which dinosaur was not a herbivore

The stegosaurus was a herbivore that ate mostly plants. No teeth means a meat-eating diet is not an option, so these animals were mainly herbivores. Perhaps the best-known dinosaur on this list, Allosaurus was a Jurassic-era theropod which lived in what is now the United States Of America. Koreaceratops Nobu With its sharp claws, teeth, and new legal status, Utahraptor is a dinosaur that could a contender for the title of king of the dinosaurs.. Plesiosaurus. Centrosaurus is represented by literally thousands of fossils, unearthed from massive "bonebeds" in Canada's Alberta province. Herbivore Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs, as what we have observed in the media, are characterized as ferocious meat-eating reptilian predators. Herbivores were often among the most giant creatures to walk the Earth during the age of dinosaurs and are well known for being some of the most giant animals ever to have lived on this planet. WebMost of the dinosaurs that existed on Earth were herbivores. WebYou might think the herbivores sound a bit less scary, but they were some of the hugest creatures that ever lived. WebHerbivores are also characterized by having relatively small heads, although this is not always the case. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. It weighed between two and three tons. The specific name refers to Horner himself and there were more discoveries made of Achelousaurus in 1989 and 1994. 10. Their remains have been found in the Dinosaur Park Formation, dating from 76.5 to 75.5 million years ago. One easy way to learn about them is to split them into two groups the meat eaters or Carnivores, and the plant eaters or Herbivores. For a dinosaur that has given its name to an entire prehistoric familthe nodosaurs, which were closely related to the ankylosaurs, or armored dinosaursnot a whole lot is known about Nodosaurus. Then in 1970, Russian paleontologist Anatoly Konstantinovich Rozhdestvensky insisted that it was a dinosaur & not a turtle-like reptile. This "five-horned face" really had only three horns, and the third horn (on the end of its snout) wasn't much to write home about. https://www.thoughtco.com/famous-horned-dinosaurs-that-werent-triceratops-1093807 (accessed March 1, 2023). They might not have been the fastest or most agile animals on the planet, but when you are big enough and have sharp horns and spikes you dont need to be fast.Hungry carnivores like Tyrannosaurus Rex or Velociraptors had to decide between giants and spikes. Herbivore Dinosaurs 1. Utahraptor was an Early Cretaceous dromaeosaur (feathered theropod) that lived in what is now Utah. The arms of Nothronychus are large and are used to defend themselves or hunt as they are equipped with long, carved, and piercing claws that extend from their fingers. However, it is important to note that only one skeleton of this dinosaur has ever been found. Materials that were found in Arizonas Kayenta Formation, India, and Argentina, at some points, have also been assigned to this same genus despite the Arizonan and Argentinian materials being assigned to other genera after some time. The Stegosaurus. What makes the Nomingias overall look and aesthetic interesting is its distinct pygostyle-like mass thats constituted by a fusion of five vertebrae at its tail end. WebMost of the dinosaurs that existed on Earth were herbivores. The Diplodocus. Ceratopsians, such as Pachyrhinosaurus, Styracosaurus, Centrosaurus, Monoclonius, Brachyceratops and However, according to the National History Museum, this dino is widely considered to be omnivorous. They have listed it as a herbivore or possibly a carnivore without ever being able to prove either. The word herbivore comes from the Latin word herba, which means plant. The name refers to their diet of plants rather than meat. Perhaps one third (or 500,000) of all described species are herbivores. Cetiosaurus. Web1. Perhaps one third (or 500,000) of all described species are herbivores. It lived during the Late Cretaceous Period alongside T. rex and Triceratops. I am an intermediate freelance writer who has been writing for the Internet on and off for four years now. The Jurassic period was home to thousands of different dinosaurs big and small. The length of the Nanshiungosaurus can reach up to 4.4 meters. As far as we know, the Argentinosaurus was the largest animal that ever lived on Most members of the order Orthoptera; for instance, most grasshoppers and katydids are herbivores Herbivores included basically the entire group of Ornithischia (Bird hipped) dinosaurs and sauropods (dinosaurs with a long neck, like brontosaurus). The group also includes some opportunistic predators, who when tired of running prefer to sink teeth into corpses. Hunters in herd Small predators such as Deinonychus, ally with their other species to hunt larger herbivores. Pingback: Dinos Today: Are They Still Alive? Diet: Herbivorous. #6. 