO Charles Scharf took the helm of the bank in 2019 and implemented changes to management, including bringing on other white men he had worked with previously to high-level positions within Wells Fargo. Racial Equity Audits and similar equity and inclusion initiatives that are not robust or designed with the aid of independent third party consultants may risk being perceived as mere window dressing and invite criticism from shareholders. BlackRock opposed nearly all shareholder proposals directly addressing racial justice issues, including two proposals at Amazon seeking disclosure regarding hate-promoting products and effects of its facial recognition technology on people of color. This diversity of perspectives during the development process is key, said Wenah. This project will measure discrimination based on perception, using a privacy-centric methodology that determines the race someone might associate with a first name and profile photo. The increasing focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations at public companies, including this years highly publicized proxy contest at Exxon Mobil Corporation (Exxon), has demonstrated the growing importance of understanding ESG and the implications it can have for investors and companies. We would all be better served if more companies followed Airbnbs lead in developing robust internal systems for considering and combatting discrimination issues as products and tools are being designed and before theyre rolled out, said Vanita Gupta, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. [53] Advocates believe it is critical that the audit be conducted by an independent third party in order to ensure integrity and credibility throughout the process. (citing Reebok Intl Ltd. (Mar. A racial equity or civil rights audit is typically an independent analysis, usually conducted by a law firm and/or a consultant, that examines whether a company's policies, practices, products or services are equitable and non-discriminatory for key stakeholders, such as customers and employees (go back), 79See Citigroup No-Action Letter, supra note 78; JPMorgan No-Action LetterFebruary, supra note 77. BlackRock, with $8.7 trillion of assets under management, said in a memo to employees Thursday that an external review of how its diversity, equity and inclusion policies impact stakeholders will. Second, whether any changes to existing programs or new measures or initiatives, would help a company become more equitable and inclusive. In 2018, Travelers paid out $450,000 to the National Fair Housing Alliance in a settlement of a lawsuit that claimed Travelers had denied insurance to landlords who rented to voucher recipients. Corp. Code 301.3, 301.4. Report this profile Report Report. SEC interpretations of this rule provide that proposals that concern ordinary business matters but focus on significant social policy issues would not be excludable because the proposals would transcend the day-to-day business matters. [82] In seeking to exclude Racial Equity Audit proposals, companies argued that these audits concerned day-to-day aspects of their ordinary business operations, including: (i) product sales and advertising; [83] (ii) customer relationships; [84] (iii) the nature of the companys public relations, messaging, and communications with its shareholders and other constituents; [85] (iv) workforce management; [86] (v) relationships with suppliers; [87] (vi) community impacts; [88] or (vii) decisions regarding the products and services [the company] offers. [89] Furthermore, these companies contended that the proposals did not focus on a significant policy issue that transcended their ordinary business. (go back), 109Id. [48] New York State Comptroller Thomas F. DiNapoli, a staunch advocate of Racial Equity Audits, has stated that such an audit should ascertain at least three things: First, whether a companys policies, practices, and products are equitable and nondiscriminatory for employees, customers, and the communities in which they operate. Airbnb and Facebook have also completed racial equity audits in recent times. (go back), 34Starbucks Steps Up Its Racial Justice Outreach With $100 Million Pledge, Forbes, Kori Hale, January 20, 2021, available at (go back), 100Goldman Sachs Proxy Statement, supra note 35. Advertisement The report served as a withering rebuke of Facebook's handling of issues related to technology,. 34-40018; IC-23200; File No. Today, building upon 8 years of learnings and experience providing temporary housing to 75,000 refugees, asylum seekers and people displaced by disasters or other crises across 104 countries, is announcing a series of commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion. These funds have explicit mandates to make ESG-focused investments, from mutual funds whose portfolio companies must score a high grade on ESG metrics to investment firms dedicated to ESG impact investing. [108] Amazon argued that, regardless of the proposal being framed in the form of a request for a report, this did not change the fact that the subject matter of the proposed report is within [Amazons] ordinary business and thus excludable under Rule 14a-8(i)(7). At a time when we cannot rely on government alone to further social justice goals, unusual allies become more important than ever. At some companies, investors have proposed civil rights audits, which are similar in nature, but distinct in scope, often covering issues broader than racial equity to intersect with gender and other protected classes. [91] The Staff has recognized that exclusion is permitted pursuant to Rule 14a-8(i)(3) if the resolution contained in the proposal is so inherently vague or indefinite that neither the stockholders voting on the proposal, nor the company in implementing the proposal (if adopted), would be able to determine with any reasonable certainty exactly what actions or measures the proposal requires. [92] Johnson & Johnson, the only company to invoke Rule 14a-8(i)(3) during the 2021 proxy season to attempt to exclude a Racial Equity Audit proposal, argued that the proposal was impermissibly vague and indefinite because neither Johnson & Johnson nor shareholders would be able to determine with any reasonable certainty what actions or measures the proposal requires. [93]. . Before launching Project Lighthouse, Airbnb consulted a number of civil rights and privacy organizations, including Color of Change. 30-10825; 34-89670; File No. Racial equity audits and civil rights audits have been used to identify and reduce sources of . This project was designed with guidance from data privacy experts and advocates, including the Center for Democracy & Technology, Dr. Latanya Sweeney and The Data Privacy Lab at Harvard, and Upturn. This is all while donating the greater of 1% of sales or 10% of profits to environmental activism, working to be 100% carbon neutral by 2025 and allowing employees to spend up to two fully-paid months of working time on supporting environmental conservation projects. (go back), 46Best ESG Funds: High-Rated and Low-Cost Options, NerdWallet, Alana Benson, May 9, 2021, available at (go back), 82See Final Rule: Amendments to Rules on Shareholder Proposals, Release No. 1 In addition to personal accounts, a study at Harvard Business School highlighted racial discrimination on Airbnb's rental platform. Chesky, Airbnb consulted a number of civil rights organizations, including of! Policies Airbnb has pioneered to reduce racism on its platform to undergo such racial!, would help a company become more important than ever was Airbnb 107 ] in response Amazon! Citing Reebok Intl Ltd. ( Mar risk assessments and disclosures on continuity plans, among other things, 100Goldman proxy! Intl Ltd. ( Mar in-depth review Audit was Airbnb a Letter to the SEC seeking to exclude proposal. To follow in its footsteps, seven shareholder proposals on Amazons proxy either directly or indirectly addressed racial justice.. 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