10 Famous Horned Dinosaurs That Weren't Triceratops. Triceratops. Web1. Pentaceratops' real claim to fame is that it possessed one of the largest heads of the entire Mesozoic Era: a whopping 10 feet long, from the top of its frill to the tip of its nose. For decades, Psittacosaurus (the "parrot lizard") was one of the earliest identified ceratopsians, until the recent discovery of a handful of eastern Asian genera that predated this dinosaur by millions of years. WebPlant-eating dinosaurs dominated the landscape, far outnumbering their carnivorous counterparts. The largest dinosaurs of the era were the sauropods, a collection of four-legged herbivorous species that possessed long necks and tails. Bob Strauss is a science writer and the author of several books, including "The Big Book of What, How and Why" and "A Field Guide to the Dinosaurs of North America.". It surprised experts to have found that these teeth were self-sharpening, a unique trait among early sauropodomorphs. It has three horns on its head, which they used to defend themselves against predators. However, its defining feature was its thick, bone-encrusted skull. Additionally, there were omnivorous dinosaurs, which was a small percentage, about 1-2% of all dinosaurs. Herbivores didnt have to be fast because they were probably just too big and tall to be attacked by predators. One of the most famous herbivore dinosaurs, Sophie, the Stegosaurus, is kept in Londons natural history museum. Here is a list of examples of herbivorous dinosaur names: Apatosaurus Ankylosaurus Brachiosaurus Brontosaurus Camarasaurus Cetiosaurus Dicraeosaurus Diplodocus Gigantspinosaurus Lusotitan Mamenchisaurus Spinophorosaurus Stegosaurus Pachycephalosaurus Patagotitan mayorum Parasaurolophus Protoceratops Giganotosaurus was a Late Cretaceous, carnivorous theropod that lived in what is now South America. It is a small theropod that grows up to three meters long. This dinosaur evolved on Laramidia, a large island of western North America that was cut off from the mainstream of ceratopsian evolution during the late Cretaceous period. Teeth were constantly replaced as they broke or wore down, which would have happened a lot to get enough vegetation to keep their huge bodies going, those teeth would have been busy. This is a big departure from the characteristic of later therizinosaurids, the Beipiaosaurus family, as dinos under this certain taxonomical categorization usually have four developed toes that are in contact with the surface they stand in. You may be surprised to know that the term Tyrannosaurs essentially means tyrant lizard king. Cousin to the Yunnanosaurus, yet smaller in comparison, is the Thecodontosaurus. The dimensions: they were heavy and corpulent, with weights that varied according to the species, from 0.5 tons to a staggering 123 tons. The group also includes some opportunistic predators, who when tired of running prefer to sink teeth into corpses. Remains suggest that the Deinocheirus grew up to 10 meters in length and frequented certain areas in Mongolia. They were only moderately sized, with the exception of Deinocherius, who was truly strange! We can tell this in dinosaur fossils from the shape of the bones in the skull, which reveal the size of the eyes. Unlike other theropods that lived during the Jurassic Period, Allosaurus was built for speed and was the fastest large theropod at the time. All of the specimens ever found that related to the Coloradisaurus were found around the same region. Sinornithosaurus was a small, feathered dromaeosaur that was closely related to Velociraptor. This description relates to the dinosaur's "neural spines" jutting up from its tail, which would have helped propel this 25-pound ceratopsian through the water. In that habitat, the Moschops was the largest herbivore (also the largest animal). ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, thoughtco.com/famous-horned-dinosaurs-that-werent-triceratops-1093807. For a dinosaur that has given its name to an entire prehistoric familthe nodosaurs, which were closely related to the ankylosaurs, or armored dinosaursnot a whole lot is known about Nodosaurus. Closely related to Centrosaurus, Styracosaurus had one of the most distinctive heads of any ceratopsian, at least until the recent discovery of bizarre North American genera like Kosmoceratops and Mojoceratops. The dinosaur world was filled with herbivore plant-eating dinosaurs and was estimated to be about 65%. A new dinosaur found in southern Chile was a relative of T. rex and its carnivorous kind but, surprisingly, was a herbivore. Its teeth sharpened as they fed and ate. Make sure that your Mum, Dad or a Guardian looks at it first. Helping children explore their interest in dinosaurs can also act as a gateway to encouraging them to learn about other branches of science like biology. It is important to note that the success of these herbivorous dinosaurs can be significantly attributed to the special adaptations of their teeth and digestive tract. However, the most incredible aspect of Troodon was its unusually high intelligence. Avimimus remains have been found in certain areas in the world, allowing archaeologists to hypothesize that the species can be found around Mongolia and China. Saurolophus One of the few hadrosaurs known to have lived on two continents. Like the Deinocheirus and the Nanshiungosaurus, the Gallimimus is also a large theropod and it is also found in areas in Mongolia. It had a sleek, torpedolike appearance with a thin neck, tail, legs, and skull. Due to their dimensions, they were not very agile or fast, in contrast to the fearsome carnivorous dinosaurs. Colors and preserved pigments in the eggshells that have been proven to have come from Heyuannia suggest that they were blue-green in color. While it looked like its cousins, the ornithomimosaurs, the teeth of a Harpymimus are different. Web1. Dont miss out the flying dinosaurs from the earlier post. With this amazing feat of survival and the creatures unique features, its a shame that Ceratosaurus does not get as much attention as some of the other dinosaurs on this list. This dinosaur had extremely sharp teeth with many serrations; thus, some, Its species name Dracorex hogwartsia is an honor to the popular book series Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling. Able to grow to over two meters long, the Citipati is an omnivorous small theropod that thrived in the Late Cretaceous period about 81-75 million years. Dracorex (Dracorex hogwartsia) 3. The Diplodocus. Even smaller than the Beipiaosaurus is a fellow small theropod called the Caudipteryx, a bird-like dinosaur that lived after the Archaeopteryx. The beaked Hadrosaurus had teeth and jaw that are specialized for grinding plant material like pine needles and cones. ThoughtCo. Due to their dimensions, they were not very agile or fast, in contrast to the fearsome carnivorous dinosaurs. While, in most cases, kids tend to gravitate towards the carnivores like the ever-famous tyrannosaurus rex and velociraptors or the herbivores like the semi-aquatic brachiosaurs and majestic brontosaurus that dwarf fellow dinos around them, very few recognize the omnivorous titans that walked the earth with the more prominent and Its size is smaller compared to the more prominent dinosaurs as it stands only at about less than two meters long. Carnotaurus was a Late Cretaceousera theropod that lived in much of what is now South America. Studying its remains, experts believe that the Heyuannia roamed the Earth about 72 to 68 million years ago. New research also suggests that through the description of the Shuvuuias ears that it was a nocturnal hunter that made use of its strong legs to outrun its prey and use its arms to dig up small prey such as insects and mammals off burrows and shrubs. Herbivores include the brachiosaurus, apatosaurus, brontosaurus, Argentinosaurus, and more, which had a tremendously long neck enabling them to reach leaves from trees and at the same time it was able to use their tail as a counterbalance. What is truly astonishing, though, is that Pachycephalosaurus might not be the innocent herbivore we all originally envisioned. There were also carnivore meat-eating dinosaurs, which made up about 35%. The dinosaur world was filled with herbivore plant-eating dinosaurs and was estimated to be about 65%. Its remains were mostly found in Mongolia. Currently, the type of venom created by Sinornithosaurus is unknown. Most dinosaurs were not carnivores. As far as we know, the Argentinosaurus was the largest animal that ever lived on They have listed it as a herbivore or possibly a carnivore without ever being able to prove either. Triceratops The Nothronychus are naturally sluggish dinosaurs that have pot-bellied abdomens. Run away from the attacking predator (notably Gallimimus and small dinosaurs such as Lesothosaurus) Hide from the This herbivore dinosaur might not really be related to the famous Pachycephalosaurus based on recent studies and be ceratopsian instead. This omnivore lived in the Late Cretaceous period about 75 to 81 million years ago around the regions of Mongolia. Argentinosaurus (Argentinosaurus huinculensis) 5. The predator acquired its food through These methods are listed below. At first, scientists only had a pair of arm bones that had long claws to study the Deinocheirus. 187 dinosaurs that ate plants. Others, like the Stegosaurus, had horny beaks that could slice the toughest vegetation. Despite its small size, troodon was well armed. The Khaan has an interesting name, translating directly into ruler or lord. During this time, the state of Alabama was divided into two: northern part was covered in closed-canopy forests while the southern part by a shallow ocean. It is important to note that the success of these herbivorous (2021, February 16). Larval mayflies are generally herbivorous; adults have short lifespans and do not eat at all. WebPlant-eating dinosaurs dominated the landscape, far outnumbering their carnivorous counterparts. The part of the brain involved in smelling was very large in carnivores. As we already introduced you to this category, herbivorous dinosaurswere those that fed only on plants and vegetables and did not consume any meat. Run away from the attacking predator (notably Gallimimus and small dinosaurs such as Lesothosaurus) Hide from the We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. WebTheropods included the tyrannosaurs Albertosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Teratophoneus, Bistahieversor, and Appalachiosaurus, and the dromaeosaurids Dromaeosaurus, Saurornitholestes, Atrociraptor, and Bambiraptor. The dates differ just a little in that it was discovered in 1948 in Mongolia. Among dinosaurs, the Stegosaurus is known for having a relatively small brain and possibly possessing the lowest brain-to-body ratio. Strauss, Bob. Strauss, Bob. Prior to the discovery of the Nomingias remains, similar bone structures had only ever been discovered in birds. A new dinosaur found in southern Chile was a relative of T. rex and its carnivorous kind but, surprisingly, was a herbivore. Intense interests usually occur when children reach about 3-5 years old. Basically, the name means the . The Prosauropod is an herbivorous dinosaur who lived during the Triassic age. Centrosaurus is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsian dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of Canada. All Rights Reserved. Literally, the name of this dinosaur means . Aside from its long claws, its head had an odd beak like a duck and a back that had a hump like a camel. Despite his size, Deltadromeus has unusually slim legs, giving him a raptor-like appearance and suggesting he was a swift runner. There are two species of Heyuannia known: H. Huangi, named in 2002 by L Junchang and H. Yanshini. This dino had sharp teeth that pointed outwards but it was only present at the front of the upper jaw. Unfortunately, there are only a few fossils discovered from the Hagryphus, fragmentary metatarsals from the left hand, and some pedal phalanges so the only way to reconstruct its form is to base its complete structure on the Chirostenotes a dinosaur that is believed to be extremely similar in shape. Experts were surprised to discover certain characteristics of the Beipiaosaurus. 187 dinosaurs that ate plants. They have extensive necks, broad and sturdy hindlimbs, and four-toed feet. Dinosaur names with pictures: Troodon. The Micropachycephalosaurus was a bipedal herbivore dinosaur that had a very thick skull and small stature. The stegosaurus was a herbivore that ate mostly plants. Armed with strong bones and long claws, the Deinoseirus is one of the most bizarre-looking dinosaurs around. While not much has been written on the function of the bigger feathers, it is said that its purpose is more aesthetic than practical. Its name which means Garuda Mimic is derived from the winged creature, Garuda, whose origins are traced back to Mongolian Buddhist mythology. Its skull is toothless and is short with a distinctly steep snout. Involved in smelling was very large in carnivores the fearsome carnivorous dinosaurs feathered theropod ) that lived in much what. Herbivore or possibly a carnivore without ever being able to prove either among,! To defend themselves against predators generally herbivorous ; adults have short lifespans and do not eat at.! Been writing for the Internet on and off for four years now predators! Bizarre-Looking dinosaurs around sturdy hindlimbs, and bizarre facts is short with a thin neck,,. 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